Time Stamp: Summer 31th, 512AV
Location- Secluded Shoreline by Thunder Bay
Vaas excursions to the world outside of the city are far and few between, and this trip will take him all the way to Thunder Bay. He wanted to learn about nature and the only thing he could think of was camping, and his companion on this adventure is his good friend, Aela. As he walked through the gates, he must of looked completely ridiculous to the people walking by him. The tall young man is weighed down by a large body backpack, strapped to the bottom of the pack is a rolled up tent, hanging from the side is two filled water skins, on the top is a small rolled up tent, and perched on top of the large back pack is a proud red tailed hawk, and in his hand, he held his trusty staff to guide his way to the outside world.
As Vaas gets closer to the the Sanikas Gates, he can start to hear the bustle of human traffic, and as the crowd gets thicker, he can start to smell the hot and sweaty crowd around him. He walks through the opening of the gates and he feels the rush of fresh air, and faint smell of wild flowers. He smiles to himself as he feels the heat of the sun on his bare skin. Wiping his forehead, he listens around for a familiar voice of Malvin, a wagon driver, who offered to take them to Thunder Bay for a reasonable price of eight pinions for two passengers. Vaas was able to persuade the drunken man down from five pinions each to four pinions each. Malvarin is a reasonable man when he is drunk, but when he is sober, he is about as crude and stubborn as the oxen that pulled his heavy wagon.
Malvarin noticing Vaas slip through the crowd by Sankis Gate, and forgetting the young man was blind, he waves him over but stops when he realizes the gesture is futile. He decides to rudely yell over the crowd at tall young man. Vaas recognizes the Malvarin voice and walks over to him and says happily, “Fine morning isn't it. The weather seems like its going to cooperate today.” Malvarin looks and raises an eyebrow at the thin young man with all his gear. Malvarin takes the cigar from his mouth, spits on the ground, and asks, “You moving to Thunder Bay, boy, or is this just a social visit?” Vaas smirks and says sarcastically to the wagon driver, “They kicked me out Malvarin, and I am going to start my new life as a fisherman.” Malvarin chuckles, takes a puff on his cigar and asks, “So boy where your girlfriend? I don't have all day. I got to get this seed down to the fields by noon” Vaas blushes slightly and he hears the man chuckle at his embarrassment, “Malvarin, Aela just friend, and she said she was coming.” Malvarin amused by the blind boy says, “OK Vaas... we'll wait for Aela. Hopefully she didn't stand you up. It hard boy.. I know. I couldn't count on my nine fingers. How many times that happened to me.”
Vaas gives the wagoner and crooked smile and says with a hint of amusement, “ Malvarin, I am sorry to hear that I couldn't imagine a woman ever standing a charming man like you up.” Malvarin with a sad face takes a long puff on his cigar, wipes a tear away, and spits again. He looks up at Vaas and says, “I know. I am just a man with so much love to give away.” Vaas holds in his laughter and starts taking off his pack while Wind Dancer flies to one of the posts on Malvarin's wagon.
Malvarin watches for this mysterious girl Vaas was talking about. Personally, he thinks Vaas is just making her up, but he is not one to judge the boy. He is quite well to put it lightly odd, but he has to hand it to the boy, he can take a joke or two and dish it back out. He sits their watching Vaas struggle with his pack. He should help him, but the boy needs to learn to take care of himself if he is out in the wilderness. Malvarin leans on his wagon noticing his cigar is almost gone, frowns at his cigar, and thinks to himself, “She has until this cigar is out, or I am leaving with or without her.” Malvarin looks over to the crowd and notices a pretty young woman walking towards them with a bow about as tall as her. She is definitely petite with soft green eyes. He smirks to himself and thinks to himself, “If I was twenty years younger than I am now. I would definitely ask that girl to dance.”As Malvarin watches the girl approach, he smacks Vaas on the back almost knocking him over in the process and says to him, “Too bad your blind Vaas because the view is definitely splendid today.”