Woodland Meeting Timestamp: 30th of Summer, 512 AV*If this timestamp doesn't work for you, I don't have a problem changing it L'orlei was waist deep in the water, her bare feet sinking into the muddy bottom of the pond. She had discarded her shoes at the edge of the pond, but didn't worry about her clothing getting wet. Not that being wet bothered her, or really any Konti, in the slightest. L'orlei had her bag with her and was approaching a cluster of plants, beautiful violet blue flowers floating on the top of the water. They were called Chali, and most of the plant was actually underwater. L'orlei was always collecting different types of plants, and this one was supposed to have many uses. She needed the whole thing, so once she arrived at the plant, she dunked her head underwater and started fishing around for the base. Luckily, she could breath underwater, so she had all the time in the world. L'orlei smiled as a school of fish darted away from her, watching them wiggle their tails as they swam away at full speed. They had nothing to fear from her, but still they swam away as fish did. After they were gone L'orlei dug around in the mud trying to get as many of the roots as possible from the plant before she pulled it out of the ground. Once she had it she carefully put it into her bag before going for another. Deciding to take a break from her foraging, L'orlei lied back against the grass to take a short nap. The afternoon sun would dry her clothes and by the time she woke up, she would be ready to go. She knew she should probably keep working, but it was such a nice day, and L'orlei was tired of work, even if foraging in the woods was her favorite part of the job. Soon enough, the young Konti drifted to sleep. |