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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Vetiveria on July 11th, 2012, 7:42 am


Basic Information
Race: Vantha
Birthday & Age: 13 Fall 493 (18 years)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120 lbs.

Fluent – Vani
Basic – Common

Physical Description
Vetiveria stands a few inches over five feet tall and weighs about 120 pounds. Her hair is long, dark brown with shimmering green highlights and usually tied back in a ponytail. Most of the time, she is calm and her eyes are a soft grey; they turn dark red when angered, emerald green when happy, golden when in deep thought, and deep blue when sad. She gives off the vibe of appearing to be in her own world quite often.

Her speaking voice is very soft and difficult to hear from a distance, but she has been complimented for its cultured and dulcet tones. Even in anger, she never raises her voice; it simply lowers to a growl. As a child, she developed a love of singing; her range would best be described as soprano.

Character Concept
Vetiveria has a kind heart and will often put the well-being of others before her own. In spite of her kind nature, loss has made her bitter and she doesn't let people into her inner circle easily. She comes across as shy and reserved, mostly because she spent a great deal of time alone as a child. Always a curious individual, she loves to learn more about the world around her. She is very spiritual, electing to honor both Morwen and Rak'keli.

Character History
Vetiveria is an only child born into the Whitevine hold of Avanthal. Her father, Rhys, was a doctor who specialized in herbal remedies. Her mother, Astyr, married into Whitevine from Snowsong and helped her develop her singing skills.

In the winter of 503, Vetiveria's mother suddenly became ill. Nothing could be done to save her, and she passed away a week later. The emptiness Vetiveria felt caused her to go into a deep depression for about two years; her father did the best he could to be there, but he was a busy man. Although she had a couple of friends, she mainly relied on books for companionship.

Shortly after she turned sixteen, her father received a high bride price for her from a male in Coolwater, but he rejected it when Vetiveria pleaded to be able to stay in Whitevine among the healers. He clearly feared she'd turn twenty without finding a suitor, but he upheld her wishes and promised to wait for a suitor from Whitevine.

In the spring of 512, her father passed away very suddenly. Overcome with grief that couldn't be mended by her few friends and not being promised to any marriage arrangement, she made the decision to leave Avanthal in search of a new beginning. She approached a pair of traveling merchants and exchanged her knowledge of herbs for safe passage with them to Alvadas.

Skill Total XP Gained Rank
Botany 5 5 SP Novice
Herbalism 21 20 SP, 1 EXP Novice
Medicine 15 15 SP Novice
Organization 3 3 EXP Novice
Singing 10 10 SP Novice
Storytelling 10 10 RB Novice



History of Avanthal (starting package)
Lore of Healing Plants in Avanthal (starting package)
Desire to Leave Avanthal




1 Set of Clothing
    Fur hat
    Blue coat
    Gray turtleneck
    Gray fingerless gloves
    Gray jeans
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
Toolkit, Herbalist/Botanist

Mother's Scarf: a lovely scarf of blues and greens.

Upon arrival in Alvadas, she purchased a simple home from the Sanity Center. More information about her lodgings can be viewed here.

Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Toolkit, Herbalist/Botanist -20 80 GM

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This is Veti speaking in Vani. | This is Veti speaking in Common.
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Lost Northern Star
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Joined roleplay: July 10th, 2012, 10:35 pm
Location: Alvadas
Race: Human, Vantha
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