Well hello there
So, to get straight to the point, I'm looking for threads in Zeltiva. Meet and Greets are fine, as long as they eventually lead somewhere.
Threads concerning Animation and other types of magic would be good, as I'm mainly focusing Ezra on that area. However if your part of the shady, not-quite-the-right-side-of-the-law crowd then defiantly make your way over. Ezra's life could use some spicing up.
A drinking buddy would be good as well- hell, they don’t even have to be buddies; a one night stand or punch in the face is all good as well.
While I'm at it I’ll just mention that a longer-term companion would be appreciated as well. Say your character is new to Zeltiva and has nowhere to stay- Ezra has some spare room in his cottage.
Well, yeah. So, if you are interested, reply here or PM me