Aehra Basic Information Race: Human Birthday/Age: 23rd of Spring, 495 AV (17 Years Old) Gender: Female Physical Description: Aehra stands at about five feet tall, making her lanky physique appear merely petite. Her skin is a dusty brown, dotted by swirls of dark freckles scattered across her body, looking more like dirt smudges than sunspots at times. Her hair is a darker, ruddy brown that hangs in tangled curls to her waist, although, more often than not, she is seen with it braided in a messy coil that wraps around the back of her head. The only particularly striking feature of hers are her bright blue eyes, which her father adored, as he said that they were identical to her mother's. Character History: Aehra's father, from whom she inherited most of her looks, had raised her since she was four years old. He and Aehra's mother were restless travelers (as much as a couple could be travelers without being killed), and, because Aehra's maternal grandparents favored their coupling and their son-in-laws passion for art, funded a final pilgrimage to Wind Reach for Aehra's father when he learned that his wife was with child. While there, he commissioned an Artisan to create a simple jeweled pin for his unborn son or daughter. When he returned home to his wife, they settled in Zeltiva. At least, this was how Aehra's father told the story. The way her father used to say, her mother's restless spirit, while overjoyed with the birth of their new daughter, simply wasn't happy when it was at rest. Aehra's father always idealized his wife, even when explaining to his daughter that her mother left them with no warning when the girl was only four years old. The man raised Aehra as best as he was able, always telling her stories of the places he'd seen (and many he'd only dreamed of). Although the words were always whispered in hushed, hurried tones, he would often mention in a reverent voice that her mother had risked her life studying under a wizard, only to give it up when she met her soon-to-be-husband. Her entire life, her father's love for the Inarta people and their craftwork never dimmed, and he would often sing her lullabies that he had picked up to get her to sleep. Aehra grew up fair enough, friendly and optimistic, although her father's lackadaisical parenting style never instilled in her any foresight, or the idea that not all transgressions can be weaseled out of with a smile and a laugh. In the winter of 510 AV, her father came down with an unidentifiable disease. He was bedridden for months, and Aehra gladly took up odd jobs around the city to pay for food and drink. Her father died within the year, and Aehra was given little time to cope with his death. Immediately after he passed, Aehra did little else but pick fights on the streets, taking whatever anger she could out on the next mook that was willing to fight her. Little by little, as the fury at her sudden abandonment left, Aehra attempted to return to her former life, and her former job. Aehra now spends her time scrambling for any odd jobs she can get, and focuses obsessively on her goal of attending the University and studying magic there. Personality: Although she is, at her core, a cheerful and naive young girl, the recent death of Aehra's father has sparked within her a drive so obsessive that most social interactions are stunted, at best. Any mention of her father's passing is either weaved around or ignored altogether. Although she loved her father dearly and he made heroic efforts to see that Aehra never wanted for the basics in life, the loss of her mother's presence weighed on the girl, and she has a tendency to latch onto any older woman as a maternal figure, and to strive only for her affection and praise. Skills: Running - 10/100 (10 SP) Acrobatics - 15/100 (15 RB) Unarmed Combat - 30/100 (30 SP) Brawling - 8/100 (5 SP//+3 XP) Philosophy - 5/100 (5 SP) Observation - 1/100 (+1 XP) Persuasion - 1/100 (+1 XP) Lore: Nari Songs Ins and Outs of Zeltiva's Seedier Areas Wanting To Hit Something Aehra's First Fight Coping With Loss Fights in Alleyways Forgetting May Be A Good Thing Zeltiva: General Store Mr. Clarke the Shopkeeper Mr. Clarke the Boss Rules of Keeping Aehra's Clerk Job in the General Store Employment at Zeltiva General Store Belongings and Equipment:
Ledger: 100 GM (Starting Package) -10 GM (Donation to Martial Association of Zeltiva) -1 GM, -5 SM, -5 CM (buying supplies at General Store) CURRENT TOTAL: 88 GM, 5 SM, 95 CM Languages: Common (Fluent) Nari (Poor) Thread List: 511 AV
512 AV
Summer 21st: Three Parts Good Day, One Part Bad Company - Leigo (Finished, Not Yet Graded) 25th: Smile, Nod, Sell - Solo (Finished, Graded) 31st: Knock On Wood - Leigo (Ongoing) 55th: A Lesson Not Soon Forgotten - Bones (Ongoing) Occupation: Aehra works as the Halabin Clarke's assistant at the Zeltiva General Store. Currently, her pay is 3 GM a day. |