Tryn Valin Frostfawn
(Trin Vallen Frost-fawn)
Basic Information
Name: Tryn Valin Frostfawn
Race: Kelvic, White Tiger
Age: 3 (appears 22 as a human)
Birthday: 83rd of Fall 508 AV
Physical Description
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair color: Black, semi long, thick
Eye color: Green
Skin: Pale
Body Type: Proportionally lanky, skinny

Character Concept
Greatest Personal Flaw: Emotional attachment.
As a Kelvic, Tryn longs so badly to be connected to someone he can serve and protect, that when he makes friendships, he instinctively latches on emotionally. While this can be good, it often leaves him hurt in the end. Every friend in his life, he considers, views, and treats as he would family or a master/bond. The problem with this, is that not all of these friends view him that way, and the difference in importance between them causes Tryn pain.
Best Personal Quality: Loyalty.
Tryn is naturally extremely loyal to everyone he knows. Friends, guides, etc. He is like this both because he wishes to be, and also because it's in the nature of his race. He will do anything necessary to remain loyal to those he's sworn loyalty to, and he knows deep down in his heart that when he finds a bond/master, loyalty to that person will be of a higher importance than his own life, and he's perfectly content with this.
Desires: Finding someone to serve/bond with, success, freedom.
Tryn's biggest goal in life is to serve someone. In his nature as a Kelvic, he longs for a master or bond to protect and serve however he can. In addition to this, Tryn desires to be successful in life, in all aspects, whether that's servitude, monetary, etc. Contrary to his bred nature, he also wants freedom. Not to roam or leave, he's too akin to groups and social settings for that, but he wants his being part of a group, being sociable, and his obedience and loyalty to a bond/master to be of his own will, and not forced.
Fears: Never serving someone/Having someone to be loyal to, failure.
Tryn's biggest fear in life is never serving someone or bonding with and being loyal to someone. Without this accomplishment, his life has no real purpose or meaning to it. While loneliness is only something he dislikes, the thought of that feeling becoming permanent in his life scares and unsettles him. He also largely fears failing to serve or protect his bond/master if/when he finds one. This would be the ultimate sin in life, even if it was a situation he couldn't control, and he feels if this happens, he will be truly useless to this world and to himself.
Likes: Helping others, groups/social settings, romance, ambition, full moons, hilarity, adventures, physical closeness.
Keeping in tune with his addictive nature with serving someone, Tryn loves helping others however he can, whether he gets anything in return or not. Due to this, he loves groups and social settings, as these situations give him the highest chance of being able to help someone out. Things that interest him and excite him consist of romance and physical closeness, again going on the bond scenario, full moons for he appreciates beauty, adventures sometimes, everyone has their frisky moments after all, and hilarity. He loves laughter and having a good time. It helps keep him in good spirits.
Dislikes: Loneliness, lack of accomplishment, solitude, the past, egotistical people, heartache/pain/misfortune, chaos/disorder.
Being a Kelvic, Tryn hates loneliness. It's an extremely uncomfortable and unwelcome feeling in his life. When necessary, he deals with it and pushes forward, but he really hates it. He also hates trying to accomplish something and failing to do so, and also tends to dislike people who have accomplished nothing in their lives, particularly those who aren't even trying to do so. Solitude isn't such a bad thing for Tryn sometimes, but most of the time, he dislikes this as well. The past is something he's not fond of simply because he feels that there is nothing good to come from worrying about or reminiscing on the past. There's nothing to be done or changed about it, so why bother with it? The present and the future is all that matters. To him there's no point in getting caught up on the past, or he might miss his future approaching. Egotistical people irk him, simply because he has the mentality and emotional standpoint that while it's good to be proud of things you've accomplished or gained, life isn't just about yourself. It's about others and helping out and he believes that if we all help each other out, we all benefit. We should be full of each other, not full of ourselves. Naturally, like anyone else, Tryn dislikes being hurt, pain, and misfortune in life, along with chaos and disorder.
Strengths: Protective, loyalty, strong demeanor, strong willed, lives to please.
As a person in general and also as a Kelvic, Tryn's strengths consist of being protective, loyalty, and living to please others, which in turn pleases himself. He's naturally in tune to do/keep up with these things and unless it's a situation or occurrence out of his control, he'll never let you down. He keeps his word when he gives it, and if he has any doubt that he'll be able to do so, he won't make empty promises. He's strong willed and attacks everything in life with strength, determination, and faith.
Weaknesses: Trust
Tryn has a weakness for trust, derived from his addiction to affection, companionship, and need to fulfill his destiny as a Kelvic and what they were born/bred to do. He trusts easily and as a result is easily manipulated and toyed with.
Overall Personality:
Tryn is both complicated and simple. He is complicated in such that his existence is here all for the deep rooted need to serve. Like other Kelvics, he has spent his whole life so far wandering and searching for someone to give his servitude to, and until this happens, no matter where he is or who he's around, he'll always feel lost and like he doesn't belong. He fits in well with anyone he comes in contact with and easily adapts to his surroundings and social standings, but he always feels like a piece of the puzzle is missing. This causes an emotional war that rages inside him day in and day out. He is also easily frustrated and discouraged by the fact that while he has intelligence, he cannot formally learn for it's difficult for Kelvics to do so. He does seek more knowledge in life, but he's unsure of how he'll retain it and truly learn it when he finds it. He supposes he'll figure it out when it happens, but that thought both excites and terrifies him.
Contrary to his inner struggles, Tryn is quite simple. He is driven by basic instincts and needs and he is content with this. He travels when necessary, helps out where he can, survives, and continues his search for a bond/master. All of his goals and aspirations revolve around this instincts and needs and that's all there is to his life and his actions.

Character History
Tryn was born in Avanthal to his two Kelvic parents. He is a member of the Frostfawn hold, both his parents having been animals kept there by loving Vantha. He stayed there until he was a year old, and having reached maturity, set out into the rest of Avanthal in search of a bond/master. He eventually reached one, a traveling hunter who Tryn bonded to as protection. Having skills in both hunting and unarmed combat, as well as shifting into a White Tiger, Tryn was very useful to his master. Together they traveled to Syliras, his master interested in work and society there.
They stayed there for a while, thriving in the culture and warmer weather. Tryn missed his family but was happy with his master and in the new environment. However, tragedy struck when the Djed storms hit, and Tryn's master was killed in the mayhem. Hearing word that his home city was hit pretty hard as well, Tryn made his way back to Avanthal as soon as he could. He arrived rather late, but in plenty of time to help clean up the disaster that Avanthal was becoming. Upon his return, he discovered that both of his parents were killed in the Djed storms as well. Now completely devastated by the loss of his master and his family, Tryn is without anyone to turn to.
Having almost completely recovered from the storms, Avanthal is back to normal stature, and this is the one good thing Tryn can bounce off of to move forward in life. He remains thus far without a bond or master, just doing his part for his hold and helping out where he can.
Prepared for icy weather year round, Tryn owns the following clothing, all in black:
Wool Cap
Wool Scarf
Cotton Shirt
Wool Jacket
Wool Pants
High Boots
Ice Boots
Animal Form

In animal form, Tryn is a White Tiger, fitting in perfectly in Avanthal's snowy terrain. He weighs about 550 pounds and is about 9 feet in length including his tail. While normal white tigers have blue eyes, Tryn's tiger form keeps his green human eyes, standing out nicely against his mostly white fur. White Tigers have incredible hearing and sight which, along with their stealth, helps them when hunting in the dark.
Animalistic Qualities
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack containing a wooden comb and brush, soap, a razor, one week's worth of rations, one knife, flint, and steel
2 Short swords
A 20x20 Arvinta of the Frostfawn Hold that includes: a table, a chair, a bunk, a hearth, and a chest.

Fluent: Common
Basic: Vani
Lore of History of Avanthal
Lore of Religion: Morwen

Thread List
52nd of Summer 512 AV - Clear Air (Raven)(Closed)
(Trin Vallen Frost-fawn)
Basic Information
Name: Tryn Valin Frostfawn
Race: Kelvic, White Tiger
Age: 3 (appears 22 as a human)
Birthday: 83rd of Fall 508 AV
Physical Description
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair color: Black, semi long, thick
Eye color: Green
Skin: Pale
Body Type: Proportionally lanky, skinny

Character Concept
Greatest Personal Flaw: Emotional attachment.
As a Kelvic, Tryn longs so badly to be connected to someone he can serve and protect, that when he makes friendships, he instinctively latches on emotionally. While this can be good, it often leaves him hurt in the end. Every friend in his life, he considers, views, and treats as he would family or a master/bond. The problem with this, is that not all of these friends view him that way, and the difference in importance between them causes Tryn pain.
Best Personal Quality: Loyalty.
Tryn is naturally extremely loyal to everyone he knows. Friends, guides, etc. He is like this both because he wishes to be, and also because it's in the nature of his race. He will do anything necessary to remain loyal to those he's sworn loyalty to, and he knows deep down in his heart that when he finds a bond/master, loyalty to that person will be of a higher importance than his own life, and he's perfectly content with this.
Desires: Finding someone to serve/bond with, success, freedom.
Tryn's biggest goal in life is to serve someone. In his nature as a Kelvic, he longs for a master or bond to protect and serve however he can. In addition to this, Tryn desires to be successful in life, in all aspects, whether that's servitude, monetary, etc. Contrary to his bred nature, he also wants freedom. Not to roam or leave, he's too akin to groups and social settings for that, but he wants his being part of a group, being sociable, and his obedience and loyalty to a bond/master to be of his own will, and not forced.
Fears: Never serving someone/Having someone to be loyal to, failure.
Tryn's biggest fear in life is never serving someone or bonding with and being loyal to someone. Without this accomplishment, his life has no real purpose or meaning to it. While loneliness is only something he dislikes, the thought of that feeling becoming permanent in his life scares and unsettles him. He also largely fears failing to serve or protect his bond/master if/when he finds one. This would be the ultimate sin in life, even if it was a situation he couldn't control, and he feels if this happens, he will be truly useless to this world and to himself.
Likes: Helping others, groups/social settings, romance, ambition, full moons, hilarity, adventures, physical closeness.
Keeping in tune with his addictive nature with serving someone, Tryn loves helping others however he can, whether he gets anything in return or not. Due to this, he loves groups and social settings, as these situations give him the highest chance of being able to help someone out. Things that interest him and excite him consist of romance and physical closeness, again going on the bond scenario, full moons for he appreciates beauty, adventures sometimes, everyone has their frisky moments after all, and hilarity. He loves laughter and having a good time. It helps keep him in good spirits.
Dislikes: Loneliness, lack of accomplishment, solitude, the past, egotistical people, heartache/pain/misfortune, chaos/disorder.
Being a Kelvic, Tryn hates loneliness. It's an extremely uncomfortable and unwelcome feeling in his life. When necessary, he deals with it and pushes forward, but he really hates it. He also hates trying to accomplish something and failing to do so, and also tends to dislike people who have accomplished nothing in their lives, particularly those who aren't even trying to do so. Solitude isn't such a bad thing for Tryn sometimes, but most of the time, he dislikes this as well. The past is something he's not fond of simply because he feels that there is nothing good to come from worrying about or reminiscing on the past. There's nothing to be done or changed about it, so why bother with it? The present and the future is all that matters. To him there's no point in getting caught up on the past, or he might miss his future approaching. Egotistical people irk him, simply because he has the mentality and emotional standpoint that while it's good to be proud of things you've accomplished or gained, life isn't just about yourself. It's about others and helping out and he believes that if we all help each other out, we all benefit. We should be full of each other, not full of ourselves. Naturally, like anyone else, Tryn dislikes being hurt, pain, and misfortune in life, along with chaos and disorder.
Strengths: Protective, loyalty, strong demeanor, strong willed, lives to please.
As a person in general and also as a Kelvic, Tryn's strengths consist of being protective, loyalty, and living to please others, which in turn pleases himself. He's naturally in tune to do/keep up with these things and unless it's a situation or occurrence out of his control, he'll never let you down. He keeps his word when he gives it, and if he has any doubt that he'll be able to do so, he won't make empty promises. He's strong willed and attacks everything in life with strength, determination, and faith.
Weaknesses: Trust
Tryn has a weakness for trust, derived from his addiction to affection, companionship, and need to fulfill his destiny as a Kelvic and what they were born/bred to do. He trusts easily and as a result is easily manipulated and toyed with.
Overall Personality:
Tryn is both complicated and simple. He is complicated in such that his existence is here all for the deep rooted need to serve. Like other Kelvics, he has spent his whole life so far wandering and searching for someone to give his servitude to, and until this happens, no matter where he is or who he's around, he'll always feel lost and like he doesn't belong. He fits in well with anyone he comes in contact with and easily adapts to his surroundings and social standings, but he always feels like a piece of the puzzle is missing. This causes an emotional war that rages inside him day in and day out. He is also easily frustrated and discouraged by the fact that while he has intelligence, he cannot formally learn for it's difficult for Kelvics to do so. He does seek more knowledge in life, but he's unsure of how he'll retain it and truly learn it when he finds it. He supposes he'll figure it out when it happens, but that thought both excites and terrifies him.
Contrary to his inner struggles, Tryn is quite simple. He is driven by basic instincts and needs and he is content with this. He travels when necessary, helps out where he can, survives, and continues his search for a bond/master. All of his goals and aspirations revolve around this instincts and needs and that's all there is to his life and his actions.

Character History
Tryn was born in Avanthal to his two Kelvic parents. He is a member of the Frostfawn hold, both his parents having been animals kept there by loving Vantha. He stayed there until he was a year old, and having reached maturity, set out into the rest of Avanthal in search of a bond/master. He eventually reached one, a traveling hunter who Tryn bonded to as protection. Having skills in both hunting and unarmed combat, as well as shifting into a White Tiger, Tryn was very useful to his master. Together they traveled to Syliras, his master interested in work and society there.
They stayed there for a while, thriving in the culture and warmer weather. Tryn missed his family but was happy with his master and in the new environment. However, tragedy struck when the Djed storms hit, and Tryn's master was killed in the mayhem. Hearing word that his home city was hit pretty hard as well, Tryn made his way back to Avanthal as soon as he could. He arrived rather late, but in plenty of time to help clean up the disaster that Avanthal was becoming. Upon his return, he discovered that both of his parents were killed in the Djed storms as well. Now completely devastated by the loss of his master and his family, Tryn is without anyone to turn to.
Having almost completely recovered from the storms, Avanthal is back to normal stature, and this is the one good thing Tryn can bounce off of to move forward in life. He remains thus far without a bond or master, just doing his part for his hold and helping out where he can.
Prepared for icy weather year round, Tryn owns the following clothing, all in black:
Wool Cap
Wool Scarf
Cotton Shirt
Wool Jacket
Wool Pants
High Boots
Ice Boots
Animal Form

In animal form, Tryn is a White Tiger, fitting in perfectly in Avanthal's snowy terrain. He weighs about 550 pounds and is about 9 feet in length including his tail. While normal white tigers have blue eyes, Tryn's tiger form keeps his green human eyes, standing out nicely against his mostly white fur. White Tigers have incredible hearing and sight which, along with their stealth, helps them when hunting in the dark.
Animalistic Qualities
- - Solitary stealth
- Heightened eyesight and hearing
- Territorial
- Hates most vegetables
- Thick, soft hair
- Much warmer natural body temperature
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack containing a wooden comb and brush, soap, a razor, one week's worth of rations, one knife, flint, and steel
2 Short swords
A 20x20 Arvinta of the Frostfawn Hold that includes: a table, a chair, a bunk, a hearth, and a chest.

Purchase | Cost | Total |
Starting | +100 GM | 100 GM |
Cash In | +500 GM | 600 GM |
Wool Pants | -5 SM | 599 GM 5 SM |
High Boots | -5 SM | 599 GM |
Wool Cap | -1 SM | 598 GM 9 SM |
Wool Jacket | -1 GM | 597 GM 9 SM |
Wool Scarf | -7 CM | 597 GM 8 SM 93 CM |
Cotton Shirt | -1 SM | 597 GM 7 SM 93 CM |
Snowshoes | -8 SM | 596 GM 9 SM 93 CM |
Ice Boots | -15 GM | 581 GM 9 SM 93 CM |
Skill | EXP | Proficiency |
Hunting | 30/100 (20 SP, 10 RB) | Competent |
Wilderness Survival | 15/100 (SP) | Novice |
Unarmed Combat | 15/100 (SP) | Novice |
Fluent: Common
Basic: Vani
Lore of History of Avanthal
Lore of Religion: Morwen

Thread List
52nd of Summer 512 AV - Clear Air (Raven)(Closed)