[The Cerulean Pier] A Dandelion in the Wind (Canrehne)

Marcus continues his streak of meeting curious people at the Pier.

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[The Cerulean Pier] A Dandelion in the Wind (Canrehne)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 3rd, 2012, 4:13 pm

12th Day of Summer, 512 A.V.

The sky was a deep orange as the sun gave it's last breath of daylight to the evening. The sunset was always lovely, and tended give a brilliant sheen to the softly rolling waves of the sea. As Marcus walked down the cobblestone path to the harbor, he could spot the small glimmers of light reflected as the water slowly swayed against the bay. It was a tranquil sight, and one that often helped him concentrate in the serenity of the moment, which was exactly what he needed for his practices down by the sea. Lately however, he had begun to have a variety of interesting experiences due to his choice of setting, and although the original reason for his decision was the lack of people during these twilight hours, newcomers were becoming a somewhat common aspect of the evening. Today, luckily enough, would end up being no different.

Marcus began to stroll around the harbor, whistling an idle tune that was lodged in the back of his mind. He decided to go a bit further than usual, and walk along the Pier. Usually Marcus was content with the tranquility of the docks and small piers thereof, but today he had an especially restless streak of curiosity within him. Perhaps that was because today was one of the few days he was not sporting his usual scholarly robes. Nevertheless, after a few minutes of aimless wandering he had intended to go back to his usual 'hiding-spot' and fiddle with a few new ideas, but the sight of a dancing woman on the edge of the wooden boardwalk drew away his attention; the rest of his mind with it. He wondered what ghostly rhythm she was hearing that was inaudible to the rest of the world, and in his head he flipped a coin, deciding whether or not he would satiate his curiosity, or go along with his set plans.

His feet carried him down to the edge of the Pier, approaching the undulating woman. Usually hesitant about meeting women, it was only due to his curiosity that he even had to nerve to walk over. Lovely things, childhood scars. Regardless of his inhibitions and vices, Marcus smiled politely and mustered whatever courage he had in him, supplemented by his unlimited curiosity. His voice came out sincere and calming, as he strode out to break the ice on this cool summer day. "That is a quite lovely rhythm you're carrying on. Do you often come down here to dance to the sea?" Marcus chuckled slightly as he smiled playfully to her, his shirt slowly catching the sea-breeze. Luck had driven him to yet another fortunate encounter, and Marcus was happy with the outcome.

So far, so good, right?
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[The Cerulean Pier] A Dandelion in the Wind (Canrehne)

Postby Canrehne on June 3rd, 2012, 5:00 pm


As Canrehne was dancing with her headdress' decorations jingling because of the smooth, soothing breeze. The slow dance was something graceful. Eye-candy, basically. Only a curious person or a blind person would interrupt such a graceful dance by the sea. Dancing, the wind was relaxing her in a way that nothing else could. Her silky, black dress looked amazing in the wind as well. The smooth breeze was outlining Canrehne's graceful body, and it emphasized the dance as such.

The sea was truly tranquil. Relaxation is what it was emitting. It was radiating relaxation, in fact. With her eyes closed, Canrehne could enjoy the tranquility even more than someone who was just sitting there could. After hearing the planks on the pier clacking, Canrehne slowed the dance down even more. Opening her eyes - rotating her body before looking through the black veil of her headdress to see a man standing behind her, just about to open his mouth. The dance, however, carried on. After hearing the question, Canrehne nodded.
"It is every day I come here to dance and relax. Whether it rains or whether the sun is shining." Canrehne said before dancing as slow as possible, her eyes focused on the individual.

"We all do something to get away from problems, don't we?" She added with her eyes still focused at the individual. He, however, could not see them due to the veil. The veil was moved a little by the breeze, but it was not enough to reveal Canrehne's mesmerizing eyes. Eyes that saw a lot of things happen in Zeltiva, but also eyes that kept countless secrets inside, making Canrehne herself rather mysterious. Her tattoos have only emphasized this.
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[The Cerulean Pier] A Dandelion in the Wind (Canrehne)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 3rd, 2012, 6:50 pm

As the mysterious woman explained her habits, Marcus nodded with a gentle smirk. He of all people understood that sentiment. After all, it was for that very reason that Marcus came down to the harbor for his studies, albeit not as often as this curious woman claimed to. He answered in kind with his calm and collected tone, watching her slow dance rhythmically continue onward, unphased. "I know the feeling, but I must say I'm slightly impressed by your dedication. I do my best to come to the docks on my free time, but lately I've been extending myself, and stumbling on some interesting sights." He wore a slight smirk as he gestured around him, pointing out the current situation. But this veiled woman was not the only one to play the mysterious role, and with thought, Marcus' eyes glowed vibrantly for a brief moment, flickering between a neon-green and a dull forest-green, before finally settling back into his usual faint emerald color. This all happened within less than a second, but Marcus knew his new acquaintance may have still noticed. Marcus had worked to conceal the physical loss he felt when using his reimancy, and had grown quite competent at it, but the mental effect was still as potent. Marcus mentally focused on pressing his Djed in concentrations along his arms. He felt the familiar tinge of loss as the blood of his left him, and was manipulated into res. Marcus pushed past the unavoidable sensation, as he always did, and focused on extruding the res as sparse as possible. He ensured that the ethereal gas was invisible without to the naked eye, wanting his show to be exactly as planned. Content with the preparation, Marcus cooled his nerves as he prepared his mind for the careful precision of reimancy. Let the show begin.

"The thing is, I'm not that good of a dancer, so my form of relaxation is slightly, 'different'..." Marcus guided his res towards the water below them, seeping down through the cracks in the pier, to the surface of the shining, sunset sea. He always enjoyed an opportunity to introduce himself as a magician, and the few times he had the chance, he reveled in creating a theatrical performance for the situation. He knew such things could easily be the death of him, but Marcus was not afraid of magic. He had long since accepted this bargain with the gods, reasoning that if one wanted great power, there must always be great risk. Having gone through enough mundane years as a kid, Marcus lived life for the sake of the adventures and curiosities, and magic was at the heart of both of those. After careful manipulation, Marcus was content with the pillar of faint gas extending from the surface of the water to about a foot in height above the pair, and he set to his show with a smirk on his face. His eyes shut as he concentrated on not transmutation, but a more precise trick known as attraction. After condensing the sparse pillars into more solidified columns of cloudy res, Marcus willed his res to act as beacons, and the sea itself came up to his service. He focused on using the column of mystical matter as a conveyor, and the water lifted itself upwards, interlacing itself around the gas. Marcus had left enough space in the cloud for the water to actual solute into columns of res-infected water, which was exactly what Marcus had hoped for. Now Marcus began the performance in earnest. The two columns became akin to snakes, as Marcus maintained his facade of effortless control. Thankfully, without transmutation to muddy his mind, this was a more relieving exercise then he was used to. His mind working three angles at once, the snakes came down between the two, the water merging where they crossed. Marcus opened his eyes as the snakes calmed down, one perching itself on an invisible branch above his left shoulder, and the second slithered across the floor. This was of course all his control, a puppeteer working the marionettes, but as time went on and water continually escaped the weak grasp of his attraction, the snakes slowly began to shrink. "As I said, my hobby is slightly different then yours," Marcus stated, the two snakes coming together above his hand into a coherent sphere of swirling water. He propelled the gas outward, avoiding the two figures, and released his control. The show was finished, and Marcus smiled genuinely towards the veiled woman, extending a hand.

"The name is Marcus Callus."
Last edited by Marcus Dymez on June 7th, 2012, 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Cerulean Pier] A Dandelion in the Wind (Canrehne)

Postby Canrehne on June 4th, 2012, 5:36 pm


"Whereas your intro is flashy, you had a chance of getting killed there." Canrehne said before bringing up a smirk to her face. She chuckled, looking over the performance with the 'snakes' which were seemingly about to helix around each other. The movement that he was doing with the water was rather impressive, but then again, it was very dangerous. Inexperienced mages tend to mess up.. and in magic, there's no room for mistakes. The two water 'snakes' were like a Dandelion in the wind. So graceful, so beautiful, but still, so complicated. After he has made the snakes calm down, Canrehne stopped her graceful dance, looking at one calming down before perching itself onto a height above the man - whereas the other one just slithered across the floor. As the snakes started shrinking, Canrehne's smile was growing.

Upon him mentioning hobbies, Canrehne crossed her arms and nodded before he finished the water show. Canrehne then started applauding the performance, which was rather impressive and quite exquisite.
"Does changing your eye colour count for a hobby?" Canrehne said, slowly and gracefully shaking Marcus' hand.
"Canrehne." she said, politely smiling at her new acquaintance.
She looked over his clothing, and then at his eyes, somewhat intrigued why is he not wearing robes if he's a mage. Proper mages do that. They wear robes, ritual headdresses and what not. Who knows, though. Maybe he was hiding from something? All this interested Canrehne, but only one thing came to her mind.
"So, uh.. what made you interrupt my dance?" she said, looking at him with a polite, warm smile on her face before she used her left hand to tilt the veil up just a little bit.
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[The Cerulean Pier] A Dandelion in the Wind (Canrehne)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 4th, 2012, 8:23 pm

Marcus was pleased with himself as he heard the applause of the audience, and made a small bow in return, his mind able to relax from the stress of control. As he regained his composure, he heard a peculiar question, that at first did not make much sense to the young wizard. Seeing as he couldn't very well witness the colors of his eyes, the strange effect tended to slip his mind quite often. Marcus chuckled after a few moments of thinking on it, and answered the curious dancer with a light-hearted tone.

"If I could do that without magic, I'd be quite a happy fellow, but alas it is only a side-effect of my main performances." He drew out his breaths and elaborated his diction simply to create a dramatic feel, before letting his slight laughter escape his lips. Marcus was not a dramatic person in the least, nor a performer in all honesty. He did these elaborate shows just as much for himself as he did anyone watching them. It was a means to both evaluate and expand his boundaries, and audience or no, he enjoyed them immensely. Having an exotic woman to perform for simply made the entire experience more interesting. That all being said, Marcus was not one to leave a job half-done, and he had one last flair in store as the woman introduced herself. When she extended her hand to grab his, Marcus turned hers in his soft grasp, palm facing down. With a slight lunge, Marcus almost went down to a knee as he kissed the back of her hand. As he stood and once again regained his composure, he spoke with a calm and noble tone, before smirking over to her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Canrehne."

When Marcus' new acquaintance asked about his reasoning however, there was nothing for him to say. His mind had no answer for such a question, as to him, this was the normal thing to do. How could his curiosity have been satiated if he had simply left this mysterious woman alone. Many men might have called what he did bravery, but it was simpler than that. "Hm. Well, a beautiful woman in mysterious clothing dancing on the edge of a pier is quite an interesting sight, wouldn't you say?" And with a playful smile, he leaned his head down, looking up under her lifted veil into her eyes with gleaming emeralds to greet her.

"I suppose I was curious what color your eyes were."
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[The Cerulean Pier] A Dandelion in the Wind (Canrehne)

Postby Canrehne on June 5th, 2012, 10:00 am


"Even so, your performances fail to disappoint, Reimancer." she said as a smile appeared on her face. Briefly smiling, she ran her dark-brown eyes all over his body, carefully inspecting his structure. She bit her lower lip for a second, looking at him from underneath the veil. Upon offering her hand and Marcus politely kissing it, she couldn't help but blush. It was a rare gesture - and it was Canrehne's first time facing it.
Surprised by his simple reason as in why he approached her in the first place, she smiled as he looked into her dark-brown eyes, which were pretty much sparkling up because of happiness. Upon him saying how he was curious, Canrehne couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well, they do not change colours, they're rather.. dull. Just a simple brown, I'd say." Canrehne said, politely smiling at Marcus.
"You are quite a charming individual, aren't you, Marcus Callus?" she said with her cheeks turning rosy red. It was not every day someone was charming her like a random reimancer was. She felt like a little girl again. For her, everything was now blooming and happiness was flowing all around. In rivers, even. But the truth was far from that. "Either way.. it was a pleasure to meet you.." she said, giggling a little - waiting for Marcus' next action.
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[The Cerulean Pier] A Dandelion in the Wind (Canrehne)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 5th, 2012, 2:24 pm

The thing about Marcus was, he really never meant to charm people. His curious nature and cheery attitude tended to make him friends quite easily, but he had grown up with peculiar relationship issues, and he simply refused to acknowledge relationships themselves because of them. Marcus thought of them as 'enhanced friendships', in a classic case of denial and delusion. Regardless of what he called it he was a man, and he was a humble one at that. When this curious dancer complimented him, Marcus reached back to scratch the back of his head with a slight chuckle, shielding his nervous anxiety with a wall of curiosity and polite charm. What truly warmed his heart however, was her giddy expression and rose-tinted skin, and Marcus smiled widely as he gazed at her, speaking with his characteristic calm and collected tone.

"The pleasure is all mine, Canrehne, and Please, call me Marc. Suffice to say, charming is not the word I'd usually use to describe myself." Chuckling, the young man still felt a bit anxious, but there was yet more to discover. Marcus still found himself curious about this woman, and there was something deep within her that hid unseen, beneath veils as dark as the one upon her face. He stepped to the side, and leaned upon one of the sturdy wooden piles that supported the pier. "You on the other-hand, I could describe as charming, or perhaps interesting is the more appropriate term. There's something about you that's making me curious, beyond your exotic appearance. But what secrets does that mind hold, I wonder..." Marcus smirked over to her as he thought aloud, allowing her a brief introspection in the hopes she would do the same. In all honesty, Marcus was simply continuing his usual tactic of overcoming his anxiety with an overbearing sense of curiosity and polite-nature.

A journey down to the dock this day had turned into an interesting rendezvous between two curious personalities.
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[The Cerulean Pier] A Dandelion in the Wind (Canrehne)

Postby Canrehne on June 7th, 2012, 9:22 am


"Oh? What do you think, what is it that I know and you don't, Marc?" She looked at him, her curiosity running like a river. Her mind was overflowing with thoughts. What does he actually find interesting and what does he think that Canrehne knows? Why is a Reimancer interested in Canrehne's knowledge? Who knows..

"You see, Marcus, I'm a Legate and a Spiritist. I am no Reimancer." Canrehne said, smiling a little. Her smile was rather warm, it was something simply pleasant to the eye and it was something that one would actually be able to look at for a fair while. Even though it wasn't a typical grin, it was still rather mysterious. Canrehne smiled and grinned occasionally, but she never really stated why she did so.
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[The Cerulean Pier] A Dandelion in the Wind (Canrehne)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 7th, 2012, 3:43 pm

A small chuckle slipped past Marcus' lips as she asked her question, a gentle smile meeting her curious gaze. His voice carried a tender tone, with a quaint sense of his curiosity in his words. "If I knew that, there'd be no point in the mystery, would there." He let the wind sweep over his mind, relaxing his mind to the core as she finally explained her own profession. A spiritist was a curious sight to revel in, and Marcus smirked to himself as the words passed through his ears. He was content with his persistent curiosity this time; he knew there was something magical about this woman. But the curiosity did not end there. It never did...

"So, you must lead an interesting life, playing envoy to the dead." Marcus was indeed curious, but Spiritism was one of the few realms of magic he was not exactly interested in. Marcus had once seen a Spiritist at the University, helping victims of the massive Djed storm, but the prospect of communing with ghosts and spirits did not sit well with him. He did not know what a legate was beyond it's traditional definition, but with Canrehne's exotic dress, she could easily pass off as a representative of some foreign land.

In some sense he wasn't that far from the truth.
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[The Cerulean Pier] A Dandelion in the Wind (Canrehne)

Postby Canrehne on June 9th, 2012, 3:56 pm


"Mysteries.. are just fun little things you try unwraveling during your lifetime. Playing envoy to the dead is quite a task, but being a Legate is quite a task as well. High risk, high profit, I'd say.. just like Reimancy. Legacy... it's not what a lot of people do anymore. Canrehne said, flashing a smile before speaking again.

"But that's why I'm here. I do all the things people... and alike.. don't usually do or deal with." Canrehne said, looking at Marcus.

"I don't think you have anything to tell me about Reimancy, because pretty much everyone knows what it's about." Can smiled, slowly sitting down before exhaling.
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