Day 15, Summer 512 AV...
Seluj looked out over the sea, his eyes drawn to squint thanks to the glare of the sun off of the water. The whole scene was warming in a way, but the breeze and the spray of ocean water would quickly remind you of the shiver down your back. He was simply observing at first. There was an art to this you know. Fishing was no laughing matter, at least to him. You would have to have just the perfect spot, and just the perfect conditions. If only his skill with a lure matched up to his meticulous ideas of fishing superstition, then he might actually catch something worth mentioning! In truth, he was nothing more than a novice, and like everyone else driven by the truth of scarcity, he was led to the waters edge, knowing that food was only a piece of bait away...
But today he was looking for a new spot then just the ol' twine and stick trick. A trap of sorts! A method in which he could capture a whole swarm of fish instead of just one, with the right practice and timing of course. A design in which a net is cast like a cage out over the sea in shallow waters with a single entrance. As unsuspecting fish wander in, they end up trapped in the shallow waters and unable to fathom the idea of simply coming out the way they came, the net becomes their cage! Fish weren't all too smart after all... The only problem is he didn't exactly HAVE a net, or any of the other resources to pull this off. He would have to buy them, when the time came. He was quick to hold on to his earning when he could, but you know what they say, you have to spend money to make money.
But even then... if it worked out, what would he DO with all those fish!
The gears of his wild imaginations turned in his mind. A single fish could feed him, yes, even if it were just a snack. But imagine! To be a great fishermen and have the abundance of the sea as your resource. A reservoir of a feast. Feasts of feasts even! An endless fleet of food for not only himself, but for everyone that he wanted to share with, and for the right coin, everyone in Zeltiva! Ha. He caught himself. A dreamer dreaming once again as he looked out over the surprisingly calm sea at what he hoped to be the first fish of today. That's where he would start, that one, first fish...
This was the ambition of a young man. It didn't matter what it was... a fish, a dance, a conversation with a stranger... those things that he loved because they were part of him. Just as his Djed defined him, they gave him identity. One day he would be able to share that with the world...
But it all has to start somewhere. And so, though he had visited this ocean side many times before, he would now consider this the first again! And hopefully the first of many! His adventure started today!
He clutched what money was in his pocket, and nodded to himself with a determined look on his face. As though giving his thoughts sound, he spoke in the common tongue softly and too him, though firm and with conviction, "Alright..!"