Qwet Ikram
Autumn 472AV
Description - Human
6'1" Black male
200 lbs
Bald head, sleepy features
His eye's are completely hazel, black pupils standing amid a landslide
His body is honed to a killing edge, corded muscles standing under taut skin. Scars crisscross his forearms almost fully up to the elbows, and his chest has a few scratch scars as well. Most noticeable is the huge bite mark across the front of his throat. He wears only simple black cloth pants, carrying most of his possessions in his pack. A small silver ring adorns his left ear, the only extravagant thing about his person. He exudes an aura of calm, killer patience. When he speaks, he does so through four giant canines, which push his lips out slightly when his mouth is closed. His voice sounds like the rumble of distant thunder, and carries just as well. Branded over his heart is a bear claw, the raised skin pink and smooth.
Description - Bear
3'1" Black bear
His silver ring is present on his left ear. Even with his thick fur, his body bulges with barely contained, raw power. most of the fur has been torn away from his front legs, and he has a wicked bite mark across his throat. His eyes hold an inner spark of intelligence absent from most animals. His razor sharp claws are stained in the blood of his many meals. Most often his pants are tied around his neck like a small cape, his backpack either stashed away or forgotten in the tumult of battle.
Personality - Qwet is a tight lipped and private individual. He is constantly yawning and always appears to be on the brink of falling asleep. Fiercely loyal to his master and their goals, Qwet will not hesitate to spill blood in the name of his cause. He does not seek violence as the answer to all his problems, but he is aware it's most often the most efficient course of action. He is slow to anger, but its fires burn so extremely that he often hurts the ones he loves in his rage. Everything he does, he does so in the pursuit of "The Waterfall", a place seen in his dreams.
Every night for his entire life Qwet has had the same dream: He stands alone amid an ancient forest, the roots of the trees crisscrossing so much as to cover the entire ground, he feels at peace in this place. He hears the crack of a twig off to the side and, looking about, spots a magnificent Elk. Roaring in glee, he begins his pursuit. He chases the elk through the endless forest tirelessly for what seems like hours, finally giving up when he approaches a giant waterfall. The pounding water drowns out all other noise, falling into a pool so dark it appears bottomless. He feels at home at this place. A feeling of dread suddenly overcomes him and, peering up, he spots a humanoid figure standing at the top of the waterfall. The figure is waving his arms about and appears to be chanting archaically. Inky red fluid begins to pour forth amongst the pristine waters and coalesces in the middle of the pool. The feeling of dread intensifies as the fluid solidifies and begins to bubble and squirm. A hand begins to form a midst the fluid and reaches out to grab him, just as the hand reaches his face, Qwet awakens.
Qwet's entire life revolves around finding this waterfall and averting the catastrophe that is taking place at it. He trains endlessly so that when he finally reaches his goal, he'll be strong enough to stop the humanoid.
Ethics - Qwet follow the laws of the wild; The strong crush the weak under foot, take what they want, and kill any who stand in the way. He doesn't care much for the laws of the cities and the politics associated with them.
Likes - Meat, berries, and people who speak their mind. He is most often out wandering the wilderness in his bear form, acting the part and not thinking about much of anything. He also likes people who stand up for what they believe in, even if it goes against his own beliefs.
Dislikes - Ignorance, clothes, being inside a building for very long, being unable to see the sky, underground cave complexes. He has a general mistrust of magic but not mages. He hates with a fiery passion anyone who kills for the sake of killing, or to reap chaos.
For the most part, Qwet has spent his life traveling from city to city, looking for the waterfall of his dreams. he has journeyed through the wilderness countless times, and feels most at home amongst the plants and creatures than the walls and people. The pursuit of his dream has found him on both sides of the law, and in many dangerous situations, but his Strong body and Steely resolve has always seen him through. Lovers have come and gone, as well as friends. Unlike most Kelvic, Qwet has gone the majority of his life without a master. His mother died during childbirth and he spent most of his life alone. He's killed countless people during his quest, but each one has been burned into his memory, and upon the flesh of his chest.
-Post Creation-
(to be added)
Brawling 30 @SP
Acrobatics 10 @SP
Cooking 10 @SP
Hunting 10 @RP
Poisonous Plants of Taldera
Identifying Pack Hierarchy
Black Cloth Pants @SP
Silver Earring (Heirloom)
Backpack @SP -
Razor, Red Shirt, Black Cloak, Waterskin, Food, Eating Knife, Flint and Steel, Large Tent, Tarp, 100ft Rope, Lantern, 2 Torches
Common - Fluent
Jamouran - Basic
Myrian - Poor
100 gold Mizas
(to be added)