The nuit watched her reaction to the money offered at first she seemed a bit off put, but then he could see her mind working. The hand opened the bag and brought out a gold piece, but it seemed not to have the coordination to do what it wanted. He wondered if she could ‘upgrade’ their intelligence as she got better at her craft, if she would eventually scrap her ‘babies’ for the new and better ones. Though it might be the case with his pendant which he always wore, unable to give it up because of the emotional attachments towards it. The nuits one weakness, over time his heart turned to that of gold, and it was hanging around his neck concealed by all his cloaks and clothing.
Then she said they had a deal. Perfect. He smiled, he really couldn’t wait. It was fifty gold well spent, especially when she guessed what he wanted them for, ”Oh, don’t jump to conclusions.” he said, the room growing silent for a moment, ”Though sometimes safety can get in the way of ones goals as some directives can be interrupted in multiple ways. I am sure someone like yourself will be careful in animating these so there are no malfunctions.” the last word would hang in the air for a while, not wanting to dissipate to nothing once more.
”Very well,” he said, ”I will acquire you a snake from the university.” again, it shouldn’t be hard for him to obtain one after all. He just needed a viable excuse to borrowing the creature and trust would come from his position as a professor of the university. It was interesting, he had found that throughout the history of the university the teachers there were mighty helpful to each other. It was a nice support structure of caring and dedicated staff. All Ray had to be is to pretend to be just like them and he would fit right in, be supported, and get what he needs.
With that he was out telling the animator that he would be back soon enough. Now making his way to the university, his pace was hurried because the sooner he could get the snake the sooner he would have his scarves, he thought of how he would acquire the snakes. Though, anything would do really, especially when dealing with the animation teachers. He could make promises… Though usually those bound him more than he would like.
Arriving at the University he made his way through the building and to the animation labs, which were close not too far away from where he taught alchemy. He hadn’t had the time to properly get to know the animation instructor, but he was sure he could acquire the animal. He was a professor after all, and if he needed it to study, to ‘borrow’, he was sure that the professor would be ok with that as long as he returned the snake back exactly how he got, no extra head or anything fun like that.
Knocking first, then entering the classroom he noticed that it was empty, even the professor was out. Strange, but understandable, the staff did have lives of their own too. Peeking in he found what he was looking for among a variety of other small caged animals. Though the rest were no interest to the nuit and so he went right over and looked into the cage, the thing hissed at him and he grinned, perfect. He was about to pick it up, arms outstretched, when he heard a voice behind him, ”Delightful creature isn’t she?”
The sudden voice startled the nuit and froze him in his tracks. Turning around he nodded, ”Yes, magnificent.” he said.
”What brings the alchemist to an animation classroom?” she asked. A female animator, someone new. Ray didn’t know her. ”Not to marvel at the animals I would hope. They get enough agitation as it is.” she commented before Ray got a chance to answer.
”Actually, Professor,” the nuit started, ”I would like to borrow this snake.” he said gesturing to it, ”Im studying the structure of them, their movements, and they have always fascinated me since I was a child. Seeing one up close, well, its like a dream come true. When I heard the University had animals like these here in the labs I just had to see for myself.” he lied, and continued stringing his influence, ”If I promise to bring the snake back just how she is, may I borrow her for a while?” he asked, ”Ive always wanted to study a snake, but never wanted to train it myself. The ones here, well, they have been handled and are used to being touched and so are more tolerant.” he explained his reason for wanting to borrow that particular snake, ”Just a couple drawings, and some observation outside the room.” he said, nodding, turning back to the cage like a child at the candy store, ”Please?” he asked, almost choking on the word. That was about as much as she was going to get out of Ray.
After much explaining and compromising Ray had obtained the snake. Knocking on Tocks door again, ”Miss Zipporah” he called, ”Professor Rayage, I have the snake.” he said announcing his victory, cage in hand.
Then she said they had a deal. Perfect. He smiled, he really couldn’t wait. It was fifty gold well spent, especially when she guessed what he wanted them for, ”Oh, don’t jump to conclusions.” he said, the room growing silent for a moment, ”Though sometimes safety can get in the way of ones goals as some directives can be interrupted in multiple ways. I am sure someone like yourself will be careful in animating these so there are no malfunctions.” the last word would hang in the air for a while, not wanting to dissipate to nothing once more.
”Very well,” he said, ”I will acquire you a snake from the university.” again, it shouldn’t be hard for him to obtain one after all. He just needed a viable excuse to borrowing the creature and trust would come from his position as a professor of the university. It was interesting, he had found that throughout the history of the university the teachers there were mighty helpful to each other. It was a nice support structure of caring and dedicated staff. All Ray had to be is to pretend to be just like them and he would fit right in, be supported, and get what he needs.
With that he was out telling the animator that he would be back soon enough. Now making his way to the university, his pace was hurried because the sooner he could get the snake the sooner he would have his scarves, he thought of how he would acquire the snakes. Though, anything would do really, especially when dealing with the animation teachers. He could make promises… Though usually those bound him more than he would like.
Arriving at the University he made his way through the building and to the animation labs, which were close not too far away from where he taught alchemy. He hadn’t had the time to properly get to know the animation instructor, but he was sure he could acquire the animal. He was a professor after all, and if he needed it to study, to ‘borrow’, he was sure that the professor would be ok with that as long as he returned the snake back exactly how he got, no extra head or anything fun like that.
Knocking first, then entering the classroom he noticed that it was empty, even the professor was out. Strange, but understandable, the staff did have lives of their own too. Peeking in he found what he was looking for among a variety of other small caged animals. Though the rest were no interest to the nuit and so he went right over and looked into the cage, the thing hissed at him and he grinned, perfect. He was about to pick it up, arms outstretched, when he heard a voice behind him, ”Delightful creature isn’t she?”
The sudden voice startled the nuit and froze him in his tracks. Turning around he nodded, ”Yes, magnificent.” he said.
”What brings the alchemist to an animation classroom?” she asked. A female animator, someone new. Ray didn’t know her. ”Not to marvel at the animals I would hope. They get enough agitation as it is.” she commented before Ray got a chance to answer.
”Actually, Professor,” the nuit started, ”I would like to borrow this snake.” he said gesturing to it, ”Im studying the structure of them, their movements, and they have always fascinated me since I was a child. Seeing one up close, well, its like a dream come true. When I heard the University had animals like these here in the labs I just had to see for myself.” he lied, and continued stringing his influence, ”If I promise to bring the snake back just how she is, may I borrow her for a while?” he asked, ”Ive always wanted to study a snake, but never wanted to train it myself. The ones here, well, they have been handled and are used to being touched and so are more tolerant.” he explained his reason for wanting to borrow that particular snake, ”Just a couple drawings, and some observation outside the room.” he said, nodding, turning back to the cage like a child at the candy store, ”Please?” he asked, almost choking on the word. That was about as much as she was going to get out of Ray.
After much explaining and compromising Ray had obtained the snake. Knocking on Tocks door again, ”Miss Zipporah” he called, ”Professor Rayage, I have the snake.” he said announcing his victory, cage in hand.