The Konti looked at what he was pointing at. They were growing on the damp soil beside the river. Nira’lia approached the plants to get a better look, and she recognized the instantly. “Oh, parsley!” she said. If parsley had any medicinal properties, Nira’lia wasn’t aware of it. The only reason she had recognized it was because parsley was a culinary plant. Her mother often used it as a garnish in her cooking. Even if she didn’t think it was a medicinal plant, she was still happy that there were some around. She certainly wanted to gather some of those as well. “This is used for cooking!” said the Konti as she glanced at Savitire. “Have you ever tried it? Hmm, perhaps I can try cooking you something some time…? I’m not very good though…” Nira’lia reminded herself to pick some of it later on. At the moment, she wanted to see if there were any curious plants underwater. Again, she started to walk deeper into the river. “Come with me!” she said, urging him to follow her. And she dove underwater. The feeling was replenishing as she kicked and propelled herself deeper. She knew that Savitaire couldn’t breathe underwater, and she wondered if he would at least hold his breath and follow her. The Konti could see the ground of the river. By her estimation, it was around twenty feet deep. Various fish passed by her, and she watched them with curiosity. She swam just a bit deeper to see if there were any plants by the river ground. There were a number, but they were mostly common and mundane. There were also some plants which she couldn’t recognize. After taking a glimpse around, she turned around to see if Savitaire had followed. |