Timestamp: 20 of Summer, 512 AV; early morning. Syna's light had began to creep its way over the Konti Isle, and Sa'Flora was wide awake. She found herself outside on the shore of the Silver Lake once more, as she had so many times before. She looked out over the water, unexplainable sorrow filling her heart and mind. In the recent weeks, Sa'Flora has experienced a strange ebb in her heart, something like a tug or pull. She couldn't have explained it to anyone if she tried, so she kept it to herself. She often prayed about it, seeking answers from the gods--Avalis in particular. Was the All-Seeing Mother testing her? Was there some greater purpose for Sa'Flora, one she was not yet aware of? Sa'Flora wasn't sure. She thought of maybe consulting another Konti, someone who might understand... A wise woman, perhaps, someone she could trust. Maybe these feelings she had of late were normal: something simply every Konti felt at one point in their lives... If there was any one particular thing bothering Sa'Flora, it was how much she noticed mothers around the Isle. Flora knew it to be odd, and it wasn't like there were many mothers in Mura to begin with. The Konti rarely sired children, due to the fact that there were almost no men on the Isle. But of the few there were, Flora seemed to run into them everywhere she went. She watched them with their beautiful little girls, happy and loving, and it seemed like pure bliss. Flora knew that she was young. Too young. She was still considered a child by Konti standards. She knew she wasn't old enough or mentally mature enough to handle a child of her own...but, then why did she want one so badly? Flora shook the thoughts from her mind, wishing not to dwell on them any longer. She finally decided to sit down, simply hoping that her opaque dress wouldn't get too dirty. She sat on her knees, her legs tucked under her body. She looked out over the lake once more, taking in the sunlight and tranquil scene, and decided to use the gift given to her by her Mother, Avalis; she decided to activate her Seer's Lily, essentially. She decided to delve into the Chavic Records. |