I thought I'd give this to my peers to review since I finally found the right words to use.
Novice: These are those just beginning to learn the art of lying and are not accomplished at it. They would have trouble making a convincing story, or even sticking to the same one. Problems would often arise from their inability to lie worthwhile.
Competent: A little better at lying, they can get away with small lies. Anything big will blow up in their faces. Deceit is not their strong suit but with some work, they will get better at it.
Expert: Lying has become second nature to this user, and they can craft a story and stick to it. Although not a master of deceit, they can get by without too much trouble. Still, they should be cautious around large organizations.
Master: Why, starting a feud would be easy for a master of Subterfuge. Even stealing government document would be easy. Lying is second hand, and a part of this persons every day life. They can blend in and seem like they belong anywhere but within large organizations who know everyone.
This is only the basic sketch of Subterfuge and I hope others can help me develop it to a masterful skill.