by Corpus Aeternum on August 14th, 2012, 4:32 pm
Corpus really didn't have any idea what to carve, but the practice was enough to learn. He paused with knife in hand and then started carving. For a while all it looked like the Nuit was doing was just shaving the wood down to a round disc.
After a little while longer he started in the middle of the disc, while Blizzard was carving out the finishing details he was nearly through the center of the disc, making a ring that was clearly going to be used for something as the Nuit paused and looked as if into thought.
What were those symbols uncle? Corpus was never taught them, or their meaning, all he had was a rough idea of what they looked like. So after several minutes of the out-to-lunch staring Corpus resumed carving along the outer portion of the ring. After that was done he relaxed for a minute, flexing his hand.
"I am feeling my age." Ciorpus flexed his hands some more before adding the finishing details to his ring, small round divets on the sitop side of the ring, at opposite sides.
Corpus Aeternum[
Character Sheet]-[
Storyteller Secrets]-[
Plot Notes]
Alternate CharactersLunae - Ravok|Ball - Syliras|Aose - Wind Reach|Ly'an Godhammer - Sultros
Retired CharactersInnoxium-Avanthal|Anpu - Ahnatep|Mendax Nox Propria - Zeltiva
*** Please feel free to PM me for threads or plot ideas! ***