Summer 27, 512 AV
Kuvarakh sat back in the chair, frowning, his brow furrowed at the application.
'Well, the name and race certainly jibe. A Nuit named "Corpus Aeternum". Literally, 'The body, forever" he thought to himself. "Age: Old Enough"...I'll need to get some clarification on that...Was he young or old before the transformation?...Is he newly transformed and is worried that we won't accept him, for some reason?...Has he been around for a long time and expects acceptance for this reason alone?...Has he mastered a number of disciplines over a long time, or has he been frittering away the centuries and has little to show for it?...As long as he's serious NOW, none of that matters.'
"Gender: Last I checked, this body was male?"...Kuvarakh dropped his head in his hand and stifled a grin, 'Gods, it sounds like a joke I might have made...but not on a serious application...he could have simply put 'not applicable', or 'variable."
He straightened his expression and his evaluation. It was difficult in the face of the last two answers. "Portfolio: Rings of magical goodness of the alchemical kind?"...Are you kidding me?..."Reason for Joining: Amusement?"...It sounds like some prank by some University student in Zeltiva. Okay, okay, he has a sense of humor, nothing wrong with that, but any clowning around in the lab and he is gone.'
Kuvarakh sat, wondering if, in fact, it WAS a prank and if this "Corpus" individual would even be showing up.