[Knirin Gardens] Lurking in Trees [Rykanis Dakshata]

Ayanna people watches from a tree in the gardens, eventually becoming intrigued by a tall, blue giant by the name of Rykanis

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Knirin Gardens] Lurking in Trees [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Ayanna on July 1st, 2012, 2:53 am

Timestamp: 9th Of Summer 512AV

Ayanna had explored parts of the city for the past six days, and this was the second time she had gotten lost and found herself in this specific park. She had figured it must simply be fate that she wind up in this park. She sighed and shrugged, it was midday and it was hot. She made her way to a tree, pulling her hood closer over her face and hunched into herself slightly. This place was full of huge giants! These men loomed over her and it was daunting. She wondered if one of them could accidentally sit on her, that put a little bit of fear into the woman. So when she reached a good sized tree instead of sitting on the bench under it she swiftly climbed into it's branches, feeling immediately at home. These trees, the humidity and the water spraying up reminded her of that time in the jungle.. She reminisced for a few moments while she got situated on a sturdy branch, lying along it and letting her arms and legs dangle, looking somewhat like a spidery cat. It was a habit she picked up from a feline kelvic friend.

She watched people as they walked, wondering at their lives and taking in the ways they moved. Many of the warriors walked with a supple grace acquired form years of weapon training, they walked as if they knew they could take anyone who came after them. Some konti women strolled the paths too, they walked with grace of a swimmer through water. Some did anyways. Ayanna turned her attention to the water and let herself fall into a trance for some amount of time.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Knirin Gardens] Lurking in Trees [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on July 1st, 2012, 2:18 pm

Rykanis often frequented the man parks of the city. It was a nice getaway, during his busy life. Also, he could usually get a bit of peace, away from other people. Though never away from the shadows, constantly whispering in his ears.

Today though, he was not here for just any tree. And he was not here to speak to a bunch of people. No, he was here for a specific shadow, of a certain tree.

He had been making friends with this certain shadow for years now, going and talking to it every so often, listening to its tales, most of which were rather boring... But he persisted, and listened on.

So today he once more found himself plopping down under this tree, inside of its shadow, talking to it in a low whisper, which could not be understood more than a few feet away.

But he was surprised, as the shadow told him someone had just passed through it... And entered the tree... Someone small, who was unusually light... With pale skin and hair...

Rykanis of course at first assumed he meant a konti was sitting in the tree... Until it mentioned the claws... That was not a konti... It was a symenestra... Something that all Akalaks had to be watchful of, lest one try to take off with some of there woman. He knew of them, and how they used other woman for hosts, killing them in the process.

He had to be cautious here, and thanked the shadow, and Akajia, in a whisper, for this information... Before looking up at the tree, and speaking, with a smile on his face.

"Hello there... Enjoying hiding in a tree? I am Rykanis. And you are?"
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Knirin Gardens] Lurking in Trees [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Ayanna on July 1st, 2012, 9:20 pm

Ayanna was almost asleep when the man came to loiter around what she was beginning to think of as her tree. He ended up sitting in the shadow and murmuring words. She found herself waking up and watching him with some curiosity. Was he muttering a spell? could he talk to trees? Could he talk to shadows? She continued to wonder at what he was doing as he talked to the shadow, against her knowledge. She just began to think of crazy things he could be doing. perhaps he was talking to the mother of all blue giants?

Ayanna was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she was almost startled out of the tree when the man spoke to her. How had he known she was up there? Had the giant mother told him? Or was it the tree? She wondered at this as she sat up in an upright position. The tree rustled very lightly as she moved, such was the lack of weight put on it from her small form. She pulled her hood more firmly around her face, making sure nothing but her black and white hair showed. She had worn her full makeup today but still.

"Hello, and yes. This tree is quite the hiding place." she spoke slowly, and softly as was her habit. her own voice was soft and almost melodic. perhaps a side effect of her natural language. She trusted the man would be able to hear her.

"I am Ayanna Nightshade sir."

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Knirin Gardens] Lurking in Trees [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on July 2nd, 2012, 3:44 am

Until she had moved, Rykanis had not been sure exactly were she was. Luckily for him, his eyes were especially good at piercing into the shadows and darkness. But still, it was not until she had so clearly revealed herself, and spoke, that he knew exactly were she was.

If it had not been for the shadows telling him of how she looked, he would not have known she was there, or what she was... But when something entered a shadow, it was able to get a good look at that thing. It could easily report what had passed through it... Though its willingness to do so, was another thing entirely. Luckily for him, she had passed through it on her way into the tree, and he was friendly with this particular shadow...

"Ayanna, nice to meet you. So what brings you to this park, or Riverfall? Anything in particular."

And there he was, already interrogating her, jumping right into things. Though he tried to play it off as friendly questioning. As being interested. Really, he was gathering intel on her, as was his habit. What better way to work on your skills at questioning someone?
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Knirin Gardens] Lurking in Trees [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Ayanna on July 2nd, 2012, 3:59 am

Ayanna considered her position. Even at his considerable height the tree branch she was on still came above his head. He could reach it if he jumped though. Perhaps she should come down?

She squashed that thought as soon as it entered her head. Not only would she be at a considerable disadvantage, should this turn into a fight, she would also have to crane her neck to talk to him. So instead she climbed a branch higher, but closer in his direction. She re-settled herself, feeling safer in this position.

Still she wondered on how he had known of her presence. She knew she had been well hidden, no one else had noticed her. Had the tree really disliked her so much it had to tell on her?

His line of questions brought her from her thoughts, she had been around long enough to know to be careful of questions and to always watch what you answer, once said something cannot be taken back. She thought of an answer that would satisfy him and not tell too much of herself.

"Fate." she finally replied, satisfied that this answer would suffice. It was true enough, the last caravan she had been on had told her this was their destination, a city she had never been to before but had often wondered at. Of course she agreed. it was one of the few caravans that would take a Symenestra. And finished this park for the second time when she had been so fully lost she didn't even know where north was, was a form of fate. So it was essentially a truthful answer. It just omitted almost everything.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Knirin Gardens] Lurking in Trees [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on July 2nd, 2012, 5:26 pm

Really, his question had been pretty standard. It was a common thing to ask, to people you had newly met. What they were up to, what they were doing in town. And yet, not only did she not answer, she did so evasively. Which aggravated Rykanis. Along with piquing his interest, that this person was hiding something.

If she had just given a normal answer, he might have listened, and moved on. But similar to entering a home, and seeing one door shut and locked, it made one wonder what was behind that door, more than if it had not been locked...

Aggravated as he was, at her evasiveness with such a simple question, he kept his anger from showing on his face, instead showing a smile, to try and put her at ease.

"Fate." What the petch kind of answer was that?

"Really, fate? That seems a bit evasive of an answer... Or do you not even know why you are here... I suppose some people do wander across Mizahar, into random cities, for no reason. With no purpose, or specific destination in mind..."

Rykanis simply smiled, a grin on his face, sarcasm clear in most of what he had just said.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Knirin Gardens] Lurking in Trees [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Ayanna on July 2nd, 2012, 5:43 pm

Ayanna was pleasantly surprised by the man's smile.So he had not gotten angry at her simple answer, how interesting. She came a bit lower, falling easily into the trap of a kind smile. The woman was always eager to believe that people had good sides, although she was constantly proven otherwise.

Still she yearned for acceptance, to be liked. So it was easy to make her fall for kindness. But his next comment had her narrowing her eyes.

"Evasive? Oh why would I possibly have a reason to be evasive? it's not like I'm in a city where most of the population distrusts me, and the rest of it hates me." she spat, the anger of the day finally came spilling out. Today she had been denied eating at around five restaurants. One person had spit in her direction and several women had seen her and bundled their children away. It was the typical treatment, the reason she usually went about cities using the roof's. But she had hoped these people might be slightly different. But no.

And now this man's sarcastic comment had just been too much. She sighed.

"Sorry. Bad day. I didn't mean to snap at you." she explained with a sheepish smile he wouldn't be able to see.

"I enjoy traveling. That is why I am here." she explained, in a nicer voice and tone than before.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Knirin Gardens] Lurking in Trees [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on July 2nd, 2012, 10:10 pm

Really, even though the answer was full of anger and hate, and was a sudden outburst, it told Rykanis a lot. Telling someone your fears, what made you angry, and such deep feelings... It was good information to have on someone... Rykanis other side was already working out ways to use this knowledge, to better manipulate her... That side of him was always looking for something to hold on someone... Not Rykanis main side though.

Rykanis simply smiled, as she apologized for her outburst. He of all people knew how to not let things get to him, and to carry on with people, even after acting like such.

"That's alright, it happens. Sometimes venting can help."

Though really, if she disliked the people so much, and the way she was treated, why was she here?

"But don't judge everyone by them. Some people are a bit more open to meeting new people. And others are not. But many have heard tales of your people, and so fear what they might do. But if the tales are false, I would love to hear your point of view, of what the truth is."

"But you have to realize, some people are afraid of the unknown... Afraid of what hides in the darkness... I prefer to delve right into it head first, and get a good look. Then there is nothing to fear."

"And you love to travel a lot? I have not really left this city to much. What all places have you been to, during your travels?"
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Knirin Gardens] Lurking in Trees [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Ayanna on July 2nd, 2012, 11:17 pm

Ayanna was unaware of the way the Akalak's mind plotted, the woman was rather easily swayed sometimes by kind words and attentive listeners. A trait her companion often admonished her about, although usually he could be distrustful enough for the both of them. But he wasn't with her today. So she was apt to trust someone who gave her a kind smile and actually talked to her like she was a person, not a monster.

Ayanna smiled and pulled down her hood, a sign that she was comfortable. She lowered herself onto a branch that was around his height, so he could see her. She fiddled with a strand of silky black and white hair, her violet eyes were still a bit unsure and you could tell she was ready to run if he went after her.

"Oh i know some people are. Your city has some kind people in it. And interesting ones too." she told him with a smile, and it was true. Some people were nice to her and didn't care what race she was. Other's knew it was the Male sym's one had to worry about and didn't worry about her. At the question to hear her point of view the Sym's face closed. She wasn't sure what she should say.

Some Symenestra hated the harvest's but they were not the majority by far. But still not all of them were willing to sacrifice another life to have a child. And again, it was the men who stole the women. not the females.

"I have never known nor heard of a female Symenestra taking a woman from her home, or eating a child. I have however heard of female and male Symenestra going out on Gleanings to learn more about the world , the races, the religions, and anything else you can think of." she told him making sure to not lie, as it wasn't something she enjoyed doing. And she told no lie, no female Sym had taken another woman in a harvest, but some did go on gleanings.

Ayanna listened to his explanation of people's fear. the fear of the unknown, the fear of the dark. which she didn't fully understand because things were rarely wholly dark to her. She could thank her adjustable pupil for that much. She smiled at his motto, to dive head first.

"Well I'm nothing to be frightened of." she informed him, although she didn't say that if she got into a fight she could effectively protect herself. But in combat where it was close quarters she was certainly not someone you had to fear.

"I've been to the Jungle Wilds, all across Kalea, I've been to The Spires, Avanthal. Lhavit and Alvadas were some of the best cities I visited." she thought of all the places she had visited, the people she had met, the few friends she had made and she smiled. No, not everyone was bad.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Knirin Gardens] Lurking in Trees [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on July 2nd, 2012, 11:56 pm

As the sym lowered herself a bit more from the tree, and pulled back her hood, Rykanis did not flinch or pull back. He simply looked at her, taking in her expression, her identity, he odd hair with black streaks, her physical description. He wanted to be able to describe her, and to know her, if he saw her again.

"I am sure we do, most places do. I doubt there are many places, were everyone is rude and boring. So what of me, am I nice and interesting?"

Rykanis said this a bit playfully, a smile on his face, as it usually was. He wondered what the woman thought of him so far, as was being a bit playful. he recent outburst seemed to be forgotten, at least to his main side of Rykanis... His other side though, who was not in control, was filing it away, and remembering it... In case he ever needed to recall it... Who knew how her outburst might come in handy...

He also listened to her next speech, on her point of view of the syms... He knew truth was rarely a single perspective. He had to be objective, and take in info from all sides, and reason out logically which was the truth... So it was in the name of that, that he listened to her words.

"No, you certainly don't seem scary. And I suppose I am not easily scared, by things I don't completely understand, that are different, as many people are. I try to be a bit more objective."

"And you do seem to be rather well traveled... Though did you ever say, did you have anything in particular you wanted to do, or learn, while you are here? If so, perhaps I could help you out. I could possibly show you around a bit. And I tend to pick up on things in Riverfall. It sort of happens, when you keep an open mind and ear, and really listen to what others say."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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