Conar had not been raised in a home, thus he was very unfamiliar with the concept of knocking on doors. He found himself inside Sharai's home and saw that he had interrupted her. It was clear that he had gotten off to a bad start so far, something he must rectify. He watched as Sharai looked him up and down and went back to her papers, this was clearly a bad sign. After she finished speaking Conar decided that he should try to get on her good side saying, "Sorry, I am very sorry for disturbing your work. I know your time is very valuable, but I assure you I tend to be a rather quick learner." He was trying to play to her ego as well as stroke his own pride. "I have coin but the less I spend the better I figure. It also seems to me that an extra set of hands, though inexperienced, make the work go faster." Conar hoped that his words had worked in his favor, he waited in anticipation.
Conar thought he was going to be outright refused when he saw Sharai turn and walk away, but then she returned with a small block. His curiosity was struck, he watched intently as she set it on the table and disassembled the puzzle block. Conar was already putting his mind to work on the puzzle, he knew that if he could remember the order it was taken apart then if he reversed that order it would be easier. He listened to Sharai speak then began trying to piece the puzzle back together. With the first pieces in hand Conar used his feline dexterity and grace trying to keep the order of the pieces right. A short time later he was convinced he had goten it put back together right, he set the block down on the table saying, "Well what do you think?