PC Name’s Saebier
Physical Information
Race: Human
Birthday & Age: 14th of summer of 487. 23 years old
Gender: Male
Physical Description
Saebier is just a tad under the average height for a human standing 5"5', 156 pounds. He is naturally tan with muscles hardened from years of using his bow. His eyes are a dark brown color, reflecting his hair which is also dark brown. Saebier's face is slim and slightly elongated, with a nose not to big or small and a clean shaven face, he can be considered passively handsome.
Character Concept
Personality - Saebier personality is a fine balance between intro and extroverted, sometimes he can be almost annoyingly loud, and talkative while at other times he can go days without saying a word. Saebier's trust is very hard to earn, and very easy to break and if he does not want to talk, you might as well just give up now and save yourself the energry.
Ethics - Saebier's morals are close to non-existent, he will do almost anything for the things he desires. What makes him different is that he does not desire wealth and fame (though he would not mind them). He enjoys the thrill and adrenline rush of battle, and trains regularly to keep him on top of his "game"
Likes - Battle, Adrenline rushes, hunting, robbing the occasional merchant or lonely traveler. Long journeys, adventures. Saebier also enjoys company when he is not in one of his queit moods.
Dislikes - people who are ignorant, stuck-up, or think in some way that he is inferior or unintelligent because of his lack of talking. People who give orders and expect them to be followed instantly without good reason.
Character History
Saebier was born in the on the 14th of summer, 487, just outside of Zeltiva. Saebier was born to Hecoth and Sashin. Hecoth, Saebiers father, was a logger outside of Zeltiva, ship builders commonly employed him to find masts and trees for their ships. After Saebier reached the age of 7 he commonly came with his father on the daily excursions into the forest. It is here where he played while his father tirelessly chopped at tree after tree, trying despertly to provide for his household.
Saebier made it a game to try to sneak up on his father either on the way to the site, and on the way back. Over the years he would run ahead of his father. Hiding in spots he had already picked out, or trying to follow him without being detected. Saebier continued to do this well into his young teen years. When Saebier turned 14, his father decided to invest some of the little money he had saved up in a bow and some arrows for Saebier to hunt with while his father was logging. Over the course of months Saebier perfected his own unique style of hunting. Lathering himself in mud, he would pick a spot affording him a good view of a clearing of some sort. There he would wait, all day if necessary for a animal, perferably a deer (but this was extremely rare) to get close enough to him to shoot. More often then naught, he would come back with a rabbit, mabey two if he had a good day. But it was enough to ease some of the expenses of feeding the family.
Saebier's family still lives in Zeltiva, and every once in a while he drops in for a visit or to drop off some money for his parents. His dad continues his job and his mother is now a seamstress who makes sails for the Zeltivan ships.
Post Creation -
Training & Skill Points
Archery: 20 (starting package)
Stealth: 15 (starting package)
Camouflage: 15 (starting package)
Wilderness survival: 15 (racial bonus)
Starting Package
Flint & steel,
Bedroll and blanket
Fishing tackle & hooks
Earned Skill/Points
Fathers camo cloak (heirloom)
Yew Composite bow
25 Arrows
5 Heavy arrows
4 Waterskins
Skinning knife
Extra blankets
Archers finger guards
Sharpening stone
Ledger Total (445 GM)
Trade in (+500GM)
Equipment (-55GM)
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