[Verified by Kraken] Orchid Hightide

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Orchid Hightide

Postby Orchid Hightide on August 9th, 2012, 4:14 am

Orchid Hightide

Physical Description
Name: Orchid Hightide
Race: Svefra
Age: 10
Birthday: 502AV, Spring 58th

Orchid is already tall for her age though not for a Svefra, standing at approximately 4’9 and weighing around 89lbs and getting scrawnier the longer she stays in Ahnatep. Getting towards that awkward age or perhaps simply still habitually trying to walk like on a boat she tends to skip, stumble and otherwise lope along as she walks. Never one for constriction she enjoys loose clothing (or none) and bare feet.

Her hair(dirty-blond) and usually stays about waist length unless she cuts wrong and is mostly in knots around her face because she can’t be bothered to tie it. Orchid has a Svefra’s customary blue eyes and a child’s face, still slightly chubby (though getting on the more swallow side) and developing.

Character Concept
Orchid is a brash individual with a lot of self-confidence and a unique fearlessness that only children seem to possess. She has a single-minded determination (read: stubborn), fierce loyalty to those who gain it and a bad case of sticky fingers (read: thief).

An optimistic and opportunist individual she is not above the occasional fib (read: liar) to get what she wants. While mostly self-sufficient she has always been raised around people and as such abhors being alone and is prone to mild panic attacks when left alone for too long.

Mischievous and frank she tends to go overboard with her teasing and is unsure as to where a line must be drawn, though this is simply a childish trait of hers. Her mouth has also yet to acquire a filter and many of her basic Common words consist of swears she has picked up when there were travelers on her parents ship.

Dislikes :
  • Being alone
  • The dark
  • Jellyfish

Likes :
  • Storms
  • Spicy food

Character History
There is not much to tell in Orchid’s history, still young and learning life, content with childhood and the flippant and adventurous life of a sailor. However, during the storm in Spring her pod was traveling along the Southern Suvan and, after a being caught on the wrong wave, capsized and was lost (as many were). Originally washing up on Eyktols coast and pure luck had a Benshira family traveling and looking for their own lost. Unable to help her onto a sea voyage they dropped her off in Ahnatep. For now she is now stuck within the city trying to figure out how to commandeer (read: steal) a ship for herself or at least find a fellow Svefra.

Housing :
The Emerald Peacock (every once in awhile)

Purchased :
  • Thieves tools (The kit includes one or more skeleton keys, long metal picks and pries, a long-nosed clamp, a small hand saw and a small wedge and hammer)
  • Gold pendant shaped like a sea shell (heirloom)

Starting Package :
[*]Large blouse (cotton)
  • Undergarments (cotton)
  • Leather boots
  • Leather pants
  • Wool cloak
  • Waterskin
  • Backpack
  • Comb
  • Brush
  • Soap
  • Razor
  • Eating knife
  • Flint & Steel


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Thieves tools -30GM 70GM


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Sailing 10SP10RB 20 Novice
Swimming 10SP 10 Novice
Larceny 10SP 10 Novice
Stealth 10SP 10 Novice
Running 10SP 10 Novice


Fluent Language: Fratava
Basic Language: Common


Lore of Religion: Laviku
Lore of Ahnatep Streetplan
Last edited by Orchid Hightide on August 12th, 2012, 5:22 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Orchid Hightide
Working to Commandeer Your Ship
Posts: 15
Words: 4162
Joined roleplay: August 9th, 2012, 2:11 am
Location: Ahnatep
Race: Human, Svefra
Character sheet

Orchid Hightide

Postby Orchid Hightide on August 9th, 2012, 4:25 am


Krill is a temperamental bird who tends to poke his nose in where it is not wanted. He enjoys the water and enjoys pecking at Orchid simply because he can. What exactly the bird thinks of Orchid isn't really known but she tends to think of him as an extra older brother only more annoying. He tends to come to her rescue and often scouted for her seeming to get very agitated and protective when she cried.

Though they were separated she thinks he is probably waiting back in the Northern Suvan for her and her treats.

Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Puffin
Height: 10inches
Weight: 15.7oz
Appearance: Black and white with a orange, black and yellow beak. His eyes are a deep red.
Diet: Carnivore
Land/Sea/Both: Both
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Orchid Hightide
Working to Commandeer Your Ship
Posts: 15
Words: 4162
Joined roleplay: August 9th, 2012, 2:11 am
Location: Ahnatep
Race: Human, Svefra
Character sheet

Orchid Hightide

Postby Orchid Hightide on August 9th, 2012, 4:30 am


Casinor aka Shelly

ImageShelly is Orchids Casinor. Given to her by one of her elder sisters is was her mothers original ship and is decent condition. Converted to suit Orchids needs she was slowly being taught to use it and take care of the beloved vessel.

Before the storm it was often dragged along by her fellow Pod members boats and as such disappeared with them during the storm. She hopes it is still in one piece with her pod.

Casinor Info :
A small, personal ship no longer than 30 feet with a single cabin. More than twice the size of the average rowboat, this ship is capable of traversing inland seas and coastal areas though it is unequipped to travel on the open ocean. The most common personal ship found among the Svefra. These ships are often found employing heavy harpoons for defense. Much of the free space on the ship has been converted into living quarters thus cargo is limited to 500 lbs. While it may carry a number of passengers, these boats are designed for a single person spending extended periods at sea. Crew: 1, Passengers: 5
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Orchid Hightide
Working to Commandeer Your Ship
Posts: 15
Words: 4162
Joined roleplay: August 9th, 2012, 2:11 am
Location: Ahnatep
Race: Human, Svefra
Character sheet

Orchid Hightide

Postby Orchid Hightide on August 10th, 2012, 6:31 am

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Orchid Hightide
Working to Commandeer Your Ship
Posts: 15
Words: 4162
Joined roleplay: August 9th, 2012, 2:11 am
Location: Ahnatep
Race: Human, Svefra
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