[FLASHBACK]All in a day's work(Natalina)

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Home of the Konti people, this ivory city is built of native konti stone half in and half out of the sea. Its borders touch the Silverwood, and stretch upwards towards Silver Lake, home of the infamous konti vision water. [Lore]

[FLASHBACK]All in a day's work(Natalina)

Postby Iris Timandre on June 26th, 2012, 6:12 pm

32nd of Summer, 511
The Konti, Iris Timandre, made her way through Mura. She had a very exciting day planned out. And it's been quite some time since she's been able to actually go out and enjoy herself. Her training was to blame but it was her own choice to work hard. All of her cousins, aunts, and even her sisters were doing something good with their lives. Iris' mother, Amaris Timandre has been telling Iris "Find something to do. You can't just sit around and waste your life."

So Iris went and began to practice medicine. It was only right, she was born with the gift to Heal people. So learning extra for the field of a healer would open many doors for her in terms of that profession. And recently Iris has been doing great with it. She's been able to study and learn about most of the Flora within the white isle.

Iris wore her typical outfit, a white dress that came down to her knees. But no shoes. The Konti agreed to meet someone in Ocean Rush. After a few more minutes of walking Iris finally gets there and waves to another Konti around the same age as her.

That Konti was a childhood friend of Iris' they played together as children. So naturally, Natalia would know quite a bit about the Timandre family. Iris walked all the way over to Natalia and Iris' violet eyes met Natalia's. The healer spoke the naitive Konti language, Kontinese, to Natalia.

"Hey Natalia, Are you ready? I'm actually quite excited. But small problem. I can't..."

Iris looked over to the water. She couldn't swim. She always had a sister or her mother to pull her out of the water as a child but she just didn't know how to swim.
Last edited by Iris Timandre on July 15th, 2012, 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[FLASHBACK]All in a day's work(Natalina)

Postby Natalina on July 8th, 2012, 2:52 am

Natalina had been friends with Iris Timandre since they were both young girls. Making houses in the sand, splashing in the foamy crests of the waves, and chasing each other, were all part of a day to day basis. When their mothers would allow them to wander, the girls would duck and hide in the underbrush, playing hide-and-seek. Trees were scaled by bare feet, little hands clinging to the wiry limbs. The girls would sit in the trees, hidden by the leaves, and watch as individuals passed by underneath with no clue as to the eyes watching them. The high pitched laughter of innocent children filled the air on more occasions than countable. Scrapes and bruises were shrugged off after thorough inspection by the other; Natalina being "inspected" by Iris more often than the other way around. After all, Iris had been the one interested in medicine. Natalina was simply the one who had the misfortune of being klutzy at a tender age.

Never one to be interested in healing others, Natalina's attention had been caught by animals. Others had recommended she learn how to heal animals and use the gift Rak'keli had so graciously bestowed upon her, but.. It was not the same. Healing an animal and making friends were two separate things. One, you were able to help after harm had already been done. With making friends, you were able to look over the creatures, keep them from harm. You could also experience the joy of seeing a beast's eyes light up upon seeing you, and bonding with the animal. More pleasant experiences in a whole belonged to friendship.

Besides, blood made Natalina queasy and dramatic. Could she be blamed? The very liquid keeping her life together was draining away! Even the most minor of wounds could cause Natalina to become lightheaded or act as though she were dying. Crying included. Depending on the severity of the injury, Natalina would become ice cold and shake. The idea of a wound itself was not what terrified Natalina. Scabs, scrapes, and bumps were ignored. It was the blood. The fact that she could see her body emptying the liquid it pumped and still be alive. Do not be mistaken, Natalina would heal and help in any way she could, animal or human alike, but the sight of red drops threw her into hysterics. Only with self control or removing herself from the situation, could Natalina recover and begin to act sane once again. With a mental shudder, Natalina threw the thought away.

Glancing around, Natalina wondered what was keeping Iris. They had agreed to meet the Ocean Rush and go from there. Given Iris's busy schedule, the pair had not been able to meet up as often as they would have liked. The agenda of the day was hidden to Iris, but Natalina assumed she had guessed given the meeting location. Truth be told, she had a surprise to show Iris. One the other girl had never Natalina had. To help with the day, Natalina had left her backpack on the beach down from Ocean Rush. Inside, several items were kept safe.

Shifting her weight onto the other foot, she glanced around again. There! It appeared, while Natalina was lost inside of her thoughts, Iris had snuck up without warning. The young woman was clad in a beautiful white dress. For a moment, Natalina felt ashamed at the outfit she wore, torn at the edges and faded from the water. Then she reminded herself that Iris had a better career and money to spend.

Upon making eye contact with the individual, Natalina's mind was filled with words describing Iris's temperament. Serene, nosy, push-over, religious, dislikes failing, kind…

Before she was able to say anything, her friend began to speak. It took a moment to translate mentally; Natalina was more accustomed to common than Kontinese. Iris… could not swim? Looking back through all the memories the pair had, Natalina realized she had never seen the lady standing opposite her in the gorgeous liquid. How…? Iris had grown up on Mura, had she not? Did one not learn how to swim at a young age, given their race and location? Natalina had always seemed to know how to dance in the water, taught the basics from her mother.

"It is f-f-f-ine. We w-w-w-will stay where our f-f-f-feet touch, yes? I will h-h-help you l-learn." A smile flickered before Natalina turned and began to walk down the beach.
"This is common"
"This is Kontinese"
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[FLASHBACK]All in a day's work(Natalina)

Postby Iris Timandre on July 15th, 2012, 6:36 am

32nd of Summer, 511
The Timandre healer turned to make her way down the beach with Natalina she was happy about the thought of finally learning how to swim. Personally, the Konti thought it was sad that she actually couldn't swim. There was quite a bit of fear, Iris knew she couldn't drown because she's been inside of the water. But everytime she went in she didn't come out of it unless one of her family members or friends were there to pull her out.

Iris turned to look at Natalina, the two haven't spoke alot recently and Iris was curious to know exactly what Natalina has been up to. Occupation wise, Iris had no idea what Natalina did. And she thought that was bad as a childhood friend.

Iris also didn't know Natalina was more accustomed to common than Kontinese. If someone told Iris she wouldn't believe it because Kontinese was the most spoken language in Mura. Iris learned her few common words from her mother.

The two Konti friends continued down the beach. This was going to be the perfect time to ask Natalina what she's been doing during the season of summer, Five eleven. Iris asked Natalina, still speaking the Kontinese language "I was wondering, what have you been doing this season? Occupation wise? Personally?"

Iris' face lighted up when she thought back to something Natalina said earlier to her. About swimming, Iris wouldn't object being taught how to swim. But she kept that to herself and let Natalina take the driver's seat on that day's activity.
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[FLASHBACK]All in a day's work(Natalina)

Postby Natalina on August 3rd, 2012, 5:10 pm

PsstPlease take your time responding. Thank you.

Translating the words she did not know, such as occupation, was useful to Natalina. She loved learning new languages and picked them up fairly easily. It seemed the words stick to the inside of Natalina's head for future use. In the same file, Natalina stored the word "occupation" in the Kontinese language. "I have not b-b-been up to a lot." And what she had been busy with, Natalina could not yet tell Iris because it involved the surprise planned. "Y-you?"

As they walked, Natalina planned. She wanted Iris to love the water, but did not want to scare her forever. If what she hoped would happen happened, what would Iris think?

Living straight down from Ocean Rush, Natalina often saw people with seahorses or swimming. They didn't usually travel down her way where the water created a secluded beach. Off to the side, in the vegetation, an overgrown path was used by Natalina to access her home. A backpack discolored by the ocean's harsh liquid lay in the sand. Two odd shaped ends stuck out and the pack seemed bulky. The sand was untouched except for a trail of footprints leading toward Ocean Rush. Obviously Natalina's. The water was a gorgeous blue and nearly see-through, slowly becoming deeper and darker the farther one looked. Gentle waves lapped at the beach, teasing the girls' feet.

Looking out over the water, Natalina tried to spot him. Tried to spot the magnificent beast she called Lurn. Tried to make sure the plans for the day would unfold. Her seaweed colored eyes failed to see the creature. Perhaps the seahorse was simply using his camouflage ability? He was dominantly a red shade with white and orange mixed in. Bumps covered his body, making him look more like a piece of coral than anything else living. A long snout seemed to almost hide a smirk. Two bumps created eyebrows, making him look meaner than he actually was. A pouch was located on Lurn's stomach, though Natalina did not know for what. Lurn was a protective seahorse that adored human interactions. There was a playful side hiding within the seahorse and he had been known to prank Natalina on more than one occasion.

Glancing one more time at the cerulean liquid, Natalina rolled over the sight before sharply coming back to stare. The water had a light ripple to it, something not created by a current. Whatever it was was keeping pace with the girls, moving in the same direction. Could it be? Natalina had no idea, but… Iris would have had no idea what was going through Natalina's mind and they were far enough away to where it was impossible to truly see what was in the backpack. "I want to show y-y-you something, okay? Come w-w-with me." Without hesitation, Natalina turned and splashed into the liquid, coming to a stop when it was as high as her belly button. Her head twisted this way and that, eyes searching.

For what?

And then Natalina was pushed forward by something that looked like moving sand in the water.
"This is common"
"This is Kontinese"
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[FLASHBACK]All in a day's work(Natalina)

Postby Traverse on June 13th, 2013, 9:18 pm



Skill XP Earned
Observation 2 XP
Socialization 1 XP

Lores Earned
Iris Timandre: Childhood Friend
Iris: A Konti Who Cannot Swim

Additional Comments :
Iris if you return and are seeking a grade, let me know!

Obviously not a lot to throw out here, I am quite excited to see Natalina interact with Seahorses, so the spot where this thread ceased was quite a bit of a cliff hanger for me, haha.

Yes, I Bite.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can figure it out. :)
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