Dead Like Me The Morning of the 72nd of Summer 512 A.V. Zeltiva, near the Old Quarter Between the University and the Old Quarter of the City of Zeltiva lay a neighborhood comprised of homes not too poor and not too wealthy. The small houses – cottages really – on one side of the street were almost too bright to look at under the intense blaze of Syna's gaze, while the houses on the other side were still cast in shadows. The sky was cloudless, the air warm. It was going to be a hot day. It was through this neighborhood that Anselm strolled on this way to the marketplace, although it was considerably out of his way. He made it a point to take a different route every once in a while so as to acquaint himself with more of the city. He was wearing the new silk robe he had purchased the previous day. It was a deep burgundy color, covering his head with a deep hood and flowing gracefully to his feet, and it had two deep pockets, one on each side. A light blue silk sash functioned as a belt of sorts, more for decoration than utility. Anselm kept himself covered as much as possible when out in public so as to avoid shocking people with his appearance. His current body had deteriorated to the point where it was no longer practical to try to disguise it. A touch of peach-scented perfume obscured some of the smell of death that hung about him, but even that was becoming increasingly difficult to cover. And this is what was on Anselm's mind on this particular morning. The problem was that acquiring a new body would almost certainly require him to leave Zeltiva. Not that there was any shortage of satisfactory bodies wandering around the city. But to appear in one body on one day and then a completely different body the next, was disconcerting to people. Especially if they happened to recognize the new body. He still had in his mind a clear recollection of the horrified expression on a child's face when she came face-to-face with the body of her father who had been buried two days earlier. Very awkward. If Anselm was to remain in Zeltiva, which he very much wanted to do, he would have to acquire a body similar to his current body and not belonging to anyone from Zeltiva. And that most likely meant a trip abroad. LEDGER :