(Flashback) Clumsy Weapons (Solo)

Imass's first lesson in sword & shield combat.

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(Flashback) Clumsy Weapons (Solo)

Postby Imass on June 20th, 2012, 3:11 am

Spring 15, 510

The gentle, kind face of the mustached human suddenly turned into a scowl. It was time for the lesson to begin.

"I am teaching how to fight on the battlefield lad. Listen closely, for this is a much different philosophy then you have learned thus far...Our battle techniques, all our fighting from now on is based on this overarching rule: Hit the enemy. It’s not like being a guard where you stand out of range from the opponent and out of distance in order to imprison him. Now we are learning how to hit the enemy, how to cut them and pacify them," the knight said to his disciple.

The long bearded gentry took a deep breath, and caught some air back to his red face, "This is why we will be using dull swords. They will have no cutting edge," the Akalak's commanding officer showed him the edge of the blade, "See? It is wider than my finger nail, there is no way it will injure you. So put your mind to rest!"

The grizzled veteran spat and handed the training sword to Imass; the squire remained quiet and listened to his master's words vigilantly.

"Now here is your shield," the war coach said as he grabbed a large wooden training shield from the floor, "A craftsman made it hastily last morn. It should be an adequate size for an Akalak your size. Don't worry about breaking it. That’s what training weapons are for."

Imass picked up both weapons and studied them. They were much different than the tools of war from Riverfall. He was accustomed to the Lakan. This straightedge long sword and shield seemed to be clumsy in comparison. Even so, the pommel of the blade felt great in his hand. The shield, though, felt large and useless. Imass would never complain or speak his thoughts so openly to the master.

"Now relax for a minute," the grizzled veteran announced after arming himself with training equipment. The Akalak let his weapons rest loosely, waiting for further instructions.

The gentry got into a fighting stance, and then started to make slow strikes all around the squire's body to demonstrate fighting principles, "So the striking areas are the shoulders, the upper arms, the torso, and the upper legs to the knee." As he pointed out the possible damage on hit locations, Imass began think. Perhaps this man knew what he was doing after all.

Repeating the striking points again, the mustached knight finally took a step back and got into a proper stance, "Remember the strike locations I have just mentioned my lad and you will do fine! But before you can strike you must have a proper stance"

Staggering his left foot behind his right, the mentor lead with his sword hand, "It is important that you always fight like this. Make sure you sword is always in front of your shield, so that it is always a threat to the enemy. It's safety for you, and danger to the enemy."

The trainer raised his sword arm up over his head, "Now my blade is no longer in front of me and I am open to attack! This means death and you’re not allowed to die until I say so Imass, is that understood?" Imass grunted a nod.

"Now your shield," the gentry continued, "Never hold it in front of your body. Never! Hold them at your side...like this, and make sure to cover your left flank completely. Use the shield to block incoming blows, but most importantly, use the edge of the shield to strike the enemy...Edge, strike, edge, strike," the grizzled teacher repeated as he showed Imass how to swing a shield.

The red faced man took a moment to relax and catch his breath, and then he challenged the Akalak, "I think I've explained the basics well enough, let us spar a little. I wish to test your mettle. Keep in mind three things: the hit zones, keeping your sword in front of you, and edge -striking with the shield."

Suddenly the knight came upon the squire, slapping him in the shoulder, "Stop day dreaming, and let’s go!" The crazed, red faced man said as he jabbed and sliced his sword at thin air, "Engarde!!!”

The spar began.
Last edited by Imass on December 19th, 2015, 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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(Flashback) Clumsy Weapons (Solo)

Postby Imass on January 13th, 2013, 2:21 pm

Imass began to swing at Mustache immediately. The squire was brand new, but he was no novice in the sparring room. The Akalak repeated in his mind the striking zones his instructor demanded he remember, 'Shoulders, the upper arms, the torso, the knee and leg,'

The blue man swung his basket grip sword at his Patron's shield arm. The squire had never fought in this style before, so he threw a relatively weak attack. In Riverfall, they cut opponents with precision. Imass quickly found out that raw strength in strike was important when Mustache simply raised his shield to deflect the blow. Immediately after blocking the strike, the teacher threw a punch with his shield's rim. There was no need to reposition, so before Imass could blink he found his right arm caught outside the shield and his lungs out of air from impact.

The squire shifted backwards and tried to regain his breath. Mustache laughed heartily with his big red face, "That was weak Imass! Strike me hard and fast! Hurry hit me as hard as you can!"

Imass grunted, reset his footwork, then advanced more determined then ever. Throwing out another downward hack, the Knight bashed his sword against the top of the shield. Battle instinct told him to push forward and cut the shoulder, but after several inches along Mustache raised he shield and pressed forward. His sword arm got caught on the shield. A fast strike from his opponents sword came aimed at his gut, but the squire responded correctly; twisting his shoulders down, Imass intercepted with the shield. Mustaches shield suddenly went limp and another rim smash came, this time hitting Imass in the sword hand.

The squire yelled in pain and disengaged his trainer. Breathing slightly heavier now, the Akalak readied himself. His hand was trobbing, but he would not show weakness so he held on even tighter now. His mind was racing and he just wanted perform. There was no time to wait though because the instructor was already yelling for him to continue.

Slowly advancing with balanced steps, the Akalak would try another attack this time. His opponent just waited patiently with a smile on his face. Timing up his steps Imass tried to step into his swing fully, but he misjudged distance and ended up only gained a half step advantage. The squire punched the shield at his opponent's right arm, but Mustache just side stepped out the way and threw his sword. Imass pivoted immediately and met his strike head on. Catching the blade Imass began to push with all his might in attempt to cut the leg. Before anything else happened though he got a mouthful of wood.

Mustache bursted into laughter as Imass reeled, "You are fast and strong, but you have no idea what your doing! Did you not fight armored in Riverfall? Listen Imass, armored fighting is about toughness, discipline, and smarts. Dumb squires get killed and the smart ones get killed a little slower!" the instructor laughed at his own terrible joke, "Now suck it up and come at me again-- oh and remember to hold your sword up!" Without a word, the squire raised his shield and pointed his sword directly at Mustache. Now the Akalak was determined. This was the first time he had faced such an opponent with such armaments and it was strange. It was nothing like the precision and accurate work of Riverfall.

Advancing on each other again, Imass prepared for another attack against Mustache. This time he would play the grizzly veteran's game. Staying in his stance he shuffled around and around his opponent trying to find an opening. Throwing out a quick jab only resulted in the trainer cursing and telling him hit harder. The squire had to commit to an attack and stand his ground. Lunging forward into his opponent, the Knight pushed out his shield in order to bash. Up until the last moment it looked successful, but Moustache met him with a rim jab directly at his shield. The instructors attack was so well executed it sent vibrations through his hand and turned his shield leaving an opening for his left arm. The flat of the blade stung his arm and already a bruise was forming,

"Damnit Imass, step it up! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and actually do something other than get your arse whooped! Let's go!!!"
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(Flashback) Clumsy Weapons (Solo)

Postby Imass on December 19th, 2015, 5:16 pm

Mustache and Imass continued exchanging blows for the next hour, with only a couple pauses.

Mustache began yelling again until he was red in the face, "WAKE UP! WAKE UP, BOY! WAKE UP!" He slapped the squire's ear with the flat of his blade. The blue man's head began to ring and his breathing became heavy.

The Akalak's mind was beginning to fail him. He was nearly at the point of being totally useless, but the instructor knew that these moments were the best times to ingrain the deepest of lessons into the squire. With one swift manuavure, Mustache disarmed Imass of his broadsword. Kicking the sword aside he yelled, "DON'T JUST STAND THERE! YOU DON'T HAVE PERMISSION TO STOP!"

A red rage consumed Mustache as he swung his sword repeatedly at Imass. The blue man could do nothing, but maintain his footwork and continue blocking blows. Imass keep circling backwards, never crossing his feet, and not allowing Mustache to gain a flanking position. The squire could not keep up with the attacks long enough to counter though.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Mustache bellowed, "HIT ME YOU COWARD!" The instructor pressed his attack again, but Imass did not let up his defense continuosly blocking with his shield. Mustache began to get so heated that splinters began to fly off the wooden sword.

Suddenly, the instructor dropped his own gear and stripped Imass of his shield, "RAWGHRRAHHH!" He flung the piece of wood in a violent gesture. For the first time in his training with the knights, Imass was scared for his life. Mustache proceded to drive him into the dirt, his bushy face rubbed up against Imass', "YOU ARE DEAD! YOU PETCHING DIED! YOU GAVE UP! YOU DIDN'T DIG DEEP ENOUGH! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

The blue man nodded with his eyes closed in fear, but the instructor wasn't having it, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU! I SAID, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"




With that Mustache let him go and stop to his feet. A vein was bulging out of his neck and his face was red, "Clean this shyke up, we are done for today," And with that he walked away in a hurry, stopping to talk to a guard who merely nodded and smiled at Mustaches whispered words.

Imass laid on the floor a little while longer catching his breath. This style of training was incredibly brutal compared to Riverfall's martial masters, but it finally dawned on him what being a frontline fighter for the Syliran Knights was all about. It was about pure brute toughness. It was about positioning his body for that fatal blow and defending against an onslaught of attack. This was no graceful art, but a savage sport of manly strength.

Retrieving the training implements, he reviewed in his mind all that he learned and realized that his best friend in combat would be his shield.
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(Flashback) Clumsy Weapons (Solo)

Postby Dove Brown on February 17th, 2016, 12:30 pm


Don't forget to edit/delete your grade request. If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding your grade, please do not hesitate to send me a PM.

  • Weapon: Shield 3
  • Weapon: Broadsword 3
  • Tactics 1
  • Observation 1
  • Overarching rule: hit the enemy
  • Training weapons: made to be broken
  • Shield: for flanks not fronts
  • Shield: edge and strike
  • The basic striking areas
  • Shield: best friend in combat

Comments:Enjoy your grades
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