One of the most common questions I've come across from old and new players alike has been "How long does it take to get from X to Y?" Now, I know that we have a Distance Chart in the Wiki, but the chart is a bit complicated to use as a basis because both the mileage from one city to another as well as the "distance covered" per 12-hour day (50 miles by foot, 80 miles by land) are hard to gauge since the Distance Chart is based on straight-lines and has no consideration for terrain.
So. I did some math. I made some adjustments. I looked at the terrain maps. I inserted formulas into spreadsheets. And I have come up with... some Travel Times. Of course, these are to be treated as rough averages, but it's a bit better than having each person individually guessing on how long things take.
I have a chart for Foot Travel, as well as one for Horseback (which is 60% of the Foot Travel time). I've also made one for Sailing since that's come up a few times. Please note that it takes longer to go through the Suvan Sea than it does on the open ocean because in the open ocean you can just go, you don't have to worry about steering and shoals and running aground and navigating the channels and such.
So... lemme know what you think. I figured having something people could actually look at would be helpful.
((DELETED to keep people from being confused by the wrongness))