So, as some of you know already, I'll be heading for basic in a few months. I'll be gone for nine weeks, four days, leaving June 15th, to get to my training location on time. I realize that this is a bit away, but I felt the need to let you all know now, so that, if I leave without telling you why, I at least gave fair warning. I will not be reachable for the time I am away, except when I get free time to call my family. So, that's it. Just thought you all should know, in case I leave and don't come back until I get back. A couple good things about Basic. It's paid, it'll keep me in shape over the summer, and, I'll be able to cry in relief when I finally get back online.
EDIT: Any complaints can be sent as PMs to me, read, and ignored. Thanks, y'all.