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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Carney on June 25th, 2012, 5:32 pm


Physical Description
Name: Carney
Race: Akalak
Age: 50
Birthday: 22 of winter, 462 AV

Character Concept
Carney is on the shorter side of the scale being six foot tall and weighing close to 200 pounds. His skin is midnight blue and has plae green eyes. His hair is kept short in what resembles a crew cut.

Carney left his home once he was old enough to learn a trade and defend himself in a fight. His learned trade of work is mining which suits him well and keeps him physically fit. When not working he likes to train his body in unarmed combat and hunting with his bolas. When Carney left home he was given a guard dog named blue for protection as well as companionship. He left Riverfall in search of work and seeing new places, he boarded a ship to Syliras after hearing stories of a large mine there. Upon reaching Syliras he quickly realized that it would indeed be his new home and got an apartment there.

Light Brother: Carney is the more dominate of the twin souls and is a kind, honorable and soft spoken soul. Of the two he would be considered more a man of study. He spends much of his time pursuing knowledge of geology and working as a miner. He is not afraid of a fight, but only pursues violence when it cannot be avoided. Thus he leaves the more animal inclinations to his counterpart.

Dark Brother: Sorley is the name of the twin soul to Carney and while he may not be the dominate of the two, he is in no way neglected. Perhaps the phrase "dark brother" is not the proper wording, because he is not evil just much more self centered and animistic. Of the two souls he enjoys the more physical aspects of disciplines, for instance hunting and training in unarmed combat. Unlike Carney Sorley needs no reason to fight and does so not out of any honor. Foe example if he saw someone being robbed or assaulted he would step in, but not because he wanted to help the victim but because he wanted to showcase his ability and strength. That and he deems it poor sport to attack the weak.


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak/coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
1 guard dog (heirloom, named blue)
1 pair studded gauntlets
1 miners pick
1 Bolas
1 fishing kit
67 Gold Mizas

An apartment in Sliras

-5gm studded gauntlet
-3gm miners pick
-15 Bolas
-10 fishing kit

Skills, Lores, Magics, Gnosis, Languages

Mining: 20 starting =20/100
Unarmed combat:10 racial +10 starting =20/100
Hunting: 5 starting =5/100
Bolas: 5 starting =5/100
Geology: 10 starting =10/100
Fishing: 1 earned =1/100
Observation: 1 earned =1/100
Rhetoric: 4 earned =4/100
Interrogation: 4 earned =4/100
Persuasion: 1 earned =1/100

Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Tukant

Lore of Syliran Geography
Lore of Religion: Wysar
Being a Gentleman
Small talk

Thread List
A day in the woods --Finished

Posts: 24
Words: 12235
Joined roleplay: June 21st, 2012, 5:30 pm
Race: Akalak
Character sheet

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