21st of spring 502 av Dust-flecked rays of morning light filtered through the painted white trim casement, accenting the shadows in grim relief of a young boy’s room in noble Ravok. There were no toys or baubles of fancy to speak of, the pale gray marble floors burnished only by an Eypharian made rug that struggled to bring life to the already dismal ambiance of the room. The furniture too, sculpted from polished black walnut, was fit for the elegant tastes of nobility, and hardly reflected the joys and innocence of youth. Decorating the walls were paintings whose colors seemed just as depressing as the rest of the room, dark landscapes concealing the even darker emotions of their creators tucked beneath each thread of canvas. Only one painting, placed above a charcoal swept hearth, held a man whose features were proud if just a touch too arrogant. The boy did not care much for this painting, for it stood malevolently right across from his bed, and made the boy feel as though he were always being watched. In the man’s right hand rested a red rose, his arm stretched across his chest so that the flower blossomed just over his primly tailored left shoulder. His thumb had been pricked by one of the rose’s thorns, and a small rivulet of blood leaked down from the finger and disappeared into the cuff of his jacket. Beneath the painting a small inscription was traced into the murk gray frame that read: “Without sacrifice, we fall short of purpose.” The boy hated this proverb… While there remained other large burgundy drapes to be pushed aside to allow more gilded light in, it was just one that suited the boy’s needs at this bell. The light it shed was placed right over a lacquer stained desk, a small stack of leather bound books pushed off neatly towards a corner. In the middle rested an open journal of sorts, its binding a limber black sheepskin with tawny pages that held only a few words scribbled on the first page. “My name is Vhast Maximillian Proctor. Like Galifer Odalah, I plan to change the world.” Perhaps it was not the perfect way to begin one’s own journal, but the boy’s handwriting was in a practiced script that far exceeded the capabilities of most his age. And there Vhast sat, admiring what he’d written in a rather wistful state, the kohl black strands of his hair mussed by sleep. A dark silk robe was wrapped around him, outlining his thin frame and pooling at the foot of the chair like bloodied water. Vhast’s moss colored eyes, immediately inquisitive by nature, continuously read each word he’d written one after the other. They were not the words he’d been instructed to write over and over, slashed by a switch on the back of his hand every time his quill slipped the slightest fraction. They were his words, and no one could take them from him even if they burned the journal. “Vhast?” Startled, the boy twisted around in his chair swiftly, breath hissing between his teeth as he noticed that the door had been cracked well enough to permit his father’s face to slip in. Without ever realizing it, Vhast had slammed the journal closed with hand poised on top in case he needed to get rid of it quickly. But mercifully, it was not his father he'd needed to be fearful of. Sometimes his father felt like the only friend Vhast had left in this world. “For the god’s sake boy, show a little more finesse when trying to hide something from prying eyes, won’t you?” Ander Proctor’s voice was subtlety gifted with good nature, a smile flourishing on his thin lips that parted just enough to reveal the edge of his teeth. “Breakfast is ready downstairs. Come won’t you? I’d like to take you along to an appointment I have today.” Nodding abruptly so that the long strands of his hair danced upon his scalp, Vhast squeaked out a simple "Yes father" before descending from the chair. Hearing the door click to announce Ander's departure, the boy raced on bare foot across the room to his dresser to find a suitable outfit for the day. Normally a servant would have been tasked with such a trifle during the boy's interim at breakfast, but today such things could not wait. Vhast wondered with fire ignited in the deep emeralds of his eyes just where this new adventure would lead him. |