Be Careful What You Wish For (Tajin)

Basha'ir passes by Kuva's Well and meets someone who might give her some insight on her gnosis

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Be Careful What You Wish For (Tajin)

Postby Basha'ir on August 23rd, 2012, 1:56 pm

The disciple of Yahal seemed satisfied with her apology, and even a bit contrite himself. Basha’ir lifted a hand to the rough stonework of the well and traced her fingers over it thoughtfully, as he spoke of his god, and made his suggestion. Or was it an offer? Without having to see it, Basha’ir traced the course of that chain in her mind’s eye, wondering…would Yahal accept one such as herself? One given over by another goddess to the service of the desires of others? Be they carnal or material or virtuous or vile? Her eyes went to the disciple's face, searching for a clue, but, of course, he wouldn’t know, unless she told him the full truth.

She hesitated one moment before, then took the plunge. “I would say more in confidence to you, brother. I ask that you keep what I am about to share with you to yourself, for it has indeed caused much grief and violence, even death.” She paused, and looked away, then leaned close to him.

“I am marked by Nikali. A scarlet chain. You know what that means.” It was a statement, not a question. Unlike a doctor, a priest would be assumed to know about the various gods and their respective gnoses. “Would…would Yahal still accept me back, into a fold I never knew, when another has marked me for her own?”

Basha’ir hesitated again, unsure about asking her next question, for she feared the answer almost more than she wished to know it.

“Is it possible…can Yahal help me? Could he remove Nikali’s mark?” And if he could, would she be invoking the goddess’ wrath for spurning her gift? Life without the gift of Ranuri would be much easier, much better, but, Basha’ir did not wish to wind up being cursed instead.
But if I share my secret, you're gonna have to keep it. No-one else can see this...
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in the first circle of hell
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