Thank you Tock. Its looking like things are getting less severe at least.
May I just say internet drama makes me really angry, but more so really sad. It seems like its been popping up everywhere in force. I have girls on Facebook who are being harassed because some jock's self esteem is so low he has to gain it from putting them down for expressing themselves. Myself and a small group get crap repeatedly for our religious beliefs from people who don't know us beyond our first names.
There's lots of reasons for this. Low self esteem, jealousy, lack of self respect, and what seems to be the most common - flat out bigotry. But no matter the reason, there really is no excuse for it.
Honestly, its the internet. No one said you had to be here. No one forced you to read what others are saying or interact with other people. No one told you to agree with everything everyone says and does. If you don't like something or someone, there's this handy little red X at the corner of the page that will make it all go away. I hate to break it to some people but the internet is not real life. What happens here ends the second you leave the computer. Being a big bad troll doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look like an uneducated bully.
No one's perfect. We all make mistakes, we say things do things we regret. I do it a lot. Instead of holding a grudge or dragging out a pointless fight, I've learned its smarter to move on. If someone is upsetting you, purposefully or not, why would you give them the satisfaction of seeing that they're getting to you. Be the better person. Move on, improve yourself, be happy. If you really
must get back at someone - there's seriously no better way of doing it than letting them see you going on your way, happy and unaffected. A teacher used to tell my class "If someone set a fire in front of you, would you stand there and yell at them for it? No, you'd get the hell away from that freaking fire, and whether they stay there or not is their choice, but at least you're not going to be burned."
And maybe someone is doing "better" than you. They've got more "friends" or "followers," or "points" or what have you. You know, it might be hard to believe, but maybe its not because they're sucking up or full of it or doing it just to spite you or look better than everyone else. Maybe people just like them. "Popularity" is a stupid thing to drive yourself nuts about, especially over the internet, but if you want it that bad, maybe try being a likeable person. Try being friendly, fun, helpful, sociable. I've met some amazing people that I never would have gotten to talk to if I'd have decided to be a recluse, angry at the world for everything I don't have that everyone else does.
If I've made you angry or upset or said something wrong or offensive - tell me. Chances are I did something stupid and I may not even realize it if you don't point it out. If I need to correct a mistake or wrongdoing I'll gladly do it, the last thing I want is someone out there fuming at me for something I can fix or at least apologize for. If you want to talk or share ideas and thoughts, go right ahead. I love to hear different perspectives on things. And contrary to how Wart comes off, I'm really a nice person, I promise. If you want to ask me questions about some random thing, whether its something bugging you or just curiosity, I really don't have much to hide. I'm not exactly a criminal or a secret agent just yet.
Anyway... that's enough ranting from me.