35th Day of Summer, 512 AV Morning It was hot. It was hoooooooooot! Tock was sweating like she couldn't believe. It had to be the hottest day of the year! She was stripped down to her panties and undershirt, and just did not CARE who saw her! Not that she tended to any other time, but with it being SO PETCHING HOT today, she didn't want to wear any more clothing than she had to. The sun had barely risen, and was already baking her. Summer days in Zeltiva never seemed to get this hot. She didn't know why today was so different. Maybe someone had pissed off Syna, and she was taking her temper out on the rest of them... She heading into her backyard and looked at the deep hole her new baby Diggy had dug over the last few days. It was five feet deep, twenty feet across, and very, very dry. After the first few inches of dark soil it was nothing but dry, sandy, orange and tan dirt all the way down. She had stamped it as tight as she could, until the dirt was hard packed and solid. She needed to fill it with water... and by the Gods, as soon as she did, she was going to jump into the water! It would get a little muddy, but the dirt would easily settle into the bottom like it would in a pond. She stalked down to the general store and bought as many buckets as she could carry. When she stepped up to the counter, the store clerk was staring at her panties. "Oy!" she shouted, snapping her fingers in his face. "C'mon, s'rude ta stare, mate!" He stared a moment longer before pulling his eyes up to her face. He stammered, "Ah-ah-ah... Miss? You're not... d-dressed?" Tock sighed and slapped her money on the counter. "It's 'ot, mate," she said. "Well you... you can't..." he continued stammering, gesturing to her panties. Tock rolled her eyes and huffed. "You can't walk AROUND like that!" he insisted. Tock was sweating so much she just didn't feel like arguing with the man. "Oy, fine, 'ere!" she snapped, snatching some clothes off the racks. If it would shut the man up, it was worth a few more silvers. She could NOT deal with pants today, so she opted for a skirt, purely for the 'ventilation' it would provide her. Though it was way too long, and she ripped the bottom half of the skirt off to convert it into a mini-skirt. She then took the extra cloth and twisted it into a headband that she wrapped around her head to keep her sweaty hair out of her face. "You haven't paid for that!" the shopkeeper protested when he saw her tearing up the merchandise. Tock slapped a few more silvers on the counter, and pulled the new clothes on, right there in front of him. Then she stalked off, carrying her stacks of buckets with her. The new clothes totally weren't her style, but she didn't care. The mini-skirt was light sea-green, as was the headband she'd improvised with the extra cloth off it. She also had on a white vest that left her midriff exposed. She doubted anyone would recognize her, since she normally wore leather pants and dark brown or red shirts. No one in Zeltiva had EVER seen her in a skirt before. She headed home and retrieved a long piece of wood from her supplies, cutting a few notches into it that she could hook the bucket handles over. Then she got Diggy, her baby shovel on wheels, to help her out. He was the only one of her babies big enough for a job like this. She ordered him forward, with one end of the wooden beam braced on his handle, and Tock holding the other end. The buckets hung from the middle. She headed down to the well and filled them all with cool water, dumping one bucket over her head to cool off before getting down to business. Then she headed home, struggling a bit with the weight of the buckets even with Diggy supporting most of it. His large wagon wheels rolled down the street and around the back of the house, until she reached the empty pool in her yard. She dumped all the buckets in, and stared at it. The water didn't even fully cover the bottom, and some of the water was soaking right into the dirt. This was going to take awhile. She headed back for another trip, looking out for anyone she could badger into helping her carry the buckets... OOC :
Open to anyone who wants to join, but with two catches. 1. You're gonna get recruited to haul water until the pool is full! and 2. Bring your own bucket or something, please? I don't have enough for everyone...
Ledger :
Sea Green Peasant Skirt (converted into a miniskirt and bandana): -5 SM
White Cotton Vest: -1 SM 10 buckets: -5 GM |