A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Marcus once again stumbles upon a familiar curiosity.

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 29th, 2012, 2:57 pm

Things on Marcus' side however were not so uneasy. His decision had already been made the moment the young scholar saw the proposal was serious, and he was not going to doubt this centuries-old angel, despite the state of memory he knew Lilium was in. He was asking these questions not to sway his mind one way or another, but simply to know under what conditions he was going to make the journey.

Possible dragons, a quaint reminder of how dangerous these places could truly be. Digging was to be expected of any expedition, especially one of this nature, so no surprise there. Lifting to a lesser extent, but it would just be like working at the docks again, except dustier. Travelling was exactly what Marcus needed by this point; Zeltiva was becoming too familiar, too fast. He needed something strange to shake up his perspective. And that left her last condition, which pressed a laugh out of the young scholar. He found it so sweet that she thought to ask him such a question.

He had always assumed she would be coming along for the ride.

When he realized his laughter might be taken the wrong way, Marcus settled himself and reigned in his wanton glee, regaining his composure as he spoke to Lilium. His eyes held a good-cheer about them in their emerald gaze, as his voice carried his characteristically playful tone. "My sweet angel, How could I possibly do this without my lovely shadow by my side? It's not even a question really..." He let out a stray chuckle, eager to escape to be with its lost friends, before reaching out and taking one of her hands gently into his own. With a gentle smile he gazed deeply into Lilium's eyes, straight through the night-borne mask, and through the demon's shadow as well. His gaze went to the very core of her, to the frightened girl in the dark corner, with only a candle to save her. It was to her he spoke, as his voice softly brushed through the air between them. Despite his previous words, even Marcus knew there were things women wanted to hear said, no matter how many times it came before, and so he spoke, sincere and true.

"Lilium, it would be an honor to have you accompany me, if you have the time." He added that last phrase for ironic measure; a cherry on top of his rhetorical cake. Marcus swiftly leaned over, by no mean feat, and gave her a quick peck on the lips, as if to seal the deal. He instinctively licked his own as he pulled back, the sweet taste of a honey glaze laying on his tongue. "Delicious," Marcus said, to no one in particular. When he realized he had said that out-loud, he was quick to flash Lilium a smirk, turning his slip of the tongue into yet another playful jest.

He wouldn't want to seem crazy after all.
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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Lilium on July 3rd, 2012, 10:52 am

At the sound of his laughter, Lilium lifted her chin slightly and her pale gaze turned down to her mug, sipping at the wine with a feeling of rising shame in her stomach. He had laughed at her, as though she were making a joke. The slight tint of pink rose to her cheeks and the konti swathed creature placed down her mug carefully, the very faint hint of hurt in her crystalline eyes.

"My sweet angel, How could I possibly do this without my lovely shadow by my side? It's not even a question really..."

Snapping her gaze back to his own emerald eyes, the crestfallen ethaefal found herself beaming, shimmering scales almost bursting with delight. He had been playing with her, as always. It was hard not to bounce in her chair like a small child, or resist the urge to throw herself at the scholar. As he reached for her hand, the young sorcerer looked into her very soul, reaching down to the small part of her that was always there and always afraid. His words touched her, and the grin she wore turned into a more tender smile, caught off guard by his sudden kiss.

Sitting upright in her chair, pale eyes wide, Lilium stared at him. Her mouth opened in a small 'O' as he commented quietly - either about the kiss or the meal...it was impossible to tell. Blushing furiously now, the fallen godling cleared her throat and picked up her mug.

"Well, that...is settled then." She said with an awkward toast, before gulping down the remainder of the mug. Placing the empty vessel on the table, the ageless woman refilled her mug with a small giggle. Indeed, she had once been informed by the other of her kind that ethaefal could become intoxicated...and ride it through the shift. Lilium was a lady, and she didn't get 'intoxicated', but the wine was awfully good and she was feeling moderately affected by the beverage.

"Marcus, did I ever tell you...I knew a man once." The blond said with a smile, her pale eyes alight with humor. Leaning forward she tapped the man on the chest.

"A man just as scandalous as yourself. Always stealing kisses and making improper comments." Leaning back, she picked up more food and popped it in her mouth before licking her fingers and pursing her lips, eyes searching him for a moment. Finally she spoke again, her voice a little less playful, but still light.

"I would like to show you something." She said with a smile, before picking up her last mug of wine and quickly drinking it all, and devouring the last past of her sweet roll. Licking her fingers and wiping them with a small serviette, the ethaefal stood before stopping herself momentarily. Her head felt lighter, and her vision was not as sharp as it could be. Still, she was able to walk perfectly fine and by no means drunk. Reaching out, she took Marcus by the hand, pulling him to his feet and leading the sorcerer out of the tavern.

Once out the doors, Lilium giggled again and slipped her hand into the crook of his arm, leaning her head against his shoulder. She lied to herself. She might not be drunk, but she was a tiny little bit tipsy.

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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Marcus Dymez on July 3rd, 2012, 6:09 pm

When Lilium began to speak of another man of eons past, Marcus was quite uncertain how to proceed. Now, he did not show such uncertainty, but rarely does a magician reveal the inner workings of his mind. His voice carried steadily as he said, "Oh, did you now?", while his smile remained calm and casual. All the while, his ears listened meticulously for any clue, either in her inflection or diction, that could help him decide what he should be doing. Was this a past lover, who she was reminiscing on with a drunken revelry, or was he a dear friend swept away from her by the unyielding waves of time. If he played somber with the former he would seem insulted or offended, which he was not, and if he played flirtatious and jesting with the later he would seem insulting or offensive, which he was, yet again, not. Indeed, when she offered to show the young scholar something, it took quite a firm bit of willpower to keep his mind from drawing up lewd thoughts, complicating all of his affairs at hand. Marcus spent five full minutes in this complex web of mental investigation, before he realized a very obscure fact.

He didn't give a damn.

As Lilium took his hand and pulled him to his feet, Marcus finally realized that he did not need to think everything through, or over-complicate every minute detail. He was with a woman he, for lack of a better word, "loved," and so far saying whatever came to mind and doing whatever he felt like doing had been working just fine. The fact that no problems had arisen was quite odd, to be honest, but Marcus simply chalked it up to her odd nature and left it at that. It's rude to look a gift horse in the mouth after all. He stood with a gentle smirk to complicate her flushed smile, and followed her out of the comforting inn. Marcus noted how much nicer it was than his parent's old place, but didn't really care by this point. After all there was a more pressing matter to worry about it.

Now, Marcus knew a thing or two about drinking to drown one's embarrassment. He had been on both sides of that coin, being both the victim and the criminal. Without going into too much detail, suffice to say Marcus knew the act quite well. What most don't know however, is that drinking like that doesn't quite hit the person until a few moments later. The alcohol waits 'till everything seems all nice and dandy, but then before you know it the talk of the town is how a dock-hand found himself hanging from a mast with nothing but his fruits to blow in the wind. Suffice to say, Marcus knew a thing or two about this, and he could tell when someone was on their way.

Lilium seemed to be slowly edging herself to that cliff.

As the lovely couple started making their way to... someplace, Marcus looked down at Lilium with a small chuckle echoing in his throat. Her feet were not stumbling or tripping over themselves, but she was placing an awful lot of her weight on him. He wondered if perhaps it would be easy for him to just carry her, but he supposed that might be a bit brash. He kept that thought in the back of his mind, just in case. "So, how are you feeling?" Marcus reached down with his hand and gently grasped her own, helping her lean against him without fear of slipping down. He knew a thing or two about drunks, he did, and for once it felt good to have a woman to hold up, in a manner of speaking. Marcus once again thanked the gods he wasn't one of those people who had a rambling mouth, and spoke whatever came to mind, or he would have quite a few questions to answer. But then again, the young scholar still had dozens of questions of his own. What exactly was this expedition? How long ago did she find this place? When did she plan on leaving? What was she looking for, or even Who was she looking for? More subtly, What was it Lilium wanted to show him? Marcus glanced down at Lilium with a raised brow, as the couple stopped and the curious scholar looked around at his surroundings. One more question popped into his head, as he realized they'd been continuing on their stride for a few minutes now; this one topped all of the others in terms of importance and magnitude.

Where the hell were they walking to?
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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Lilium on July 5th, 2012, 12:13 pm

Lilium sighed softly, smiling as they walked, her crystaline gaze on the stars above them. Still smiling, her brow creased slightly in thought.

"How am I feeling? Happy. Calm. Full. A little silly." Chuckling again, she lifted her head as they stopped, looking around at their surroundings. They had walked for a while now, past the outskirts of town and the small cemetery. That one was old now, almost forgotten and compltetly overgrown. But she didn't forget, ever.

"Come, it's not that far." The blonde ethaefal said softly, pulling on his arm gently to lead him further. Away from the homes and businesses and towards the docks. And then off further still, vering away from the path that led down to the ocean and towards a soft grassy meadow. Beyond the meadow there lay a stream, small and useful for clean drinking water. A rivulet leading off something much larger deeper into the region. Growing along the bank were various bushes and small trees. In particular, the konti creature allowed her feet to follow an old path that only she seemed to be able to see. It drew them close to a large willow tree, its branches bent low and leaves kissing the water. It was old, but not as old as she. Letting go of the scholars arm, Lilium made her way to the old tree, bare feet treading the soft grass as she went. Once she reached the willow, the ageless godling placed her hand against the bark and smiled.

Turning to look at the ground, she tilted her head, scales and platinum hair shimmering softly in the moonlight.

"We're here." The woman said softly, before chuckling to herself and kneeling down. Under the willow tree was a smooth rock, about the size of a loaf of bread. Soft moss had grown across the rock, but the grass around it was neatly trimmed and tended. Tenderly, Lilium brushed the rock with the back of her hand.

"This is where I buried him, when his vision had faded and his hair had turned white. It is also where we first met, during the daytime." Instead of sounding sad or distant, the woman laughed again, as though at a private joke. She hadn't brought Marcus here to dwell on the past in sadness, but more to allow him to see a part of her no-one knew. Something private that was close to her heart. Laughing again, Lilium moved away from the tree to sink with little grace to the ground beside the rock, her toes danging in the water, glancing over her shoulder with a smile to encourage Marcus to join her.

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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Marcus Dymez on July 5th, 2012, 5:44 pm

To say this was a bit odd would be an understatement.

Marcus did not quite expect him to find himself facing a grave this night, but he had quickly realized to expect everything when it came to this curious woman of divine origins. It was because of this that Marcus wasn't entirely surprised or shocked by her words, but merely had a change of expression. He had already tasted her sorrow of being alone in her ageless bubble, detached from time, and he here he was, facing the proof of her fears. It was odd really, but Marcus couldn't bring himself to offer condolences or any sort of apologies. She had outlived this man by an entire lifetime perhaps; how many sympathies had she received for his death? It was quite an interesting development to be sure, but Marcus knew exactly why she brought him there.

The laughter was quite unsettling, if one is to be honest, but Marcus had heard more unsettling sounds, and he was sure Lilium had as well. His feet carried him over to the small brook, without any thought behind them, and brought him to the fallen angel's side. His face was solemn, but still held his usual calm; his voice steady and gentle. Beyond the laughter, and the smiles, Marcus knew the reason for being there. A firm hand reached out to grab Lilium's as words graced the cool night air, the fingers interlocking between each-other in a steady embrace. "Lilium, I am here for you, Now, and that's really all I can offer you. But I will offer it as long as I am able, and I want you to take that offer for what it is; a promise in the present."

A promise bound to fall with the ebb of time.

Marcus slid closer and wrapped a half-bare arm around Lilium's shoulder, as much of the young scholar's good cheer and playful nature returned to him. His booted feet propped themselves on the edge of the stone, hoping to prolong their dry streak for as long as possible. "But thanks for this... I'm sure you don't bring many people out here, so I suppose I'm a bit honored. Does that make me someone special as well?" Marcus flashed a playful smirk over to her as he jested, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. If worse came to worst, Marcus did not mind drying off his cotton work-clothes, although the leather pants were always bastards to keep the wet out. Still, the water was always a great diversion, if one needed such a thing. The more and more he thought, the more and more he reveled in the idea, and the more and more his thoughts turned to more "masculine" thoughts. The surprise on her face when she was pushed in, the sight of her white dress sticking to her skin, her full, wet lips catching the moon's subtle glow...

Marcus mentally slapped himself out of the spiral, just before things got a bit too tight around his waist.

What remained was Marcus' usual playful grin, now beaming with devilish nature. His voice had taken on the same quality, and it was apparent now that Marcus fully intended to lighten the mood. The night was too valuable to spend mourning the lost ones of the past and the future, and the young scholar hoped Lilium would agree with him on that. It was quite strange actually, how Marcus found himself brash and instinctive around this woman, which in turn only made him think more in her midst. But her thoughts were never as they should be, never focusing on how he phrased his words, or committed his actions. They were always simply fuddling around in his head, the great wizard-to-be confused by a woman fallen from the heavens. Marcus didn't mind in all honesty, as it was a refreshing change of pace. For once his curiosity and calculating mind didn't feel the need to plan out ten steps ahead; which was good, because if he did, perhaps he wouldn't have chosen this avenue of approach... A couple of splashes into the river bank, a smirk flashing out into the moonlight. After all, there was no time like the present.

"Let's lighten the mood a bit."
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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Lilium on July 6th, 2012, 10:48 am

Glancing up as the scholar took her hand, the ethaefal offered him a small smile as he spoke words of promise for the present, not saying anything about the future she knew would one day come. She didn't bring Marcus here for sympathy or pity, simply on a whim to show him something from her past. The man spoke to her on a level she could grasp a hold of, and cling to in this reality. As he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, he spoke, and Lilium's smile turned into a grin. Ever the romantic.

"Your right, I never bring anyone here. Ever. Your the first. So yes, I suppose that does make you special." Chuckling again, the godling lifted her eyes to look at the stars. There, she saw her own constellation, and the others that had passed through her lifetime. The alcohol was buzzing languidly in her bloodstream and left her feeling pleasantly lightheaded and heavy all at once. Being here, with the green eyed man, everything right now was just as it should be. Turning her blue eyes towards the sorcerer again, the konti was caught up by the emerald gaze that met her own. And a smile that was more than just playful. Something danced behind that smile, and it was infectious. Lilium kicked the water around her toes and tilted her head as she watched the man.

"I'd be interested in that." She asked with a grin, crystalline eyes sparkling with delight in the moonlight. Perhaps it was the wine, or the atmosphere, or the company...but right now the ageless konti felt as though she had stepped back through the past to a time before she fell, a time where she didn't have to worry about...anything. It was a warm, fuzzy feeling. Again, she giggled, raising her eyebrow at Marcus in a decidedly unladylike expression.

"What exactly, Marcus, did you have in mind?" Her voice was playful and intrigued, blonde hair spilling in soft curls down one shoulder. Smirking, Lilium kicked a small splash of water back at the scholar.

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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Marcus Dymez on July 6th, 2012, 6:23 pm

Marcus had grown into the habit of committing to his actions without a single thought, whenever he found himself around this divine maiden. It had gotten him pretty far, he'd say, but at this point Marcus found his inhibitions crawling back to him with a painful slowness. For a normal man, perhaps this would be a signal to stop while he was ahead, before things became awkward and painful, but this young scholar prided himself on being anything but normal. Perhaps that was why instead of backing down, sensing a stuttering buffoon of a man coming over him, he decided to jump right into it. He didn't dare answer her question with words, but perhaps actions would suffice...


Not happening.

So interjected Marcus' sense as Lilium looked over to him with that devilish expression. His mind had finally caught up with his heart, and thrown his own knightly complex straight in his face. Damn thing was a double-edged sword these days. He couldn't follow through and commit the wicked deeds he had flowing through his mind, not under a clear conscience. After all, chivalric heroes did not bed maidens flushed with alcohol. But that did not necessarily mean they couldn't have fun; it just meant they couldn't have fun.

And with that thought in mind, Marcus and Lilium found themselves in a tight embrace, splashing down into the river.

Marcus sat in the shallow riverbed, laughing at how surprisingly warm the summer stream was. He had been expecting a sharp injection of cold into his nerves, as they scrambled to get out of the water. He had expected this to go somehow wrong, as the two sat shivering on the riverbed, silently angry. But none of this happened, and Marcus counted himself lucky yet again. In this regard, he was pretty accurate.

"Well, I thought we could go for a bit of a swim. Nice night and such." Marcus maintained his casual smirk as he sat in the water, the river flowing gently up to his chest. The wet cotton stuck to his skin in a way he used to find unpleasant, but perhaps he had too often been caught splashed by a chilled salt-water ocean instead of a warm babbling brook. He glanced over to Lilium's equally wet form, and found his thoughts made material. The sight of her white dress sticking to her skin, her full, wet lips catching the moon's subtle glow... Being a noble man was harder than most people make it out to be. Marcus leaned over to give a deep kiss, wet and tender lips pressed together in their own passionate embrace. It was wrong, his mind kept saying. As he took small breaths between soft pecks, he knew a gentleman wouldn't do such a thing.

And that is why Marcus waited for Lilium to light the fire, in his stead.
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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Lilium on July 8th, 2012, 12:48 am

Letting out a surprised squawk, Lilium gasped as Marcus pulled her into the stream, expecting a bone-chilling cold. Instead, she found the water delightfully warm and couldn't help but laugh with the scholar. Sitting in his arms, the blonde smiled up at him, once again smitten by his romantic if not cheeky nature. All together a gentleman, even if at times the ethaefal wished he would forget himself. Still, she was a lady, and it was improper to have any such thoughts. Water lapping against her chest, Lilium was aware of how the fabric clung to the smooth torso of the man, his brown hair dripping slightly where the water fell from it.

Improper thoughts, damn them.

"Yes well, I suppose a swim was a rather nice idea. The water is a lot wa-" Her words were cut short by the emerald eyed sorcerers lips on her own, in what would be considered far more than just a polite peck. Drowning in the moment, Lilium returned the kiss in kind, her hand shifting out of the water to rest against his neck. After what seemed like far to short a time, Marcus pulled back slightly, as though he was waiting for her.

For what? Her approval...her repercussion? Her rebuttal?

Crystalline eyes looked at him with hesitation. It wasn't that she didn't want to fall into his arms and surrender to the already burning fire that peaked every time he kissed her, but the konti swathed creature was afraid. Her heart and body said go, but her mind said no. What if she lost control? Even in the night, the darkness was there...hiding in the back of her mind. But then...with Marcus she was able to hold her self together. His logical mind and chivalrous nature gave her a grounding force to hold onto and keep in the present.

Between them, the warm water of the brook splashed softly and somewhere in the moon-washed night a bird chirruped softly as it settled in for sleep. Lifting her other hand, Lilium rested both of them on the back of his neck, before leaning forward and allowing herself a soft kiss on scholarly lips. Sighing softly, the shimmering creature deepened the kiss, her heart thrumming in her chest. A thrill ran up her spine as she closed her eyes, holding Marcus close to her and leaving all hesitation behind. Last time they had kissed like this, the sorcerer had ended their tryst before it began. If the ethaefal had any say in the matter, her propriety had washed away in the river as her white gown clung to scaled skin. It was only the water lapping across her chest that kept Marcus from seeing more of her...less public assets.

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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Marcus Dymez on July 8th, 2012, 2:35 am

Being a chivalrous knight was definitely harder than it seemed.

The steadily flowing river was suddenly quite the juxtaposition to Marcus' mind. In one brief moment his entire mindset had gone from calm and detached, to passionate and lascivious. It was quite the transformation, and Marcus was not quite surprised at its advent. He had been holding back this sensation ever since they arrived her on the edge of the river, and it took only one river-soaked embrace to let loose his own dark beast. The warm water was nothing compared to the heat of a body, radiating through a thin veil of a dress. It was all but settled, minding that corner of Marcus' conscience that still considered this wrong.

But by the Gods, did it feel quite right.

Marcus renewed his previous vigor without missing a stride. The touch of his lips against Lilium's was a collection of burning passion and pleasure. His hands submerged into the river, slipping in the current as they settled around the divine angel's backside, and pressed her tightly against his own form. The thin layers of wet cloth gave the feeling of a silky sheen to their skin, slipping and sliding under the motions of their passion. It was quickly becoming quite a night, and Marcus knew that nothing short of a god's interference would be able to stop the man now. He had a sense that Lilium was quite interested in seeing this through as well, and that thought only invigorated the testosterone-filled scholar further.

A sordid affair by the river, just like in a bard's cheesy romance. Marcus never would've imagined he would be a part of such a thing, but he never really enjoyed the norm. His lips formed a tunnel with Lilium's, his tongue darting around her mouth like a whimsical fae. It was trick he remembered his brother telling him about, after a quite loud night with a Sunberthan sailor. Once again, Marcus never imagined he'd be putting it to the test, and as it so happened, it was quite nice. In fact, all of this was almost too nice, and Marcus began to wonder if he even deserved it. Luckily for all involved however, the young wizard's thoughts were now only spectators on this ride; his desires had long since taken over.

A few moments later and the next act of this devilish play was set to begin. Marcus brought his legs back, bracing against the soft riverbed beneath him, as he brought himself to his feet. A visceral grunt echoed into Lilium's lips as they stood, his hands still firmly grasped around her lovely behind as his arms bulged with the effort. Dripping water and without a moment of hesitation, or even thought, Marcus strode out of the water, step by step. When he made it to the soft grass of the river-side, Lilium was gently laid on the thin field, Marcus on all-fours above her. His eyes scanned her delicate and quite visible form with one solid sweep, before the emerald orbs found their way back to Lilium's own eyes. There they locked, as once again resumed the tender embrace of their lips and the dance of their tongues.

Things were, "progressing," however.

A curious hand found its way around a thinly-covered breast, fondling and massaging it as if it was a lovable family pet. It was at least lovable. As the other supported Marcus' weight, his exploring digits tenderly slid down the front of her wet dress. Marcus imagined simply tearing off the teasingly light garment, not even hiding anything by this point. In fact, that thought had crossed his mind quite seriously already, but Marcus was not an animal. Not a complete one, at least. The lightest touch went through to Lilium as his hand slithered like a snake down to her more "enticing" areas. His lips held slow groans of heated breath as his fingers probed at her maiden flower, and Marcus never knew he could feel such a wave of powerful emotion before the festivities had even begun. His thoroughly soaked leather trousers were growing tighter by the moment; those would have to go. In fact, quite a few things were going to be removed in the coming moments, if Marcus had his way; at that moment the young wizard believed he could take the world.

Things were going to get quite interesting.

OOCI'm all for a nice literary romp, but don't hesitate to pull the curtain and skip ahead if you feel things are getting uncomfortable. ^^"
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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Lilium on July 8th, 2012, 7:09 am

OOCSure thing!

Delightedly, the still slightly tipsy ethaefal found herself pulled up close against the man, water rushing between them to avoid the space they now occupied. The fabric of her white dress floated in the water and settled gently against their bodies as Lilium felt his tongue seeking entrance. Locked together, mouths pressed together, the woman breathed deeply and stroked the back of his neck softly with her fingernails.

Hands still around his neck, the konti found herself lifted from the water, cool night air caressing her skin as the sorcerer lay her on the grassy bank of the river. Opening her eyes, the ageless creature looked up at Marcus, drawn by his emerald gaze. Another shiver ran through her as his green eyes roamed across the now translucent fabric of her gown, clinging to pale skin and giving as much away as if she were naked. A slight flush rose to her cheeks and Lilium breathed through parted lips as she watched him, dripping water from the river as he rested on all fours above her.

Once again, their mouths met in a heated kiss, and without hesitation Marcus' hand began to roam the drenched material of her dress. Lilium made a small sound in the back of her throat, something between a sigh and a groan as his adventurous hand found a sensitive breast. Vaguely, the ethaefal found herself fighting between the pleasurable sensations she found herself overcome with and the location of their current events. They were well away from the city commons, and hidden by the crest of a small hill and the overgrown grass of the field...but they were still in public.

"Marcus..." The blond muttered against his lips, her hands moving to rest on the curve of his bicep. The fight in her conscience was loosing to propriety, and she took a breath to tell him to wait a moment, that perhaps they should move their affair to his bedroom or even the inn they just left.

"Marc, perhaps..Oh!" A bright wave of sensation washed over the godling as the emerald eyed scholar moved his hand down her body and under her skirt, pressing his fingers into the apex between her thighs. Gasping, crystalline eyes wide, Lilium's hands tightened on his arms before sliding over his shoulders and across his back.

Petch it all, she'd lived long enough, it was time to let her hair down.

Moaning against his mouth, his own heated groans further enticing the ethaefal into their personal private world, Lilium's hands roamed down his shoulders and across the still dripping cotton of his shirt. Reaching the hem, she tugged on it as her tongue tickled his lips and danced against his own passionately. All the while, her heart drummed in her chest in time to the decadent sensation of his roaming hand. Writhing slightly, the celestial creature rubbed her knee firmly against the tightening leather that covered his groin with a wanton gasp. Gods it had been far to long.

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