[Verified by Kraken] Ayana the Seamstress

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Ayana the Seamstress

Postby Ayana on August 28th, 2012, 8:10 am


Race: Eypharian
Age: 24
Birthday: Spring 27, 488 A.V.
Gender: Female

Fluent - Arumenic
Basic - Common
Poor - Shiber

Physical Description - A willowy frame covered in fair, shimmering skin, Ayana is a walking wall of colour and shine. Her hair is a naturally rich brown, but has been coloured and changed many times. The current colour is purple. Her hair hangs down in long curls, covering shoulders, the dark colour making her neck stand stark. Her six arms tend to draw in a lot of attention, but they are her pride and joy.

~ A seamstress by trade, Ayana has studied thread and fabric since she was very young, starting with scarves and wraps. Sewing was her passion for many years, but it never captured her attention the way colours could. So bright. So vivid. Adding vibrancy and emotion to a lifeless piece of cloth. However, as much as she wanted to learn and steady dye making, to add that spark to her own work, there weren't many in Ahnatep who were willing to train her and give her work.

Dismayed, but not deterred, she continued asking around for training, and eventually came upon a travelling merchant named Centroc. He told her of The Spires, a foreign city way up in the north, where he sometimes brought supplies to. There was a dye maker there, one who offered training and work. The offer was made for her to accompany him on his travel back north. She jumped at the chance, taking only a few essentials and currency as Centroc, her and another Eypharian woman bound for the same destination, headed out.~

Skill Exp Total Level
Sewing +30 - Sp 30xp Compatent
Dye Making +20 - Sp 20xp Novice
Weapon: Scimitar +10 - Rb 10xp Novice

Thick fabric needs thick stitches (Stitching for beginners)
Blue makes Blue (Ingredients for Blue Dye Base)

1 Waterskin
1 Backpack
Food for a week
1 pound smoked salmon (Rainbow)
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
Sewing Kit
10 yards of white fabric (cotton)
Father's old Scimitar (Heirloom)
1 Wool Cloak
1 White linen dress (Average)
1 pair of leather boots (High)

1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)

Event Gain or Loss Total
Starting +100 GM !00 GM
Housing cash in +500 GM 600 GM
Bought Sewing Kit -18 GM 582 GM
Bought Fabric -1 GM 581 GM
Garth's Rest Payment -15 GM 566 GM
Smoked Salmon -3 GM 563 GM

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Posts: 13
Words: 6665
Joined roleplay: August 26th, 2012, 8:26 am
Race: Eypharian
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