42 Day Summer 512
With irritated, fearful and outright terrified eyes he was watched and secluded as if he were some form of plague or something of the sort. The ferry wasn’t exactly full as they travelled across and to the docks from the main entrance where he was subjected to a less than warm welcome there. He hadn’t even considered doing anything here thus far and he was treated like some form of villain that needed to be destroyed. Perhaps it had something to do with his race. He shrugged while a soft and even sadistic smile caressed his lips even though it happened subconsciously. A slight roll of his eyes took form as he watched a small child, human or something being pulled closer to what he could only guess would be his mother. The word in the common tongue came forth from that lady that indicated that he was a monster. Hardly. A Monster. He would have to show that lady what a monster was. A few bells passed and he didn’t move or even indicated that he was bothered in any way and as he leaned against the railing of the ferry as it carried forward, he would cross his arms and close his eyes as if hitting that meditation stage. A man, another human he believed, even though an odd smell came from him indicating otherwise, a mutt perhaps? He came out and spoke loudly, telling all that the docks were just ahead and to depart carefully. With a gentle, well places push off the railing he was now standing on his own accord and with a natural glance around to take in the view he couldn’t help but notice the woman, older, still holding the child was casting an awful look towards him. A revolted look. That was it. The blood in his veins boiled and the instinct of rage took over. His bare and clawed feet dug down as he curled his blade like toes, causing a screeching sound to lift into the airwaves. It was sort of like taking a sharp piece metal and scraping it across another piece. The woman cowered as his wings, vigorously exploded outwards and he leapt into the air and towards her. The boat just docked at that very moment and people were in a panic. The child was ripped from his hand, viciously and tossed like a useless piece of trash, splashing a good hundred feet away into the open channel that they were in moments before. The woman hadn’t a chance as his clawed hand found itself embedded into his chest cavity. He didn’t intend on killing her but the rage he felt forced it to be true. The eyes were what he enjoyed the most, staring in them as the life was quite literally draining from her. It got him off and the joyful look on his facial features were quite evident as people cowered in their fearful frozen state or ran for their pathetic and pointless lives. The free and clenched hand opened and with a care free attitude she fell to the deck below spewing out a few gurgling sounds which indicated her life was pretty much finished. A grip at his left side indicated someone was there and with a quick turn, jolt even he would open his eyes. A puzzled look was there on his facial features for a chime or two before a little composure rippled back to him. The jolt was nothing more than the boat hitting the dock itself and it snapped him out of his daydream like murder. A low chuckle in that ominous tone took from him as he did take note of the little child and lady not all that far, trying to get off the boat before he did. A sigh of irritation and even relief took note as he stepped onto the dock itself. His bat, leathery wings adjusted ever so slightly on his shoulders that created the cloak like image. “Finally” He exclaimed as he took his first step to what he felt could be a good adventure for him. The excitement was rather thrilling for him. There were many many people here and frankly speaking he wondered what each and every one of them tasted like. A stalking formation took to his mind and attention without even him knowing it. This was so much more different than the wilds where people were a rarity. This was going to be fun. OOCThe Murder was a daydream and didn't actually happen. Don't kill me. haha |