by Mirage on June 22nd, 2014, 9:34 pm
Hello my lovely Sahovans!
As I promised my activity is dropping by the day lol. I am trying to keep up with PM's, and Ill be doing some grading this week, but more and more you will only be seeing me as random glimpses on the forum doing replies and every once in a while Ill pop in chat just to be a presence while I do other work IRL. Still though I am answering PM's as quickly as I can, and if you need permissions for NPC's, location uses or if you have ideas for quests you and your friends would like to go on do not hesitate to PM me for permissions! For the rest of the summer I am handing out privileges to self mod usually off limit NPC's and locations so that players can fully enjoy what Sahova has to offer even when I cannot personally be involved with the threads. I am giving priority to players who have been here the longest, and who have shown they have a good track record in Sahova and game wide. Currently several PC's have permission already to self mod key NPCs in Sahova. Annalisa Marin can self mod Amaryllis, Riyanna Sterder (and her initiates) and Kierra Doma. She can also self mod Wanda the Spiritist lol, as well as Roknus Maelstrom. As she is one of my oldest players she has permission to self mod every location (save for the Vault of course lol) after she gets plots approved by me.
Clyde can self mod threads with Thelma Jenkins, Thomas has permission to self mod all of the NPC's associated with Lab 15 and the Archwizard (with permission from me), Rayage can mod higher NPC's such as Lector Qiao, and several other PC's will soon be gaining permissions to self mod their own respective Master NPC's over their labs. If you are curious if you can self mod an NPC, or do a quest in a certain location just send me a PM and I will give the yes or no, or suggest someone whom I believe would be a good fit for a thread partner in those particular areas. any quests or plots that you want to pursue that normally would involve moderator activity simply PM a summary write up to me (inclued NPC write ups if it involves NPCs) and I will tweak the quest and give permissions where they are due!
Even though your DS cannot be around as much as they would like, I would STILL like to make sure you all have fun here and develop your character stories to the fullest! So PM me your ideas. If I am slow to PM do not panic. I will get to you ASAP. So as always my lovelies, Happy Writing!
Question your Reality,