by Khasara re Menehat on September 20th, 2013, 4:20 pm
Hey Sahova!
My name is Jameson and I play Khasara. I also play a Symenestra in Kalinor, Vetari Violet, and a Dhani in Kenash, Nalahessarajor. I'm 17 and an aspiring game designer/programmer. Currently a starving college student, I have the energy to do things and the time to do things, but no money. As such I've fallen on inexpensive hobbies, of which this is one! I'm often on here daily for several hours at a time, so you can expect quick and thoughtful responses to any thread you're in with me. Please, let me know if you want to thread with me, as I need more experience here!
Also, as a side note, I'd be happy to guest moderate for anyone who needs/wants it. Let me know!
And, in response to the seasonal quest offer, I'm gonna have to say that I am all over that. I really wanna do it! Let me in pleeeeeease. I have to have passed my Judgement already to participate? Cause I won't be IC done with that until Fall 40th...
In Sanity,
Last edited by
Khasara re Menehat on September 20th, 2013, 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.