Main Quest, Major Quest, Minor Quest: Well, I am a bit conflicted on this... Clyde would definitely want the chance to take on a few Syliran knights. He hates the city he came from, and wants to put them in there place. He also wants to prove himself to the Stryfe, and would be a great asset.
However, since he just got back from the one quest on the suvan, I am a bit reluctant to have him gone for so long... Especially when I have so much I want to set up for him, and to do in Ravok... So perhaps it would be better if he was just involved in some of the modded missions to lead up to it, but was asked to stay in Ravok...
Appealing Threads: Any excuse to work on his magic, to get better at it, and to blow away a few enemies skulls. Obviously Clyde is a bit power hungry, and wants to prove himself, and also would be interested in the possibility of gaining a powerful magic staff, or artifact...
How does Clyde fit: To be honest, Clyde is not a super devout, prays before every meal and bed, kind of guy. He feels a connection to Rhysol, though in a odd way. He believes in finding his own way to chaos, even if it is not in the traditional way... And he deeply believes in the chaos of attempting to much order.
Humans are imperfect, and in attempting perfection and order, the chaos and errors becomes all the more noticeable. He does however hate Syliras with a passion, and wants to literally see it burn, and loves Ravok, for all of the opportunities and things it has given him, even if he is slowly getting... Well, crazy.
What is he leaving behind?: Not to much. He is leaving behind... Well, at the moment not really much, though he is trying to set down roots, and by the time he leaves, he might actually have some things to leave behind, possibly a home and lab. Possibly.
What is making him go on this dangerous quest?: Lust for power. A need to prove himself, to Rhysol, Ravok, the Stryfe, and the city that shunned and nearly destroyed him... Greed. And in all in the name of the greater good. He sees the things he does, in Rhysols name, the evil acts, the killing, all as for the greater good, and does not see them as wrong, or as him being evil.
Either through insanity, denial, or true conviction in that making himself stronger, less mundane, and more powerful, is for the greater good. |