Seriffs hushed command for stillness is met with a sort of non-comital murmur. Its hard to feel compelled or concerned in the face of the soft calming effect of his gift. The light of the gnosis glows through the contact between the palm of his hand and her face, but its not a harsh light, and she doesn't close her eyes. The new sensation of the healing pours into her and she can feel it sapping away the fresh pains and even small old injuries. The cavity of her chest seems to expand as the bruises and torn muscles on her ribs heal and relax; prompting a heavy sigh from the young Kelvic as her breath deepens. Her long legs gain some semblance of the sturdy control she is used to, shedding much of the weight her exhaustion held over them. Even the deep wounds on her nape and hip drown to a dull ache to be tucked away to the back of her mind. It doesn't heal everything, or cure her fatigue, but it certainly helped. Even when the contact dulls and finally disappears into the dark cave of the inside of his hand she doesn't move. The calm honey-feeling is still there and she is loathed to let it go. But now its Gianne's turn. The horse has come back, although the way its skittering and rolling its eyes gives off the impression that it won't stay long if it has the choice. At least the woman's soft voice and soothing gestures seem to have some sway over the beast. Rhy steps lightly out of the way to give her the space for her own healing session, but greedily takes one of Serrifs hands with her. As she waits for woman to be healed she takes a moment to think through the next step. Hopefully the horses will stop spooking each other long enough to take them back. Assuming Gill will even stomach a dog as a rider and take her back with the humans. Then what? Get some bandages, crawl under a bush and lick her wounds? As ridiculous as it sounds, its probably her best bet. |