84th of Summer, AV 512
The sun was just passing its zenith and yet it wasn't nearly as hot as it had been. Elem still had a good bit of unpacking to do, but the first thing he had chosen for the day involved a quill, a blank book and some ink. He would be cataloging the plants and fruits that grew in the massive orchards near the Sanctuary. It made sense to know the people and places in his immediate vicinity, anyway. The sun in his eyes made him wish for a hat, so he stopped at a waist high rock and dipped the quill. The first line on the first page soon said, Buy a hat!.
As he approached the Orchards, the smells of sweet fruits wafted to his eager nostrils. It was enough for him to quicken his pace. There were plenty of people about, including the imposing Akalak. Elem suspected he would become accustomed to seeing them before too long, but their sheer size and girth was unsettling to him. One backhand and he would be his own primary patient. As he approached the ramshackle entrance, it was apparent that the Spring storm had certainly ravaged the area. The initial smells he had received were from baskets of recently picked fruit, while there was much visible damage throughout the orchard. Much had been done to heal the area, but it would take some time for it to get back to where it had been initially.