64th Spring, 510 A.V. The Royet Theatre was dark for the most part this late at night. The ghost lamp kept the auditorium itself dimly lit, and the oil lamps everywhere else were trimmed low for the night. A few of the more driven apprentices were practicing their craft in the rehearsal halls, singing, dancing, going through forms with weapons, reciting monologues, running scenes. In his dressing room, was finishing the dregs of his tea. The makeup from the performance was already removed, only a bit of kohl still smudged around his eyelashes that wouldn't come off without a thorough washing. No matter, he was only going home tonight, and then returning to the theater on the morrow to perform again. Ah, the life of the repertory theater company! He rose, shaking off the weariness, and doffed his bathrobe for something light and more formal in which to return home. Everything he wore was a costume, and he had to be the eldest son of the eldest son of the venerable Sadiki of the North Winds when he was not being somebody else on stage. The sedan chair would be ready, he knew. He merely had to prepare himself for the show. Straightening, he made all traces of exhaustion disappear by sheer will power, and opened his door. With any luck, he thought as he walked down the hall, Aru will be waiting, having made contact with the man who did dealings for Anubis. |