[WIP] Lemoth

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[WIP] Lemoth

Postby Lemoth on July 8th, 2012, 12:38 pm

Behold the Tempest of a Moth

Physical Description

Name: Lemoth from the tents of Raren, of the sons of Malech.
Race: Benshira
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty
Birthday: 492 - Summer - The Third
Starting City: Yahebah
Height: 5'8" / 179 cm
Weight: 145 Lbs / 56 kg
Body type: Toned
Complexion: Tanned, smooth-faced, adorned with many scars along his back due to hygiene-related problems.
Head shape: Oval with an angled jaw bone
Hair color: Charcoal
Miscellaneous details: The young man’s right ear is nicked near the top, a groove of flesh missing from the spot in which he had attempted to first cut his own hair. As a result, Lem tends to keep his hair long so as to hide the mistake.

Character Concept

Lem is meant to represent all the characteristics people normally do not glimpse in living beings. An introvert, a musical boy, and a carver by trade, he's not exactly the type to go galavanting about in the world of Mizahar slaying beasts and bedding women. However, because of this, his methods of survival are far more practical. He'd be infinitely more likely to charge someone who owes him a debt with a dangerous task in order to be accompanied into a fight, rather than charge in recklessly and alone. He is primarily a thinker first. Very rarely does he lose his temper, yet when he does, it is a sight that most would never wish to behold.
Imagine for a moment one of the most delicate creatures alive, the moth, toppling towers and initiating great acts of heroism. Allow your mind to wander and view images in which the small insect, with a mere brush of its wing, killed a man and summoned creatures the likes of which you could never imagine. Open your ears and listen to the melodies of the birds and the bugs, a harmonious symphony the likes of which no mere mortal could ever replicate. And yet we'd find a moth's song is rather silent, and more to the point, short.
Believe it or not this extended analogy does have a point. Through a moth's subtle actions grand-scale effects can occur. If someone bore the knowledge and capability to understand how certain actions could affect others, they could, essentially, control certain aspects of their own lives to a very precise degree. Now the reader should realize that Lemoth is not by his own nature a control-freak. He simply desires, and enjoys for that matter, being able to foresee the outcome of his actions.

Character History

Lem was born into the care of a wood-carving man and his wife, a lyrist, the pair of which both celebrated their newborn's safe arrival with many thanks and prayers to Yahal, as their last two attempts at giving birth to a child led only to stillborns. The family branched off from the massive tent city in which they had originally been living, setting their eyes on the more stable Yahebah in the hopes of a solid upbringing for their son. The decision wasn't made lightly, and had in fact been planned for quite a long time before Lem's actual birth. Lem, his father, and his mother settled in Yahebah in a medium-sized clay home. The inside had been pre-furnished and bought with the building itself, which provided moderate comfort to the family. Eventually, Lem’s father began to look for more work, having lost his regular clients after moving, while his wife continued to entertain, and occasionally teach those willing to pay to learn with her Lyre.
Throughout Lemoth’s teenage years he began to practice and take on his father’s arts. The carving of wood and other objects was commonplace in Yahebah, especially for those affiliated with religious temples or other various places of worship. There was no short supply of demand for statues, wooden and stone idols, or furniture. As such the young man’s father ended up achieving a very comfortable living, even reaching a point to where he began saving a small fund for his son for when he was to ascend to manhood and begin his own life. Eventually Lemoth’s tastes expanded and he began to practice the violin, inspired by his mother's music and wishing to pursue a string instrument as well, as the sounds both soothed and cleared his mind. It was a retreat for him in the later hours of the day, after all the work had been completed and he was given a safe refuge in the expanses of his own mind. It wasn’t that he disliked socializing or experiencing the world around him, he simply preferred the vast worlds and creations his imagination could spawn. Because of this the boy became a natural introvert and developed a tendency to think more than he would act.
Religious worship was prevalent throughout the young man's life and shaped the vast majority of his future path. Lemoth did not want to die a useless man with no interesting tale to tell. He wanted to give form to a revolution in character; a change in the fabric that most bards would weave their tales from. His actions would be guided by the principles of Yahal, as would his thoughts and ideals. Anything else came second. While Lem understood he could never become an official priest, as he was not born a son of Rapa, there was an overwhelming urge in his core that allowed him to yearn for a path in which he could proudly call himself a devout follower of The Holy One.


1 Set of Clothing
-Ankle Length Tunic with Short Sleeves
-Simple Undergarments
-Long Light Cloak with swirling colors and patterns
-Leather Sandals
1 Waterskin
1 Violin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-Heirloom - Woodcarver's Toolkit (Fathers)
50 Gold Mizas


Lemoth currently resides in a room owned by his parents. The room itself is divided into two sections, taking up a roughly four-hundred square feet area in which the floor was decorated in tile, the ceiling was domed, and the area in general was rather open and bare. His furniture is low to the floor, consisting of cushions, a table, brazier, rugs, and a bed.


Starting Funds: 100 GM
-50 for a Violin (Starting out with this.)
End Amount: 50 GM

Skills, Lores, Magics, Gnosis, Languages

+15 Singing (+15 RB)
+10 Carving (+10 SP)
+10 Sculpting (+10 SP)
+10 Philtering (+10 SP)
+10 Mathematics (+10 SP)
+10 Play Musical Instrument (Violin) (+10 SP)


Fluent Language: Shiber
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Arumenic


Lore of History of Yahebah
Lore of Religion: Yahal

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Last edited by Lemoth on July 15th, 2012, 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Luminous One
Posts: 6
Words: 4010
Joined roleplay: June 19th, 2012, 3:18 am
Race: Human, Benshira
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