SSoooo I shall start with Anna's questions
1) Wizards can have as many apprentices as they want or they can afford
2) Answered by one, but yes Wizards pay out of their grants for the apprentices
3) ACTUALLY for most slaves and apprentices its more like one meal every 3-4 days, but Players are often the exceptions so usually they are sent to a lab that either has no apprentice, or has very few, so they can on average get fed once every other day. Thomas started out getting 1 meal every 2 days
. And yes a Wizard has to pay more to feed their apprentice more, thus why most don't bother to feed them better at all lol.
4) The Judgement is not the actual thing that gives someone an apprenticeship. Instead think of it as a filter that weeds out good POTENTIAL candidates and sends them to selected Wizards they think would benefit from their assistance. These Wizards usually have put in a request for an apprentice, and the Judgement is the process of sending them possible Apprentice Candidates. The Wizard though can choose to take on the apprentice or not himself, and on the flip side he can also choose to take on someone even if they failed the judgement. Hope that helps!
5) There is going to be a Caretaker NPC who oversees the Common Labs and the lecture halls within the Gug Andjak. I have not added him/her yet because there hasn't been a need, but if you want to use a lecture hall you have to schedule it through this person
. If players are interested in doing this I will establish this NPC right away!