Lets fly her PM pigeonsI've just realized I've pretty much become the welcoming committee. Oh well, its a role I do relish in! I think I've got the brochures ready:
"Hello and welcome to Sahova, the Sylira vacation hotspot for all your insane megalomaniacal wizarding needs! The Citadel is the prime destination for all newcomers, where adequate Quarters are provided for all your squishy meatbag needs. The Common Labs are open for those searching for a good time with magic, though do keep in mind that the Council bears no responsibility for hazardous explosion related injuries or deaths. All complaints are encouraged to be taken to
Counciler Aelobius. The Courtyard is always a fun place to visit, don't mind the Mistress she's just prefers the company of the dead to the living! For those with a more adventurous mindset feel free to sample the lovely scenery of the Testing Grounds, any and all stories of people being eaten alive are greatly exaggerated.
We hope you enjoy your stay and remember, the army of the undead is recruiting today!"
Or something such. Oh, and I'll give them a nudge to drop by here and introduce themselves!