Thanks John, for putting up with my endless Photoshop opinion questions. I'm sure it's not as fun for you as it is for me.
Thanks Jen for dumbing everything down to my level without going crazy ("So wait... I count the
threads not the
Thanks Ron, for being my longest lasting RP Partner and never giving up on me
Thanks Adam for... nothing! Just kidding. *flips a table*
Thanks Aela for being my own personal Aela
Thanks Beky for being a little bit crazy (in a good way) and always IMing me at the most unexpected times.
Thanks Iggy for letting me turn you into an adorable Pokemon
Thanks Sandie for being a cutiteface who always says hi to me.
Thanks Paul for keeping me entertained daily by being the awesomest kid a decade younger than me. You should be my sister.
Thanks ANNAPHALACTIC SHOCK for being an awesome AS and doing what you do.
Thanks Heatherly for explaining to me that it is TIE fighter and not TI fighter (Twin Ion ENGINE)
Thanks Pao for being my Girlfriend.
Thanks Luke for being british (And...The Doctor?!)
Thanks Cody for saying hi to me in chat.
Thanks Jules for sharing my name
Thanks Monte for being on Vacation.
Thanks Nana for being old and taking on my abandoned quests (eventually?!) and well... showing me that it's okay to eat food that's been made into a pulp. Old people are people too.
Thanks Laura for letting me help you after you had the Spires dropped on your head and never telling me to back off even though I probably gave you more advice than you wanted.
Thanks Halet for being sexy.
Thanks ALL of Wind Reach for being amazing and keeping up the good work, putting up with my slow responses and making the city the awesome place that it is!
Thanks ALL the staff for putting in all the work that you do and doing what you can when you can. It's been said time and time again but this place wouldn't be the same without any of us.
Oh god, I hope I haven't forgotten anyone...