24th of spring
Settling down next to the tree stump had been using as a back rest for the last few hours, Saebier contemplated his options. He had only caught a small squirrel on his morning hunting trip and was sorely dissappointed that it had only yielded enough meat to hold his hunger down to a nusicance. Saebier let his head rest back against the stump, inhaling deeply and taking in the smells and sounds of the forest. Saebier had been loitering around this general area of the forest for a couple days and had become slightly familiar with the area. a small crick ran though the northen seciton where on the other side the land slowly faded into a lighter forest. To the east and the south after about 5 miles a disease of trees had taken ahold, strangling trees and slowly killing them, and to the west for as far as he had went it was just normal forest.
Spring had just started to set in and the tempatures could still chill the bone during the night. The trees had just started to awake from their hibernation, awaking to a fresh year. Saebier had picked his spot well, as he always did while on the road. A small inlet formed by the crick and circled by heavy vegatation made up the just of his camp, and to the southern side facing away from the river was a good climbing tree, just in case of the unusual hungry bear. Reaching for his extra blankets Saebier decided to get a quick nap in before he went out for his evening hunt. Setting his backpack and skinning knife withen easy reach with his bow leaning across it. Saebier closed his eyes, letting the sensations of the forest and sleep take him into the world of dreams.