The Faithful (The Stone Garden) [Orion]

Tajin meets a man with a very different outlook on life than his own.

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

The Faithful (The Stone Garden) [Orion]

Postby Tajin on August 21st, 2012, 1:56 am

50th of Summer

Early this morning Tajin had woken and gone through his normal rituals at the temple before setting out to do what he had planned out for today. The keeper of the temple had recommended that he visit a place known as the Stone Garden, it was a sort of memorial for fallen heroes of the city, and was often used as a place for the contemplative to go and meditate. So Tajin decided that he would go and see this place for himself. It was a location groomed for one purpose, to honor the faithful. A perfect location for meditation upon the deity of faithfulness and for an introspective journey to search out his own failings in an attempt to become more like his beloved god.

So he had walked leisurely through the city, using only a passive awareness of the auras around him as to move around without too much trouble, and not focusing on any of them in particular. As he neared the area that he had been directed to go to he began asking passing citizens for specific directions and soon arrived at the garden.

As he walked calmly around the paths of this garden Tajin was struck with the perfect tranquility that met his auristic gaze. No single piece of the landscape gave him this feeling but there was a beautiful aura that accompanied the very air he breathed as he walked. After a time of walking he found a secluded patch of stones in front of a simple trickling waterfall at which he sat down and began to meditate. This was not a formal method of meditation involving a religious trance, or candlelight with a calming song, but a simple meditation of a man in need of self revelation. A means of soul searching in order to truly understand ones inner being, so that one may find where he is weak. A way to look for imperfection of the soul and to rectify that imperfection and move towards true purity. But it wasn't long before something, or more properly someone, broke in upon Tajin's introspection.

Tajin turned his attention towards the aura of the person approaching. It was human, male, and seemed friendly enough. So Tajin without moving or opening his eyes greeted him saying “Greetings brother, may the blessing of the faithful always grace your life.”
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The Faithful (The Stone Garden) [Orion]

Postby Orion Michaels on August 22nd, 2012, 10:54 am

Orion, Day of Summer 50, 512 AV

Every now and then Orion would find himself here. Never intentional, never his destination when he would begin, but it would always happen at the right time. No one he knew had any idea he came to the garden, but here he was. A place of silent meditation, a place of calmness, a place to remember, and maybe a place to forget. Regardless of his purpose, he was there.

Looking around at people quietly in introspection, he shook his head and sighed. Where do they find the inner peace to do this? He would wonder this every time. His mind left to its own whims would only serve to remind him of the past. But he supposed that was the reason he was here. " forget."

Preparing to take a seat, he was interrupted by a man's voice. “Greetings brother, may the blessing of the faithful always grace your life.” Orion slowly turned his view on the speaker. A nondescript man with long black hair, obviously her for his own meditation. In a natural reflex, the doctor scoffed at the man's words. "Blessing? I've received no such thing. Only curses." He shook his head before quickly apologizing. "Please forgive me, sir. That was..harsh. To each their own, and I pray your life is full of these blessings you speak of." Sitting down, Orion gently ran his finger over one of the stones on the ground. "This men and woman are dead...was that a blessing for them?" Unsure of who the question was to, or what the answer was, the young man closed his eyes in thought.

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