If someone had to say what one of Syliras' biggest industries were, armor and metalwork would definitely have to The Ironworks and the sheer amount of metal products produced there. Since Ros Vizerian also owns the The Lykolav Iron Mine, one of the largest in Mizahar, it also seems fitting that it was named for his mother who discovered it ages past. Now, fully supplied by its own prime source of iron, the Ironworks is the single largest forge in the region or even neighboring regions (outside of Kalea). The Ironworks was a normal result of the needs of the Syliran Knights, who demand a huge amount of armor, barding, and weaponry to keep at their task of re-establishing civilization in a world gone mad with disaster. Price List and NPCs ![]() Price List
Due to the sheer volume and amount of armor and weapons the Ironworks makes, listing a price sheet would be excessive. Please refer to The Price List to make your selections and place your orders. Ros might argue coin with you, but it would be loosely based on the price list. Ros Vizerian
Race: Isur DoB: Fall, 25, 404 AV (110) PoB: Sultros Title: Owner, Head Master Smith of the Ironsworks, Owner and Operator of the Lykolav Iron Mine Skills: Blacksmithing: 83 pts Weaponsmithing: 82 pts Metalworking: 78 pts Warhammer: 35 pts Gnosis: Izentor 1 Additional Info: Ros is an oddity in Syliras with his deep grey arm lined with silver veins. Isur themselves are unusual outside of Kalea, but in the heart of the Ironworks, Ros fits right in. He's adventuresome in his craftsmanship and tireless in his efforts to improve weaponry. He runs a tight (and enormous) forge, but is fair to his students and apprentices, and gives his customers excellent quality for their hard earned Miza. Fredrick McGowan
Name: Fredrick McGowan Race: Human DoB: 72nd of Winter, 460 AV PoB: Syliras Title: Armorer Skills: Armorer 78, Blacksmithing 69, Weaponsmithing 61, Weapon: Mace, Chained 30 Gnosis: None Additional Info: Fredrick has a quick sense of humor and a sharp wit, accompanied with a keen business sense and a knack for knowing when to bow out. His family had maintained a long-running armoring business, established not long after Syliras began to truly flesh out as one of the cornerstones of civilization. But when the business passed to Fredrick he spent no more than a few seasons in charge before realizing he was fighting a losing battle against the much larger Ironworks. He took his apprentices and anvils and propositioned Ros for a spot in the huge smithy. Since then, Fredrick has climbed ranks in the Ironworks and spent the last decade leading the armoring section. The armorer has grown quite the reputation for expecting good performance and having zero tolerance for poor results from his apprentices and armorers. Credits to Baelin Holt Baldemar Flindt
Name: Baldemar Flindt Race: Human DoB: 17/1/472 AV PoB: Syilra Title: Expert Blacksmith Skills: 63 Blacksmithing, 48 Weapon Smithing, 42 Armor Smithing, 57 Weapon: 2 handed War Axe Gnosis: None Additional Info: Baldemar was born into a pretty average family and never was never hungry or without decent clothes. His father had worked in the IronWorks before he did, teaching him the skills that Baldemar would need to join his father in the world of blacksmithing, he was then the reason why Baldemar became an apprentice as well. He is a man of very few words, putting more worth of what one can make then the words they craft, this fact has been learnt by many of his students over the years as they have all come to bear his infamous that is dealt to those who disappoint him while under his instruction. Anyone has been his student for long enough have found him to be a teacher of irreplaceable worth, as he always pushes his students to their limits, laying a critical eye to anything they craft, calling them out on every little mistake within their work. This is not done in spite or anger but to try and push them to their bests while enforcing good habits upon them. Credits to Tiath Othos Moderation Note :