60th Day of Summer, 512 AV Tock awoke early in the morning, grumpy and feeling rather sorry for herself. She'd been feeling a bit inadequate lately. Between her boss getting on her about her speech and behavior, Mikey's Uncle dying and leaving her feeling responsible for the well-being of the sick little boy, and Iris telling her off and questioning her ideologies, she hadn't been having a great time lately. She felt trapped. She felt like she didn't know who she was anymore, or who she wanted to be. She wasn't the person her boss wanted her to be. She wasn't the person Mikey needed her to be. And she certainly wasn't the person Iris seemed to believe her to be. So, who WAS she? She didn't have any answers. But the question had been plaguing her for days. She needed to figure out some answers, put everything into perspective. Unfortunately, she had to go to work. She got dressed and trudged through the streets of Zeltiva, her adopted home. She loved this city, but she didn't know if she belonged here. She wanted to; wanted to fit in, to be a part of her new home, to be a true Zeltivan. But she didn't feel like she fit in. The way she talked, the way she dressed, the way she acted... it all made her feel like an outsider. She could change those things... but that would feel like a lie. She had never believed in changing herself, not for anyone nor for any reason. She didn't think she should HAVE to change. She knew who she was. She accepted her flaws and owned up to her vices and her failings. And DAMN anyone who tried to tell her there was anything wrong with her! Except... she didn't feel... good enough. Like she wasn't worthy of being a Zeltivan. If anyone ELSE had tried to tell her she wasn't good enough, she'd have popped them one. But, when she was the one who felt this way, the one telling herself she was no good... she didn't know what to do about that. These thoughts continued to plague her as she moved slowly down the cobbled streets, until she found herself before Jacques's warehouse. She stared at the building, knowing she just could NOT deal with work today. But being a supervisor came with certain advantages. Such as being able to assign her own tasks. She stepped into the building and stuck her head in the door to Jacques's office. "Oy, Bossman," she said, "I's gonna go study some buildin's what fer 'at office job..." She tried to move off before he could say a word about it, but Jacques followed her and caught up before she got back outside. "Excuse me, Miss Zipporah?" he asked. "I don't quite follow..." She huffed and turned back to him, planting her hands on her hips. "I can't does no ware'ouse work today," she said. "So's I's gonna git some blueprints an' sketches done inna city. Gots fer ta git Marshall's facade designed, aye?" She knew the crew was doing nothing but miscellaneous labor today, cleaning and organizing and a bunch of shyke she couldn't deal with right now. She needed to get out into the city, under the sky and the warm summer sun, and lose herself in the architecture. That always made her feel better. "Take Charlie and Nathaniel with you," he ordered. "They need to learn... and they are your responsibility..." Tock huffed, getting ready to argue. She hated her new apprentices. Of course, she'd only met the boys yesterday, and had only worked with them for a few short hours. So maybe she wasn't being fair. Though she wasn't in the mood to be reasonable and give them a chance. She ended up having no choice, however. After a short and fruitless argument, she was forced to take the two teenaged boys with her on her trip through the city. She consoled herself with the thought that at least she could boss them around, and they HAD to listen. She started off with a trip to the general store, where she bought a blank sketch book. She also ordered the two teenagers to do the same. "What for?" Charlie asked. "We're supposed to ne learning carving, not drawing. In the middle of the store, Tock planted her fists on her hips aid started snapping on him, "Oy, what, ya thinks I's gonna done letcha touch a piece o' my good wood what wit'out a proper design first?" The boys exchanged a confused look, and tapped her fingers against Charlie's chest. "Yer work starts 'ere," she told him. "Gotta puts yer 'eart inta 'er. 'En 'ere," she rapped her knuckles against the side of his head. "Ya done gots ta knows whatcha wanna make. 'En ya sketch it," she lifted her book and waved it back and forth in front of them, "'en, and only 'en, when ya gots yer designs done good, ya puts 'er onna wood... Gots 'at?" The boys both nodded, looking as if they were actually giving her words serious consideration and taking them to heart. Maybe they had some potential after all. "Yes, Miss Zipporah," they said, echoing each other in unison. She scowled at them both and said, "Calls me 'Tock.' Next time one o' ya calls me 'Miss,' yer fired." They nodded vigorously and said, "Y-yes... Tock," they said. They both stood up a little straighter, looking like they were going to be on their best behavior. Tock smirked. Being a supervisor DEFINITELY had it's advantages. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all... Ledger-3 gm for blank book to use as a sketchbook. |