Shadows Cast By Sunlight (Lilium)

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Shadows Cast By Sunlight (Lilium)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 21st, 2012, 3:58 pm

Marcus let out a heavy sigh of relief as she suggested an alternative to this situation. He assumed her hesitance and awkward silence was a part of his mistaken diction, and not from a quite accurate completion of his words. Or perhaps he knew the latter was true, and Marcus chose to believe the former. Regardless, the young scholar beamed a bright and casual smile as he spun her around in his arms, reversing their positions in the sunlight. He stood with her body just slightly to the left of the window, and smirked as the soft light illuminated his features. His emerald eyes contained something else now, and even if you pressed the man himself, he probably wouldn't be able to tell you what it was.

"Breakfast it is then, my shadow rose."

Marcus smirked playfully to Lilium, her lovely featured washed with a red complimenting her hair. His voice once again was merry and sweet, characteristically so even. It was as if this he had just woken up following last night, and nothing else had occurred. That is not to say that Marcus was forgetting what had happened, but merely shrugging it off as he had a tendency to do. Some things aren't pridefully remembered, after all.

Whether the heat they had generated was Marcus' doing (Which accounted for a good portion of it), or it was indeed a toasty day, Marcus went over and dressed in one of his cotton-white work shirts, and stopped there, shirking his usual robed appearance. He saw himself slowly falling out of favoring with the bulky garment, and he made a mental note about perhaps getting a multitude of small pockets stitched into the Dymez Crimson. He loved having pockets available to him, and loved the opportunity to wear the Crimson almost as much, despite the memories associated with the mysteriously-obtained cloak.

"To answer your earlier question, it wasn't just luck; I do have quite a few tricks up my sleeve. Rest-assured, as long as you're with me, I will illuminate your corner of the shadow. Your demons cannot harm me, and I do believe I've frightened them like a collared dog." He gave her a reassuring smirk over his shoulder while his mind debated the validity of his words. Creating a similar shield would not be a problem now that he had in his mind a pattern that sufficed, (Did he mention it was an untested weave? That was the luck part), but she had been a lot stronger than Marcus had anticipated, and doubly as vicious. Still, with such weapons at his disposal, how could he lose... Right?

Marcus stood there for a brief moment, a hand going to idly button up his cotton shirt while he thought, when another playful grin stole the stage. His hand let go of the small wooden cylinder used to hold his shirt together, and grabbing a small pack of optional necessities as well as his purse, Marcus strode over to the delicately crimson maiden. He flashed her an obviously-flawed, innocent smile, and asked in the most polite tone, "Would this fair angel mind buttoning me up? I seem to have my hands full." He raised his hands filled with a small coin-purse and a small satchel to accentuate the point. He couldn't help but have one last jest to scatter the awkward sensation of earlier, and honestly, the sight of her flustered features done by his hands did stroke his ego somewhat. After all, she was a creature of divinity, and Marcus a dock-hand turned wizard. There was literally not one ordinary thing about any of this; something straight out of a fae-tale.

Needless to say, he had to fight to not break into laughter.
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Shadows Cast By Sunlight (Lilium)

Postby Lilium on June 23rd, 2012, 10:16 am

Smiling at the emerald eyed sorcerer as he moved away to dress himself, talking about the demon now caged - if albeit for a limited time - Lilium moved towards the window and stood with her arms wrapped around herself. Looking up through the glass, the shimmering ethaefal stared at the now risen sun, allowing the rich rays of light to caress her features. Hatred still simmered under her skin, clawing viciously at the bars that held it at bay for now, but the godling could control it. She breathed deeply, allowing her body to absorb the sustenance she gained from the damned sunlight.

This morning would not be one soon forgotten, and with a sigh the red head turned back to face Marcus, her mouth opening as she began to respond to his words, before he flashed her an utterly false innocent smile and requested she assist with his dressing. Her mouth remained open for a moment, before she snapped it shut and straightened her shoulders. Moving closer, she reached out and began to close up the toggles, an eyebrow raised slightly as she glanced up at him.

"A gentleman does not ask a lady to dress him, my good sir. That is the job of a hand maiden." Finishing the buttons, she smoothed the shirt out and straightened his collar, before laughing suddenly and pressing a quick peck to his lips. Gliding to the doorway, Lilium stopped and beamed at him.

"Come Marc, there is still daylight to be had and duties to be done. The world waits for no man."


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Shadows Cast By Sunlight (Lilium)

Postby Cascade on July 5th, 2012, 1:17 pm

Adventurer's Loot

Marcus's Loot :

Skill XP Reward
Seduction +2
Philosophy +4
Reimancy +2
Shielding +2

Lilium's Transformation
Darkness Has No Safety
Wanting To Save
The Weeping Willow
Lilium, His Angel

Marcus used a fair amount of magic there. Please don't forget the consequences of using magic!
Lilium's Loot :

Skill XP Reward
Seduction +2
Observation +1
Weapon: Suvai +1
Singing +1
Philosophy +4

Marcus Dymez: Reimancer
Marcus, Her Instigator
Shadows Need Sunlight
Pleading For Help
Fighting Against One's Demon
Marcus, Her Sunlight

Not sure if a suvai's tiny scratch will really be lethal. The price list says it 'weakens'... as to how much, I'm not sure.
You two are both excellent writers, and this dark (kind of like an exorcism) thread was well done. I look forward to seeing how both of your PCs will progress. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me!
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