[Kendoka Sasaran]Shadows Crossing[Cailet]

Two shadowtalkers stumble upon each other. What will come of it?

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Kendoka Sasaran]Shadows Crossing[Cailet]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on July 19th, 2012, 3:31 pm

25 Summer 512

As Rykanis pushed open the swinging doors of the Kendoka, he was met by a all to familiar sound. The thudding sound of wood on wood, occasionally on flesh as a blow struck. The smell of sweat on the air, thick, showing all of the fighters hard at work. And even... Yes, the ringing of blade on blade, as someone was fighting with metal weapons! They were either very skilled, or stupid.

He walked further in, to see that it was Mizra... Fighting with lakans, against another man. Ah, it was a training battle then. Otherwise, Mizra would tear this man apart, within a second... But with his skill he had little fear of being hit, and could help the Akalak to perfect his form and attacks.

Of course, he could tell it was Mizra, for several reasons. The most obvious, was his height. Even amongst Akalaks, he was big. But more importantly, he bore the same gnosis as he did. A mark from their goddess Akajia. He could sense it upon him, like a loose connection, similar yet different to how he could sense were his lakan was. Through their common mark, they were interconnected, and aware of each other.

Rykanis however, had no plan of using real weapons. He would stick to the false wooden ones. They were much safer in training, at his level. Though perhaps one day, he dreamed, he would be skilled enough to even face Mizra at his own level, with real weapons, out come out standing.

Walking over to the weapons racks, he took out a wooden lakan, and checked around for an opponent. Most people seemed to be in a fight already. But perhaps there was someone to face around.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Kendoka Sasaran]Shadows Crossing[Cailet]

Postby Cailet on July 20th, 2012, 7:50 pm


By the time Cailet had found her way to the Kendoka, dozens of students had already begun to fill the room, the sheer number of people nearly turning the woman away. The Shinyama Pavilion had a surplus of training rooms, most of which were usually empty. The woman had grown used to practicing alone, the ideal setting for going through the motions of her sweeping, meditative dance.

Half turned and ready to step back out of the building, a complex feeling of familiarity and knowing trickled down her spine. It had been a long time since she had felt the tug of another marked as she; the foot that had already stepped down out of the building was quickly drawn back inside as Cailet turned to face the room.

"Where?" The mutter was under her breath, head turned to her shoulder so that she could slip the word quietly to the shadow that lingered beneath her hair. Cailet was still not very adept at finding fellow followers, though she knew without a doubt when they were around. Brown eyes flickered slowly from face to face, though they all looked mostly the same to the foreign woman. Big strong men, different shades of blue. She'd never be able to tell them apart.

There, by the door. Her little friend whispered, and those chocolate hues flew to the huge Akalak that seemed to be in charge; he was shouting orders, correcting stances and grips on weapons as he passed. Despite his intimidating size, Cailet took a few steps towards Mizra, belatedly realizing that she had been holding her staff in both hands and out in front of her defensively.

It was in the process of swapping her hold to something more casual that the blow came out of nowhere. Though it was more like a shove, it nonetheless sent the unprepared woman toppling to the side, her staff clattering to the floor and skidding away. Struggling to retain her balance, Cailet caught herself with one hand, quickly straightening and spinning to face the giant man that had pushed her.

"And the meaning of this!" The demand was cool and sharp, spoken in slightly accented common. The Akalak was a deep violet color, and Cailets gaze raked him from his toes up, a brow raising as the silence stretched after her demand. However, when Cailet flickered her gaze way up to meet her assaulters eyes, that knowing chill shivered down her spine once more. Another one?!

Him too! The shadow chirped belatedly, loudly enough that there was no way the Akalak didn't hear it.

"Yeah, figured that out, thanks." The Makath slithered darkly from between her lips as Cailet took a step back from the man. "Is it true?"

Blue is Cailet...
Purple is Everyone else...
Italics is Amanda...
Bold are the shadows, ever whispering...
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[Kendoka Sasaran]Shadows Crossing[Cailet]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on July 24th, 2012, 2:46 am

Rykanis had been minding his own business, trying to find someone to fight. He had not noticed as two men began fighting near him, one getting knocked, and bumping into him. He had in turn stumbled, and knocked aside another body. One much smaller and lighter than his own. His mistaken stumble, had ended up knocking her pretty good, unintentionally.

Which turned out to be a woman. Human, or one of the races so similar to it. Certainly not a konti, as she had no scales. Though she did seem a bit angry, over being knocked into, or he supposed knocked over. Did she not know of this place? How did she think such things went? This was simply the initiation of a battle, not something to grow angry over.

Rykanis heard the shadow speak, not sure of what it meant. A bit of an odd thing. It was not until he heard the girl respond, in a language he so well understood, Makath, that he realized who the shadow had been talking to, or that she was gifted as he was.

Rykanis stared at the woman, and gave a slight grin, an expression so commonly on his face. He returned he look, and responded in Makath, just as she had spoken.

"Is what true? That we both are similarly gifted? Yes, I suppose so... I am Rykanis, and you are?"

He continued to smile at her, wondering a bit... It was odd to meet someone else with the same mark, even here in Riverfall... He had not really interacted with anyone else so marked, even though he had seen some in passing. Rykanis headed over, and picked up her staff, and then turned and walked back, handing it back to her, speaking once more in Makath.

"So, you are here to fight? Perhaps we could trade blows? I would be interested to get to know you a bit more. Perhaps see what our Goddess saw in you?"

Rykanis said this last bit, a bit of a challenge, and a bit of a teasing statement. A smile on his face all the while.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Kendoka Sasaran]Shadows Crossing[Cailet]

Postby Cailet on August 14th, 2012, 5:15 pm


"I am Cailet." She didn't like the way he smiled, a slight frown tugging at the corners of her lips to counter the big blue things leer. The words slipped between them at barely a whisper, Cailet almost unwilling to give up the information.

The shadow beneath her hair had grown suspiciously silent as the challenge was offered, while Cailet froze in place with her staff still held before her, gripped in both hands. Ever so slowly, a brow arched and those chocolate eyes tracked back up the Akalaks body do his face.
"Who says you're to judge me? Or that you will even be able to see what she saw?" Hard and clipped, Cailet's voice was cold with suppressed scorn. How dare he.

"But if you wish, we can trade blows." Letting the butt of her staff thunk down onto the floor, both hands still gripping it as she leaned her weight upon the weapon, eyes never leaving her challengers face. "Not in here." The training room left Cailet feeling crowded, stifled. Petch, she hadn't even been here for half a bell and she had already been accosted.

Without another word, the woman turned stiffly on her heel and marched from the room and back out into the fresh air. A sharp left was taken, the woman walking with determination until she found a relatively clear area, turned and planted her feet. Her staff was held defensively before her and her eyes were narrowed as she waited for Rykanis to catch up.

"Are there customs to be followed?" Cailets tone dared him to mock her question, though it was spoken in Makath and spoken more towards the shadow beneath her hair than the Akalak. However, the little creature remained silent, instead leaving Cailet to wait for her opponents response.

Blue is Cailet...
Purple is Everyone else...
Italics is Amanda...
Bold are the shadows, ever whispering...
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[Kendoka Sasaran]Shadows Crossing[Cailet]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on October 23rd, 2012, 6:42 pm

"Cailet, nice to meet you."

Rykanis continued to smile, an expression that was often misunderstood on him, especially from other smaller races. For some odd reason, people assumed it was not genuine, or was false in some way, being on the face of such a fierce fighter and an Akalak. Perhaps more Akalaks should smile, and then it would not be seen as odd. Of course, most Akalaks were not as in balance with their sides as he.

Rykanis let out a short chuckle, at hearing Cailets reply, which was both curt and cold. Not unexpected, but it did seem a bit funny to him for her to be so hostile.

"Who knows. I suppose it is up to our Goddess to decide, though that does not mean I can't keep my senses out to try and pick up on things. I suppose we just have different styles, to accomplish the same goal."

But then before he could speak or reply to it, she had decided to go outside, not giving him a chance to explain things. Perhaps she had not been in Riverfall that long and did not know it, or had not paid to close attention to the rules.

He guessed he would have to explain it to her, as he followed her out, trying to get a word in.

Speaking in Makath in return, he smiled, letting out a discrete cough.

"Actually, it is not so much a custom, as a law. It is actually illegal to fight out in the streets in this city. That is why they have the designated fighting areas, such as the Sasaran and the arena. I do want to spar with you, but it must be inside. It would not do to be breaking the law. So if we could go back in..."

Rykanis said, looking back over his shoulder at the place they had just left... Though he did wonder, how she had not managed to know of that law... Apparently she was not to good at picking up on even such public information...
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Kendoka Sasaran]Shadows Crossing[Cailet]

Postby Cailet on October 31st, 2012, 6:40 am

Cailet felt her cheeks heat up at the big man’s words. [color=#0080FF]“A law?” How foolish of her. Biting down hard on her lower lip, she glanced around and found her blush only deepening further. No wonder everyone outside had turned to stare at them.

We could have told you a nearby shadow giggled, earning a glare from the woman.

But she didn’t ask! Chirruped another, on her other side. There was a general stirring from within the dark patches, and Cailet couldn’t help but imagine the little creatures rolling with delight at the hard woman’s shame. Doing her best to ignore any further comment, Cailet took a deep breath and turned to face her opponent.

“It was so crowded in there. Is there no where else we may go? I am… new here.” It took a lot for her to admit this, forcing herself to meet the Akalak’s eyes as she did so. “I had no idea of the custom. The Shinya…” Cailet paused and looked away, taking a moment to try and control the flush that had taken over her features; she had seen the Akalak’s smile. He had said what he did in the kindest way possible. It was her own mistake.

“I am just not used to it.” A small shrug and the woman was lost for words. Lost in a new city, alone after years upon years of the silent and constant support of her Shinya brethren, even if they didn’t understand her. And it was happening again, the looks, the knowing smiles from the strangers that watched her, standing there in fighting stance. It was only belatedly that Cailet dropped back into a normal posture, hesitating only a moment before stepping close to Rykanis and whispering so that one he could hear.

“Please?” The shadow beneath her hair giggled at the curt, whispered plea.
Blue is Cailet...
Purple is Everyone else...
Italics is Amanda...
Bold are the shadows, ever whispering...
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[Kendoka Sasaran]Shadows Crossing[Cailet]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on November 1st, 2012, 11:07 pm

Rykanis kept his face neutral, as the female blushed in embarrassment, at not knowing such public knowledge, and asking him to do something illegal... Perhaps she had not been in Riverfall to long. That was the only explanation he could think of...

Though as he heard the shadows speak to Cailet, he had trouble keeping from smiling, at what they said, as they angered her... Shadows certainly had a mind of their own... And some certainly liked to mess with people...

Finally she seemed to be a bit nier in her request, perhaps trying to get on Rykanis good side and engender him to help her out... He simply smiled, and looked up at the sky, deep in thought for a moment as he mulled it over, or appeared to. In reality, he was conversing with his other side, which quickly came up with a solution.

"Sure, it is no big deal... The rule only applies inside the city. So getting around it is as simple as leaving the city. We don't have to go to far out, just far enough to be considered not in its borders. I can show you..."

Rykanis paused for a bit, recalling his training weapon he was using...

"But I will have to ask permission to borrow the training weapons, and promise to return them. I have been coming her long enough that the master knows me, he should allow me to do so."

If Cailet agreed with this, Rykanis would head back inside, and ask Mizra if he could borrow a pair of the wooden practice lakan, promising on his honor to return them. After that it was as simple as heading outside of the city, out to were the edge of the sea of grass met the edge of the city.

"Perhaps on the way, you can tell me more of this Shinya you mentioned?..." Rykanis asked, having picked up on that morsel of info.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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