OOCChocolate Cake? Haha
Kaeson nodded, determined not to miss a single word coming out of the gadgeteer's mouth. Carefully, Kaeson looked over the various equations and dimensions listed by the automaton's designs. The young animator was by far no mathematician, but he was able to discern something from the various symbols. Kaeson mentally reviewed the formulas, redoing what he could in his head, hoping he could find the same solutions Tock had.
Kaeson watched as Tock showed him how to use on of the larger, flatter chisels from his toolkit. "Gouge," Kaeson mouthed the chisel's name to himself as he watched the quirky gadgeteer began to work the wood. He listened carefully as she explained the importance of choosing the correct type of wood, watching as she marked the wooden octagonal shapes. Gathering his own cuts, Kaeson matched Tock's marks exactly or as precisely as he could manage. He was glad Tock reviewed his work, this way he could at least start off correctly.
Switching out his metal hammer for a lighter, wooden one, albeit unwillingly, Kaeson carefully mimicked the way Tock chipped away at the extra wood. Slowly, Kaeson carefully began to chip away at the marked pieces of wood. Holding the hexagonal block between his legs, Kaeson chipped away. He was careful to pay attention to how deep his cuts were, sometimes having to cut away twice or three times at the same place -- more often then not Kaeson's chipped much too shallow.
It took almost half a bell for Kaeson to get a somewhat wheel like shape out of the hexagonal block.
Kaeson frowned, "It's not too bad is it?" gesturing at his wheel.