She arched an eyebrow when he said it was an
Animation job. He wanted her to make a golem? That could mean just about anything, depending on the type of construct in question. She made sure to gather all her portable tools, along with some chalk and one of the Glyphing books she had on loan from the library. Most of what she needed for an Animation was all in her mind and in her soul.
Leaving behind the Automatons she couldn't easily carry, she followed the old man with Eyes strapped to her head, Grippy on her hip, Handy on her wrist, and Boxy tucked safely in the bottom of her backpack. She grew a bit impatient with how slow the old man moved, thinking maybe she should have strapped him into her magic crutches. She was about to ask him for some more details about this project he wanted her for, when she realized they'd stumbled into East Street.
Now, Tock wasn't the least bit apprehensive about walking down East Street. Compared to the streets of Sunberth, she found the so-called street toughs here downright laughable. No one would dare try to pick her pocket. It was fairly well known what had happened to the
last thief who'd crossed her path. And a pickpocket would have to run
pretty fast to outrun Grippy's reach. Which was not to mention how the contraptions she wore tended to just make anyone who saw her cross to the other side of the street. This little bout of fame she was experiencing (which she was convinced was both useless and temporary, since people would soon have better things to talk about than her and her creations) not only made strange people like this old man somehow know her name, but it also sometimes made people clear a path when she came down the street. Though the fact that she sometimes had a
walking axe following her might have had something to do with it...
So she didn't pay much attention as they entered the gambling establishment, except for idly looking around and trying to remember if this was the one where she'd
roughed up the owner. She followed into the basement without the least bit of nervousness, planting her hands on her hips and looking around. It wasn't until her eyes fell on the dying figure before her that she felt the first twisting in her stomach.
Mommy loves you... Don't be afraid...She almost lost her lunch right there. The brief distraction granted by the old man was lost, as she found herself remembering Mikey's poor, frail little face... and then the other,
false face part of his spirit had worn.
...before she chopped it to pieces and burned it in the woods...
A full day hadn't even passed. The loss was too fresh. With a growl she turned on the old man and grabbed him by his shirt collar, yanking him in close and glaring at him with madness in her eyes. "What the petch ya want, old man?" she asked, her lips trembling, tears welling in her eyes. "Can't bloody save 'is bloke, so dun even ask!!" Her hands were shaking as she remembered her last attempt. The flickering spirit as Mikey faded away. The bloody corpses of the Svefra family she'd killed. She felt like she was about to throw up just at the
possibility that this old man had brought her here in some attempt to reanimate the dead back into the living...
She had tried that one already. Tried, and failed miserably.